25 research outputs found


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    As one of payment methods in international trade of goods, letter of credit is used more and more by exporters and importers all over the world. Letter of credit is commonly written as a text in English, which needs interpretation. The interpretation on L/C text also needs another text, i,e Uniform of Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit (UCP-DC) - an international publication by International Chamber of Commerce.  The failure in interpreting an L/C may cause financial loss for an exporter, an importer or paying bank, because the L/C contains instructions directly or indirectly for parties involved in the operative L/C. This article is written with 2 (two) aims. Firstly, it is aimed at interpreting both the implied and explicit instructions in letter of credit, and secondly at giving inspiration to English teachers to learn subjects other than English study. The first aim is unquestionable because the correct interpretation may lead to a success in flow of goods, documents of the goods, and payment. The second aim is crucial in relation to giving broader horizon to English teachers or lecturers, because English teachers are required to improve their knowledge when teaching commercial correspondence for international trade of goods (export-import of commodities). English teachers teaching  commercial correspondence for international trade cannot only depend on their English knowledge, but also on their knowledge on international trade includin


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    This article is a study of the Strategy Implemented by PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Pattimura Semarang Branch to Anticipate Fraud Related to Letter of Credit. The data used in this article are obtained through an interview with letter of Credit (L/C) department staff of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Pattimura Semarang Branch. The interviews were held 6 (six) times and each interview took two hours. As a paying or negotiating bank commonly honors drafts or makes payment to beneficiary (exporter) based only on documents, the bank may bear risks of financial loss. The potential financial loss by a bank is due to the custom and practice of documentary credit among the parties involved in an L/C transaction, which are based on documents, not on goods. A bank commonly honors draft presented by a beneficiary since the required documents presented to the bank are in compliance with terms and conditions stipulated in the L/C to prevent potential financial loss, the bank applies a certain strategy of carefulness


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    At the 12th ASEAN Summit, the leader of ASEAN members agree to accelerate the establishmentof ASEAN Community in 2015 and transform ASEAN region with free flow of goods; free flow ofservices; free flow of investment; free flow of skilled labor; and free flow of capital. The role ofport of port is crucial in economy development, the presence of capability port plays major rolein supporting people and goods mobility especially the presence of AEC whose element is freeflow of goods in ASEAN countries. To face AEC, people of Indonesia generally and Central Javaespecially need some strategies that they might not be a spectator in their own country.This undergraduate thesis uses qualitative method to describe the strategies of SemarangContainer Terminal in facing AEC and analyzed it by SWOT Analysis, SWOT diagram, and SWOT matrix. The result of IFAS is 3.6 and EFAS is 3.48, so that the position of Semarang Container Terminal is in quadrant 1, supporting aggressive strategy. The aggressive strategiesare maximizing the use of the existing facilities to increase company’s performance, reprogramRoad Show, and do socialization to stakeholder in cooperation with Central Java andYogyakarta government (SO Strategy in SWOT matrix).Key words: strategy, Semarang Container Terminal, ASEAN Economic Community, strength,opportunity

    The influence of Exchange Rate and Freight Cost Toward Export Volume of Adidas at PT Apparel One Indonesia 1 Semarang

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    Exports volume of Adidas from time to time is not stable because the amount always fluctuates and shows the decrease every year. This study aims to determine the effect of the exchange rate and freight cost partially and simultaneously on the export volume of Adidas at PT Apparel One Indonesia 1 and to find out how much all independent variables contribute to the dependent variable. The independent variables used in this study are the exchange rate and freight cost, while the dependent variable is the export volume of Adidas. This research uses an explanatory research type with a quantitative approach. The data used in this study is secondary data from literature reviews and observations, and comes from PT Apparel One Indonesia 1 with a time series from January 2014 to December 2019 and Bank Indonesia from January 2014 to December 2019. The output of this study shows that both variables affect export volume simultaneously. Meanwhile, partially, the exchange rate variable has a negative and significant effect on the export volume of Adidas. The freight cost variable has a negative and significant effect on the export volume of Adida

    The influence of Service Quality, Promotion, and Brand Image on Decision Making of Gojek Service Users to Students in Tembalang

