7 research outputs found

    Kajian Kelembagaan terhadap Keberhasilan Kelompok Tani Hutan Rakyat di Desa Durjela Kecamatan Pulau-pulau Aru Kepulauan Aru, Maluku

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    An institution has an important supporting role ini the management of forest community. In general the institutional system for forest community adopts aself-management. It has a certain degree of influence on its members\u27 compliance to its regulation. It is expented to be able to provide solution to the problems of farmers.This study was intended to examine the institutional system of forest community. The institutional system refers to such aspect as regulation, guides, forms of agreement, decision masking, value system, institutional capacity and knowingthe level of successthathas beenachievedbya groupof farmersin the Durjela villagecommunity forest management. These results indicate that institutional forest farmer groups in the Durjela village formed from assistance programs and community desires. Institutional system Durjela Village farmer groups in the form of an agreement that is made of non-formal, Guidelines rooted in religion and local wisdom, decision making by consensus, the value system is characterized by the perception of the essence of life is good, working to make ends meet, oriented to future, the success of Durjela Village farmer groups included in the rate was due to the structural aspects, aspects of membership in the institutional and cultural aspects have not been entirely successful

    Persepsi Kelompok Tani Terhadap Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat “Budidaya Lebah Madu Apismellifera” Di Tahura Ir. H. Djuanda Bandung

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    One work program of the Central Management Forest ParkIr. H.Juandain 2013 is the empowerment of communities through activities Apismellifera bee keeping and mushroom cultivation tim berintended forrural communities around Forest ParkIr. H.Juandathe Village Langensari and Ciburial. The purpose of this researchis to find out the perceptions and attitudes offarmers\u27 groups towards community empowerment programs around Forest Park. The results of the study explained that the perception of farmers\u27 group is to agree with the holding of beekeeping program, where they already understand the importance of beekeeping for environmental conservation and increase their income. However, for the attitude of farmers\u27 groups in the running in the category of low because farmers are not motivated to do beekeeping. due to limited feed, difficulties in the herd of bees, funding, technical assistance and efforts to address the threat

    Pendugaan Cadangan Karbon di Atas Permukaan Tanah di Areal Kampus Universitas Nusa Bangsa

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    The objective of this study was to determine the amount of carbon in the surface soil that can be absorbed by the vegetations in the all area of Nusa Bangsa University (UNB). This research was conducted in the UNB\u27sarea with its boundary is equal limits of the UNB\u27s area thattotal area UNB\u27s is 12,082 m2. Data inventoried from UNB area is undergrowth class,little, middle and big tree class and also palmae class.The results of this study showed the amount of carbon absorbed on the surface vegetation in the UNB campus is at 61.8 tonnes of carbon which absorbed by the undergrowth class (diameter 2 cm) consisting of 284 individual and 7 types palmae group consisting of 94 individuals

    Dampak Peralihan Fungsi Kawasan Hutan terhadap Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat (Studi Kasus: Kampung Lembur Pasir, Desa Ginanjar, Kecamatan Ciambar, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat)

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    Change region switch the function of limited production forest area of the reserve has implications for the shape of people's activities in the region are limited. This study aims to determine the impact of the transition Perhutani office production forests into conservation forest area of the National Park on the socioeconomic conditions of rural communities around the area hutan. Metode research is a case study where data collection is done by using questionnaires and in-depth interviews and analysis of descriptive data. The results showed the impact of transfer of forest land to the socio-economic conditions of rural communities around the forest area, the social aspects of a decline in the number of pengarap land and increasing types of livelihood (of 6 types to 13 types of livelihood) and from the economic aspect, noticeable decrease in the use of firewood by the head of each family as well as a decline in revenue on each head of family who make their livelihood as this penggarap. Implications for the various issues that arise in the community where it takes an intensive development program

    Peran Pemangku Kepentingan dalam Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai

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    A watershed is a natural resource management unit, in which there are resources that are managed by the government, private, and community. The role of the various stakeholders, helped influence on changes in the physical characteristics of the watershed. The existence and role of the various stakeholders in a watershed to be important in restoring watershed ecosystem function and maintain watershed conditions. For that, this study aims to examine the role of stakeholders and power relations that exists in the management of Hulu Cisadane subzone. Data was collected by in-depth interviews and field observations and study of literature. Analisisi data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the position and role of stakeholders kepentigan namely Instasi government, private and Peoples, which is categorized as a group decision (appropriator), providers and the producent, where the role of these stakeholders still overlap led to weak policies interference with the watershade function