14 research outputs found

    Concurrent exercise: analysis of the acute effect of the performance order on the total energy expenditure

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o efeito da ordem de execução dos exercícios de força e aeróbio sobre o gasto energético total na sessão. Para isso, dez homens tiveram seu consumo de oxigênio medido continuamente durante as seguintes sessões: aeróbio-força (AF) e força-aeróbio (FA). O exercício aeróbio consistiu de 30 minutos de corrida na esteira a 90% da velocidade do limiar anaeróbio. A sessão de força foi composta de quatro exercícios, na qual os participantes realizavam três séries de 12 repetições a 70% de 1RM. A concentração de lactato sanguíneo [La] foi mensurada após cada exercício de força e nos minutos 10, 20 e 30 do exercício aeróbio. A [La] durante a execução do exercício aeróbio permaneceu maior (p < 0,05) na situação FA quando comparado com a AF aos 10 (FA = 5,1 ± 1,3mmol.l-1; AF = 3,2 ± 1,0mmol.l-1), 20 (FA = 4,2 ± 1,0mmol.l-1; AF = 3,0 ± 0,9mmol.l-1) e 30 minutos (FA = 3,9 ± 1,3mmol.l-1; AF = 3,4 ± 1,1mmol.l-1). O gasto energético total não diferiu entre as ordens de exercício (FA = 2.793 ± 811kJ; AF = 2.893 ± 903 kJ; p > 0,05), indicando que a ordem de execução não afetou significativamente o gasto energético.The aim of present study was to analyze the effect of aerobic and strength exercises order on the total energy expenditure in an exercise session. Ten male subjects had their VO2 continuously measured during two sessions: aerobic-resistance (AR) and resistance-aerobic (RA) to estimate caloric expenditure. The aerobic session was a 30-min treadmill run at 90% of anaerobic threshold velocity. The strength exercise session had four exercises, where participants performed three sets of 12 repetitions at 70% of 1RM. Blood lactate concentration (LA) was measured after each strength exercise and at 10, 20 and 30 min during the aerobic exercise. LA during aerobic exercise was higher (p < 0.05) in RA order when compared to AR at 10 (RA = 5.1 ± 1.3 mmol.l-1; AR = 3.2 ± 1.0 mmol.l-1), 20 (RA = 4.2 ± 1.0 mmol.l-1; AR = 3.0 ± 0.9 mmol.l-1) and 30-min (RA = 3.9 ± 1.3 mmol. l-1; AR = 3.4 ± 1.1 mmol.l-1). Total caloric expenditure did not differ between exercise orders (RA = 2793 ± 811 kJ; AR = 2893 ± 903 kJ; p > 0.05), indicating that performance order did not affect energy expenditure.Mackenzie - Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica PIBI

    Effects of interval time between intermittent aerobic and endurance strength exercises on strength performance: analysis in subjects with different training background

