194 research outputs found

    Acute generalized, widespread bleeding. Diagnosis and management

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Acute generalized, widespread bleeding is often related to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), a pathologic process which complicates the clinical course of many diseases and is characterized by huge amounts of thrombin and plasmin within the circulation. The final result is the consumption of platelets, coagulation factors and inhibitors, as well as secondary hyperfibrinolysis, all leading to diffuse hemorrhage and microthromboses. This review article examines the present attitudes to the diagnosis and treatment of overt DIC in clinical practice, emphasizing the importance of an accurate differential diagnosis from some other processes characterized by acute generalized, widespread bleeding. INFORMATION SOURCES: The authors have been working in this field, both at experimental and clinical levels, contributing original papers for many years. In addition, material examined in this review includes articles published in journals covered by MedLine, recent reviews in journals with high impact factor and in relevant books on hemostasis and thrombosis. STATE OF ART AND PERSPECTIVES: DIC is an intermediary mechanism of disease which complicates the clinical course of many well-known disorders. Although the systemic hemorrhagic syndrome is the predominant clinical manifestation, massive intravascular thrombosis frequently occurs contributing to ischemia and associated organ damage, making the mortality rate of this condition high. Current concepts on the pathophysiology, laboratory diagnosis and management of DIC are presented. Complex pathophysiological interrelations make the diagnosis of the etiology of the DIC difficult in clinical practice, although simple tests are useful for identification of patients with the process. Laboratory diagnosis of DIC is mainly based on screening assays, which allow a rapid diagnosis, whereas some other highly sensitive but more complex assays are not always available to routine clinical laboratories. The management of DIC is based on the treatment of the underlying disease, supportive and replacement therapies and the control of the coagulation mechanisms. Although some advances have been achieved, management decisions are still controversial, so that therapy should be highly individualized depending on the nature of the DIC and severity of clinical symptoms. Many syndromes sharing common findings with DIC, such as primary hyperfibrinolysis or thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, should be excluded. Finally, new therapeutic approaches to the management of this potentially catastrophic syndrome are require

    Do the low molecular weight heparins improve efficacy and safety of the treatment of deep venous thrombosis? A meta-analysis

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    We compared the efficacy and safety of low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) and unfractionated heparin (UFH) in the treatement of deep venous thrombosis (DVT). A comparison between two daily subcutaneous injections of LMWH against a single injection was also performed. DESIGN AND METHODS: The study was performed by a meta-analysis. Clot improvement in venography, recurrency, total mortality and major hemorrhages were assessed in 4,472 patients with DVT from 21 studies treated with subcutaneous LMWH or UFH. RESULTS: An improvement in clot reduction (odds ratio 0.73, 95% confidence interval 0.59 to 0.90, p = 0.004), a decrease in total mortality (0. 68, 0.50 to 0.91, p = 0.012) and a lower incidence of hemorrhage (0. 65, 0.43 to 0.98, p = 0.047) were observed in LMWH treated patients. There were no differences in recurrences (0.78, 0.59 to 1.04, p = 0. 10). A single dose of LMWH was better than two in reducing major bleeding (c2 = 4.99, p = 0.025); however, the two dose regimen was more effective in clot reduction (c2 = 8.56, p = 0.004). INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS: LMWH is superior to UFH in terms of safety and efficacy. A single daily dose of LMWH dose is a suitable therapeutic regimen and could facilitate the outpatient treatment of venous thromboembolism

    Toward the biochemical assessment of myocardial fibrosis in hypertensive patients

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    The serum concentrations of amino-terminal procollagen type III and carboxy-terminal procollagen type I-derived peptides, which have been proposed as useful markers of the tissue synthesis of collagen types III and type I, respectively, were abnormally increased in patients with essential hypertension and became normal after angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition. An association was found between baseline serum concentrations of these peptides and left ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction, and ventricular arrhythmias in hypertensive patients. On the other hand, increased serum concentration of the carboxy-terminal procollagen type I-derived peptide was found in spontaneously hypertensive rats compared with normotensive Wistar-Kyoto control rats. An association was found between the serum concentration of this peptide and the extent of myocardial fibrosis and the hydroxyproline concentration in the left ventricle of spontaneously hypertensive rats. It is proposed that procollagen-derived peptides in serum may be markers of exaggerated collagen tissue synthesis involved in hypertensive myocardial fibrosis

    Emergence of Secondary Acute Leukemia in a Patient Treated for Osteosarcoma: Implications of Germline TP53 Mutations

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    Secondary leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes have been reported in patients following treatment for a wide range of neoplastic disorders. However second malignancies after chemotherapy and/or irradiation for osteosarcoma are unusual. PROCEDURE: We report the case of a 15-year-old girl who developed a myelodysplastic syndrome with evolution to acute nonlymphocytic leukemia after treatment for osteosarcoma. Therapy-related acute leukemia karyotype findings such as abnormalities of chromosomes 5, 7, and 17 were found in the cytogenetic analysis. Moreover, using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and DNA sequencing, we detected the presence of a double germline mutation in exon 7 of the TP53 gene. CONCLUSION: This observation supports the possibility of a causal relationship between germline TP53 mutations and the development of secondary leukemia and myelodysplasi