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Service Quality, Promotion, and Brand Image on Decision Making of Gojek Service Users (A Case Study of Students Using Gojek Services in Tembalang Semarang). The data collection method is done by literature review and using a questionnaire. The questionnaire used is the Agree-Disagree Scale with a scale of 10. The sampling method using a purposive sampling method of 150 samples. Data processing is conducted using SPSS 24. Based on the calculations that have been done, the results of the t test show that each variable accepts Ha1, Ha2, dan Ha3, so that the variables of Service Quality (X1), Promotion (X2), and Brand Image (X3) have a significant effect on the use decision variable (Y). The F test shows that Ho4 is rejected and Ha4 is accepted, which means that the variables of Service Quality (X1), Promotion (X2), and Brand Image (X3) simultaneously influence the Use Decision variable (Y). Then the results of the determination coefficient test show a value of 0.605, which means that 60.5% of the Use Decision variable (Y) can be explained by the variables of Service Quality (X1), Promotion (X2), and Brand Image (X3) and the remaining 39.5% is influenced by factors others who were not included in this stud

    Influence of Export Price, Domestic Sales and Dollar Exchange Value on the Export Volume of Terpentine in Central Java's Non-Wood Forest Products Industry

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    This research aims to identify the influence of export price, domestic sales and Dollar’s exchange rate on Turpentine’s export volume in KBM Industri Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu Jawa Tengah during 2018-2021. This research was using secondary data during 2018-2021 which obtained by collecting data from KBM Industri Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu Jawa Tengah and Bank Indonesia. The data was tested with multiplier linear regression analysis technique. F test results indicates that export price, domestic sales and Dollar’s exchange rate simultaneously have a positive and significant influence on Turpentine’s export volume. T test results indicates that export price positively and significantly influence Turpentine’s export volume. Instead, domestic sales and Dollar’s exchange rate have a negative and insignificant influence on Turpentin’s export volum


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    International trade activities are export andimport. Exports are sending goods out ofIndonesian customs areas to be sent abroad.Delivery process of export goods, especiallyby sea is most widely performed usingcontainers. Container is a specially designedpackaging of a certain size. Seller or buyershould pay the Net Freight to the shippingcompany as the cost for shipping their goods.The results of this study indicate that: (1)Shipper I; the number of containers for exportgoods demand were significantly influencedby the net of freight, port of destinations,additional costs, and size of containers used,(2) Shipper II; significantly affected by netfreight and port of destination, (3) ShipperIII; significantly affected by net freight andport of destination, (4) Shipper IV and VI;significantly influenced by the net of freight,port of destination, and size of containersused, (5) Shipper V; significantly affected bynet freight. Overall (Shipper I - VI), it isconcluded that the total of demand forcontainers for exporting goods is significantlyaffected by net freight and port of destination.There were 54 port of destination withregularly sent the goods to Los Angeles, NewYork, and Houston. Overall the shipper usedGeneral Purpose Container size 20’DC,40’DC, 40’HC, and 45’DC


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    This research aims to analyze the influence of total Yard Occupancy Ratio (YOR) and Total Berth Occupancy Ratio (BOR) on the operational performance at PT PELINDO III (Persero) Semarang Container Terminal. The technique of analysis used is multiple linear regression conducted with the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) test methods and Goodness of Fit Test. This research uses obtained secondary data from Semarang Container Terminal such as monthly report of the total Yard Occupancy Ratio (YOR), monthly report of total Berth Occupancy Ratio (BOR) and monthly report of operational performance. Based on the research that had been done, there is one significant factor with a significance level = 0.05, either simultaneously or partially on the operational performance in Semarang Container Terminal, namely total Berth Occupancy Ratio (BOR). The results of F-test, shows that F sig. value about (0.000) < significance level (α = 0.05), it means that Total Yard Occupancy Ratio (YOR) and Total Occupancy Ratio (BOR) has significant affect on the operational performance at Semarang Container Terminal. Based on the result of t-test, partial total Berth Occupancy Ratio (BOR) has significant positive effect on the operational performance at Semarang Container Terminal with sig. value about 0.000 < = 0.05 sig. Level and the coefficienct of 560,687 and the total Yard Occupancy Ratio (YOR) didn’t significantly affect on the operational performance at Semarang Container Terminal because it had a significant value (0.457) > sig. Level ( = 0.05). While the Determination Coefficient (Adjusted R2) = 0.578 or 57.8%, it means that the operational performance at Semarang Container Terminal was 57,8% which was explained by Yard Occupancy Ratio (YOR) and Berth Occupancy Ratio (BOR). The rest of 42.2% were affected by any other factors outside the model