1 research outputs found

    Effect of Chandana Bala Lakshadi Taila Abhyanga with Poshaka Laddu & Nutri Recharge Powder in Bala Shosha (Kuposhana Janya Vyadhi)

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    Introduction: In Ayurveda Bala Shosha is known as Kuposhan Janya Vyadhi and it is viewed under Malnutritional or PEM disorder. Malnutrition is a common health problem in preschool children of developing countries including in India. As per WHO poor feeding of infant and young children resulting in under nutrition is the single and most important factor for diseases. The malnourished child needs proper Ahara and Aaushadh for normal growth and protecting disease. So, we have made suitable plan to a child.   Aim: To evaluate the effect of Candana Bala Lakshadi Taila Abhyanga, Poshaka Laddu, Nurticharge Powder internally in Bala Shosha (Kuposhana Janya Vyadhi). Material & Method: The clinical study was conducted in 30 Malnourished Children pre and post evaluation without control. The Study setting Department of Koumarbhritya (Bal-Roga), Shubhdeep Ayurved Medical College, Indore M.P. This study is come under the project of Govt. of M.P. in supervision of Indore collector and funded by Govt. of M.P. Result: The effect of Nuticharge powder, Poshak Laddu & Abhyanga on child weight and M.U.A.C is statistically significant (P= 0.01). It showed that the treatment significantly increases the weight and mid under arm circumference of malnourished children. Conclusion: Here in this study a small group was taken for the study which is equated with the PEM & Kuposhana Janya Vyadhi