    Pathological and virological findings in patients with persistent hypertransaminasaemia of unknown aetiology

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    BACKGROUND: The histopathological spectrum and role of hepatitis viruses in cases of hypertransaminasaemia of unknown aetiology have not been correctly analysed in a sufficiently large number of patients. METHODS: We studied 1075 consecutive patients referred for liver biopsy because of elevation of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels for more than six months. From this population we selected those cases in whom the aetiology could not be defined from clinical, biochemical, and serological data obtained before biopsy. In these patients liver biopsies were reviewed, and hepatitis B virus (HBV)-DNA and hepatitis C virus (HCV)-RNA were assayed in serum by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Serum hepatitis G virus (HGV)-RNA was determined by PCR in 74 patients. RESULTS: Of 1075 patients studied, the cause of the increased serum ALT levels remained elusive after appropriate testing in 109 patients (10.1%). Liver biopsies from these patients showed non-specific changes in 32.7% of cases, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in 15.8%, and chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis in 51.5%. HBV-DNA and/or HCV-RNA was detected more frequently in cryptogenic liver disease than in healthy blood donors (26.7% v 3.4%; p<0.001). HGV-RNA was found in only one patient. The proportion of cases with detectable HBV-DNA or HCV-RNA was 14.3% in patients with non-specific changes or NASH, 30.7% in patients with chronic hepatitis, and 61.5% in patients with cirrhosis. Cirrhosis was found more frequently in patients with positive HBV-DNA and/or HCV-RNA in serum than in those who tested negatively (p=0.005). CONCLUSIONS: In our series, patients in whom biochemical and serological data did not determine the aetiology of the disease represented 10% of all cases referred for liver biopsy for persistent elevation of serum transaminases. Approximately 50% of patients had chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis and the remainder had NASH or non-specific changes. Occult viral infections were found in a high proportion of cases in the first group and in a low percentage of patients in the second

    Long-term cardiac rehabilitation program favorably influences fibrinolysis and lipid concentrations in acute myocardial infarction

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The control of well-known atherosclerotic risk factors represents the optimal strategy in the prevention of acute coronary syndromes. It was the aim of this work to analyze the effects of a long-term cardiac rehabilitation program on the changes of fibrinolysis parameters and plasma lipid profile in coronary patients. DESIGN AND METHODS: The study was carried out in 30 (M/F:22/8, mean age 47 years) survivors of a first acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and in 30 healthy controls who underwent a cardiac rehabilitation program (9 months duration). Samples were taken before, at 3 and 9 months after the beginning of the program to measure: tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) antigen and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) activity and antigen. A lipid profile including cholesterol (both HDL and LDL) and lipoprotein(a) was also assessed. The Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests were used for statistical comparisons. RESULTS: There was a marked decrease of functional PAI-1 after 3 and 9 months as compared with baseline in AMI patients (p < 0.01). Results showed a significant increase of HDL-cholesterol (p < 0.01) and decrease of lipoprotein(a) levels after the exercise program (p < 0.01). INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS: The cardiac rehabilitation program improved fibrinolysis, by reducing the functional levels of PAI-1, and ameliorated the lipid profile by decreasing lipoprotein(a) and increasing HDL-cholesterol in patients with AMI. A long-term cardiac rehabilitation has positive effects on some risk factors for coronary disease

    La infusión de linfocitos efectores autólogos en combinación con rituximab de mantenimiento

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    SP-004 Introducción: La combinación de anticuerpos monoclonales anti CD20 con varios regimenes de quimioterapia se considera el tratamiento estándar en pacientes con linfoma folicular (LF). A pesar de los buenos resultados de este tratamiento, un porcentaje importante de los pacientes no se beneficia de esta terapia ensombreciendo de manera considerable su pronóstico. Nuestra hipótesis es que el tratamiento con una suspensión de linfocitos efectores autólogos expandidos ex vivo (células LAK) podría potenciar el efecto biológico del tratamiento con rituximab (R) mediante el incremento de la actividad ADCC. Investigamos la toxicidad y eficacia de dicho tratamiento con un ensayo clínico fase II. Métodos: Entre 2010 y 2012 se reclutaron 20 pacientes con LF en respuesta tras una primera línea de tratamiento con R-CHOP. El objetivo primario de este ensayo, multicéntrico, prospectivo y de un solo brazo fue evaluar la seguridad y eficacia de la infusión de células LAK (administradas cuatrimestralmente en los ciclos pares de R) en combinación con la pauta estándar de R de mantenimiento bimestral durante 2 años. La producción de células LAK se realizó a partir de células de sangre periférica extraídas en los ciclos impares de R para aislar células mononucleadas y estimularlas y expandirlas en cultivo con interleukina-2 durante 8 semanas. Uno de los objetivos secundarios del ensayo fue la evaluación de los fenotipos celulares y de la potencia biológica de las células LAK midiendo su actividad citotóxica. Este ensayo está registrado en ClinicalTrials.gov con número NCT01329354 Resultados: Se registraron 29 eventos adversos (EA) relacionados con la infusión de las células LAK. Las artralgias y las ..