34 research outputs found

    Diatom silicon isotope ratios in Quaternary research: Where do we stand?

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    Silicon stable isotope ratios (expressed as δ30Si) in biogenic silica have been widely used as a proxy for past and present biogeochemical cycling in both marine and lacustrine settings, in particular for nutrient utilization reconstructions. Yet an analysis of publication trends suggests a significant decline in the application of δ30Si to Quaternary science questions in the last five years. At the same time as δ30Si proxy applications have decreased, we are learning more about its complexities: an expanding body of work is highlighting biases, caveats or complications involved in the application of δ30Si-based approaches to the sediment record. These include the demonstration of species-specific silicon isotope fractionation factors (i.e. ‘vital effects’) or the potential for Fe or other trace metals to influence silicon isotope fractionation. Others have inferred the potential of biogenic silica dissolution to alter an initial δ30Si value, or questioned the preservation of the initial δ30Si through early diagenetic processes more generally. Another challenge receiving more attention is centered around deconvolving a δ30Si-value into a signal reflecting biological productivity and a signal reflecting changes in the δ30Si of dissolved silicon driven by whole-system and/or circulation changes. Finally, a number of studies focus on analytical difficulties, especially during sample preparation related to achieving and demonstrating a contaminant free biogenic silica. These challenges lead us to posit that the Quaternary science community is moving away from silicon isotope proxies because they are losing confidence in their reliability and usefulness. Here, focusing on the diatoms – the dominant biosilicifiers in both lakes and the ocean – we synthesize progress in understanding nuances and caveats of δ30Si-based proxies in order to answer whether the fall-off in δ30Si-based Quaternary research is warranted. We suggest that with some simple steps that can be readily implemented, and with the closing of key knowledge gaps, there is no reason to believe silicon isotopes do not have a promising future in the Quaternary sciences

    Using stable isotopes to estimate young water fractions in a heavily regulated, tropical lowland river basin

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    The young water fraction of streamflow (Fyw), an important hydrological variable, has been calculated for the first time, for a monsoon‐fed coastal catchment in northern Vietnam. Oxygen stable isotopes (δ18O) from six river sites in the Day River Basin (DRB) were analysed monthly, between January 2015 and December 2018. River δ18O signatures showed sine wave variability, reflecting the amount effect and tropical (dry‐rainy) seasonality of the region. The δ18O composition of precipitation ranged from −12.67 to +1.68‰, with a mean value of −5.14‰, and in‐streamflow signatures ranged from −11.63 to −1.37‰ with a mean of −5.02‰. Fractions of young water (Fyw) were calculated from the unweighted and flow‐weighted δ18O composition of samples. Unweighted Fyw ranged between 29 ± 8% and 82 ± 21% with a mean value of 51 ± 19%, and was not significantly different from flow‐weighted Fyw (range between 33 ± 25% and 92 ± 73%, mean 52 ± 36%). Both unweighted and flow‐weighted Fyw were highest in the middle of stream and lowest in downstream sites, capturing the impacts of landuse changes, hydrology and human activities in the catchment. Our calculations imply that more than a half of rainwater reaches the DRB river mainstream within the first 3 months. The Fyw is much higher than the global average (of one‐third) and insensitive to discharge due to the combination of a humid catchment with high rainfall, low storage capacity, flat landscape and an intensive drainage system in the DRB. Also the low discharge sensitivity of Fyw in the DRB implies that the regional hydrology is severely altered by humans

    Investigating the role of hydrological connectivity on the processing of organic carbon in tropical aquatic ecosystems

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    Inland waters are highways of carbon and nutrient flows between the land and ocean. Aquatic environments integrate multiple sources and processes over space and time that influence ecosystem functionality. The complexity of these systems and their multiple interactions with the surrounding environment are conceptualised, but often lack empirical scrutiny that allows further understanding of how inland waters mobilise, transport, and utilise carbon and nutrients. This is particularly evident in tropical waters. Here, we apply advanced geochemical analyses of dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition in conjunction with algal pigment biomarkers, to determine the seasonal variability of organic matter production, processing and export for a tropical, floodpulse wetland, Tasik Chini (Malaysia). We identify two phases in the hydrological cycle: Phase 1 signifying a transition from the wet season with high suspended sediment and dissolved organic carbon concentrations. DOM is composed of humic substances, building blocks and lower molecular weight compounds. Towards the end this phase then are periods of increased water clarity and algal productivity. This is followed by Phase 2, which has a greater contribution of autochthonous DOM, composed of proteinaceous material, concomitant with lower dissolved nutrient concentrations, increased mixotrophic algae and emergent vegetation. Based on this framework, we highlight the role of such tropical wetland lakes as hydrological “bottlenecks,” through a lentic/lotic switch that shifts aquatic transport of carbon and nutrients from lateral river continuum supply to flood pulses. We highlight the need to consider inherent biases of spatial and temporal scaling when examining freshwater ecosystems along the land-ocean aquatic continuum

    Anthropogenic impacts on the water chemistry of a transboundary river system in Southeast Asia

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    The Red River originating from Yunnan province, China is the second largest river in Vietnam in terms of length and discharge. Combination of water chemistry monitoring data of 4 years (2018–2022) from different sub-basins of the Red River (the Da, Lo, Thao, Tra Ly, and Day) with historical datasets indicates a decline in pH from 8.1 in 2000 to 7.7 in 2021, greater CO2 concentrations and a shift from waters naturally dominated by carbonate weathering to waters dominated by evaporite weathering. Such changes were most apparent in the delta area where heavy human activities have increased influxes of most dissolved chemicals, except SiO2. Evaporite weathering is particularly enhanced by mining and deforestation occurring in upstream regions of both China and Vietnam. Pyrite oxidation, alongside silicate weathering, is enhanced along the Red River Fault Zone but reduced in tributaries with a higher proportion of hydropower reservoirs. Longer water residence times in these large reservoirs (total volume > 2.7x1010 m3) located in the Da and Lo sub-basins have also increased primary productivity, leading to higher evasion/uptake of CO2 and SiO2, lower total dissolved solids (TDS), and higher pH. The total physical and chemical denudation rates of upstream mountain tributaries ranged between 0.107 ± 0.108 and 0.139 ± 0.137 mm yr−1, mainly due to reservoir implementation and instream aquatic biogeochemistry changes. Our findings demonstrate that anthropogenic activities are profound factors impacting the water chemistry of the Red River system

    Using lake sediments to assess the long-term impacts of anthropogenic activity in tropical river deltas

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    Tropical river deltas, and the social-ecological systems they sustain, are changing rapidly due to anthropogenic activity and climatic change. Baseline data to inform sustainable management options for resilient deltas is urgently needed and palaeolimnology (reconstructing past conditions from lake or wetland deposits) can provide crucial long-term perspectives needed to identify drivers and rates of change. We review how palaeolimnology can be a valuable tool for resource managers using three current issues facing tropical delta regions: hydrology and sediment supply, salinisation and nutrient pollution. The unique ability of palaeolimnological methods to untangle multiple stressors is also discussed. We demonstrate how palaeolimnology has been used to understand each of these issues, in other aquatic environments, to be incorporated into policy. Palaeolimnology is a key tool to understanding how anthropogenic influences interact with other environmental stressors, providing policymakers and resource managers with a ‘big picture’ view and possible holistic solutions that can be implemented

    Influence of the ratio of planktonic to benthic diatoms on lacustrine organic matter δ13C from Erlongwan maar lake, northeast China

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    Carbon isotope ratio (δ13Corg) values of organic matter in lake sediments are commonly used to reconstruct environmental change, but the factors which influence change are varied and complex. Here we report δ13C values for sediments from Erlongwan maar lake in northeast China. In this record, changes in δ13C cannot be explained by simple changes in aquatic productivity. Instead, values were likely influenced by differences in the ratio between planktonic and benthic algae, as indicated by the remains of diatoms. This is because the variation of δ13Corg in algae from different habitats is controlled by the thickness of the diffusive boundary layer, which is dependent on the turbulence of the water. Compared with benthic algae, which grow in relatively still water, pelagic algae are exposed to greater water movement. This is known to dramatically reduce the thickness of the boundary layer and was found to cause even more severe δ13C depletion. In Erlongwan maar lake, low values were linked to the dominance of planktonic diatoms during the period commonly known as the Medieval Warm Period. Values gradually increased with the onset of the Little Ice Age, which we interpret as being driven by an increase in the proportion of benthic taxa, due to effect of the colder climate. The increase in planktonic diatoms at the end of the Little Ice Age, linked to higher temperature and a reduction in ice cover, resulted in a further decline in δ13Corg

    In flux: Annual transport and deposition of suspended heavy metals and trace elements in the urbanised, tropical Red River Delta, Vietnam

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    Due to the depositional environment, river deltas are said to act as filters and sinks for pollutants. However, many deltas are also densely populated and rapidly urbanizing, creating new and increased sources of pollutants. These sources pose the risk of tipping these environments from pollution sinks to sources, to the world's oceans. We provide detailed seasonal and annual assessments of metal contaminants in riverine suspended particulate matter (SPM) across the densely populated Red River Delta (RRD), Vietnam. The global contributions of elements from the RRD are all 40) and concentrations of As higher than national regulation limits (>17 mg/Kg) at all sites other than one upstream, agricultural-dominated tributary in the dry season. These ‘hotspots’ are characterised by high inputs of organic matter (e.g. manure fertiliser and urban wastewater), which influences elemental mobility in the particulate and dissolved phases, and are potentially significant sources of pollution downstream. In addition, in the marine and fresh water mixing zone, salinity effects metal complexation with organic matter increasing metals in the particulate phase. Our calculations indicate that the delta is currently acting as a pollutant sink (as determined by high levels of pollutant deposition ∼50%). However, increased in-washing of pollutants and future projected increases in monsoon intensity, saline intrusion, and human activity could shift the delta to become a source of toxic metals. We show the importance of monitoring environmental parameters (primarily dissolved organic matter and salinity) in the RRD to assess the risk of transport and accumulation of toxic metals in the delta sediments, which can lead to net-increases in anthropogenic pollution in the coastal zone and the incorporation of toxic elements in the food chain

    Identifying the controls on nitrate and metabolic state within the Red River delta (Vietnam) with the use of stable isotopes

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    In many places around the world, anthropogenic activities have resulted in nitrate (NO3−) pollution and changes in the metabolic state of aquatic ecosystems. Here we combined stable isotope and physico-chemical monitoring to assess the sources of NO3− and the overall metabolic state within the Red River delta, Vietnam. River water stable isotope compositions (δ18O-H2O) ranged between −11.2 and −2.7 ‰, δ18O-NO3− between −7.1 and + 29.7 ‰ and δ15N-NO3− between −3.9 and + 14.0 ‰. We identified the dominant NO3− sources as: 1) soil leachate, 2) domestic waste flushed from urban areas, and 3) NH4+ fertilizers washed from paddy fields. The relative impact of each source depends on geographical location within the delta and the time of year, due to dilution and concentration effects during wet and dry seasons. The primary NO3−source upstream is natural soil leachates, predominantly from tributaries connected to the Red River’s main stream. Within the middle-lower section of Red River delta, urban pollution from manure and septic waste reaches as high as 50 % of the total NO3− load during dry season. NO3− leached from fertilizers is also high at sites in the middle of the delta, related to agricultural activities. Dissolved oxygen isotope (δ18O-O2) values calculated from δ18O-H2O and δ18O-NO3− values indicate that the aquatic metabolism is net autotrophic (oxygen from primary production exceeds consumption by respiration), but high inputs of biodegradable organic matter from untreated domestic waste and high rates of sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) have resulted in the whole river system becoming undersaturated in oxygen. High NO3− loads and low DO saturation are of critical concern and require mitigation practices to improve water quality for millions of people

    Urbanization and seasonality strengthens the CO2 capacity of the Red River Delta, Vietnam

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    Tropical rivers are dynamic CO2 sources. Regional patterns in the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and relationships with other a/biotic factors in densely populated and rapidly developing river delta regions of Southeast Asia are still poorly constrained. Over one year, at 21 sites across the river system in the Red River Delta (RRD), Vietnam, we calculated pCO2 levels from temperature, pH, and total alkalinity and inter-linkages between pCO2 and phytoplankton, water chemistry and seasonality were then assessed. The smaller, more urbanized, and polluted Day River had an annual median pCO2 of 5000 ± 3300 µatm and the larger Red River of 2675 ± 2271 µatm. pCO2 was 1.6 and 3.2 times higher during the dry season in the Day and Red rivers respectively than the rainy season. Elevated pCO2 levels in the Day River during the dry season were also 2.4-fold higher than the median value (2811 ±  3577 µatm) of calculated and direct pCO2 measurements in >20 sub/tropical rivers. By further categorizing the river data into Hanoi City vs. other less urban-populated provinces, we found significantly higher nutrients, organic matter content, and riverine cyanobacteria during the dry season in the Day River across Hanoi City. Forward selection also identified riverine cyanobacteria and river discharge as the main predictors explaining pCO2 variation in the RRD. After accounting for the shared effects (14%), river discharge alone significantly explained 12% of the pCO2 variation, cyanobacteria uniquely a further 21%, while 53% of the pCO2 variance was unexplained by either. We show that the urbanization of rivers deltas could result in increased sources of riverine pCO2, water pollution, and harmful cyanobacterial blooms

    Urbanization and seasonality strengthens the CO2 capacity of the Red River Delta, Vietnam

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    Tropical rivers are dynamic CO2 sources. Regional patterns in the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and relationships with other a/biotic factors in densely populated and rapidly developing river delta regions of Southeast Asia are still poorly constrained. Over one year, at 21 sites across the river system in the Red River Delta (RRD), Vietnam, we calculated pCO2 levels from temperature, pH, and total alkalinity and inter-linkages between pCO2 and phytoplankton, water chemistry and seasonality were then assessed. The smaller, more urbanized, and polluted Day River had an annual median pCO2 of 5,000 ± 3,300 µatm and the larger Red River of 2,675 ± 2,271 µatm. pCO2 was 1.6 and 3.2 times higher during the dry season in the Day and Red rivers respectively than the rainy season. Elevated pCO2 levels in the Day River during the dry season were also 2.4-fold higher than the median value (2,811 ± 3,577 µatm) of calculated and direct pCO2 measurements in > 20 sub/tropical rivers. By further categorizing the river data into Hanoi City vs. other less urban-populated provinces, we found significantly higher nutrients, organic matter content, and riverine cyanobacteria during the dry season in the Day River across Hanoi City. Forward selection also identified riverine cyanobacteria and river discharge as the main predictors explaining pCO2 variation in the RRD. After accounting for the shared effects (14%), river discharge alone significantly explained 12% of the pCO2 variation, cyanobacteria uniquely a further 21%, while 53% of the pCO2 variance was unexplained by either. We show that the urbanization of rivers deltas could result in increased sources of riverine pCO2, water pollution, and harmful cyanobacterial blooms. Such risks could be mitigated through water management to increase water flows in problem areas during the dry season