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    A associação de exercícios aeróbios e de força em um programa de treinamento é denominada treinamento concorrente (TC). Apesar de muitos atletas utilizarem esse tipo de treinamento, há indícios de que essa combinação possa ocasionar prejuízo no desenvolvimento força. Uma das hipóteses para explicar esse fenômeno é a hipótese aguda, que atribui o prejuízo nos ganhos de força a uma redução no desempenho da força em sessões agudas, embora estudos com participantes com diferentes históricos de treinamento tenham apresentado resultados distintos. Assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar o efeito do tempo de intervalo entre uma atividade aeróbia de alta intensidade sobre a capacidade de produzir força, em indivíduos com diferentes estados de treinamento. Para tal, os participantes (n=27) foram divididos em três grupos quanto aos seus históricos de treinamento (aeróbio, força e concorrente) e submetidos a oito sessões para: (1) determinação da velocidade pico (Vpico) durante teste progressivo até a exaustão; (2) teste de uma repetição máxima (1RM) no meio agachamento; (3-8) sessões experimentais determinadas aleatoriamente, sendo uma sessão destinada à realização de um exercício de resistência de força (RF) a 80% de 1RM no qual foi computado o número máximo de repetições realizadas (NMR), o volume total absoluto e relativo realizados; cinco sessões compostas de exercício aeróbio intermitente (100% da Vpico 1 min/1min) totalizando 5 km, seguido do exercício de resistência de força variando o tempo de intervalo entre as atividades (30, 60 minutos, 4, 8, e 24 horas). A comparação do NMR e do volume total absoluto e relativo ao peso corporal realizado foi feita através da ANOVA a dois fatores (grupo e tempo) com medidas repetidas no segundo fator. Quando observada diferença significante (p<0,05), foi realizado o post-hoc de Bonferroni. Não houve efeito de interação entre os fatores grupo e intervalo para as variáveis analisadas, no entanto houve efeito do fator grupo para o NMR sendo que o grupo aeróbio realizou NMR superior ao grupo força (p = 0,002) ao passo que para o volume total absoluto e relativo não houve efeito deste fator. Para o fator intervalo houve efeito para todas as variáveis, existindo queda do NMR (p = 0,002) e do volume relativo (p <0,001) somente após o intervalo de 30 minutos, ao passo que para o volume absoluto houve queda após 30 (p < 0,001) e 60 minutos de intervalo (p = 0,026). Portanto pode-se concluir que a queda no desempenho da atividade de RF ocorreu com mesma magnitude e duração para os grupos analisados (aeróbio, força e concorrente) perdurando por até 60 minutos de intervalo, ao passo que após os intervalos de 4, 8 e 24 horas não foi verificada queda do desempenhoMany sports require the inclusion of both aerobic and strength exercises in the same training session during certain phases of the training periodization, and the combined use of these two types of exercises has been defined as concurrent training (CT). Although the use of CT is important for athletes of various sports, there are indications that this type of training could decrease strength gains. The acute hypothesis attempts to explain this phenomenon by attributing impairments in strength gains to a drop in performance during acute sessions when the aerobic activity is performed before the strength activity; however, participants with different training backgrounds have experienced different results. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the effect of the time interval between high-intensity aerobic activities on strength performance in individuals with different training backgrounds. Participants (n = 27) were divided into three groups according to their training backgrounds (aerobic, strength or concurrent) and were then submitted to the following eight performance sessions: (1) determination of the peak velocity (Vpeak) during the progressive test to exhaustion; (2) evaluation of the one-repetition maximum (1RM) for the half-squat; and (3-8) randomly assigned experimental sessions consisting of either a strength exercise (SE) at 80% of the 1RM, in which the maximum number of repetitions performed (MNR) and the absolute total volume relative to body weight were computed, or five sessions consisting of intermittent aerobic exercise (100% of Vpeak - 1 min:1 min) totaling 5 km, followed by a SE with varying time intervals between activities (30 or 60 minutes or 4, 8, or 24 hours). Comparisons between the MNR and the absolute or relative total volume were made using an ANOVA method for two factors (group and time) with repeated measures in the second factor. When significant differences were detected (p < 0.05), a post-hoc Bonferroni test was used. There were no interaction effects between the group and interval recovery factors for any of the variables analyzed. However, there was an effect of the group factor, as the aerobic group demonstrated a superior MNR capability compared to the strength group (p = 0.002), although there was no effect related to group factors for the total absolute or relative volume measurements. There was an effect of the interval recovery for all of the variables, as there was a decrease in the MNR and the relative volume after 30 min intervals (p = 0.002 and p < 0.001, respectively), and there was a decrease for the total absolute volume after 30 (p < 0.001) and 60 minute intervals (p = 0.026). Thus, it was concluded that the drop in performance related to the SE activity occurred with the same magnitude and duration for each of the analyzed groups (aerobic, strength and concurrent). Moreover, this effect on performance lasted for up to 60 minutes between activities, whereas this effect was not observed after intervals of 4, 8 or 24 hour

    Acute effect of exercise intensity on hunger, hormones related appetite and food intake in men and women

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    A manutenção da saúde, depende, dentre outros aspectos, do controle da massa corporal, uma vez que a obesidade está associada ao desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas. Sendo assim, o exercício pode ser considerado uma ferramenta eficaz nesse controle. Contudo, está evidenciado que o exercício realizado em alta intensidade pode ocasionar maior redução da gordura corporal. Dentre as hipóteses sugeridas para explicar tal fenômeno, a supressão do apetite pós-exercício foi levantada, no entanto, o efeito da intensidade sobre o apetite ainda é incipiente. Além disso, mulheres podem ter maior resposta compensatória que homens. Portanto, o objetivo do estudo foi comparar o efeito da intensidade no controle agudo do apetite, energia ingerida absoluta e relativa (energia ingerida menos o gasto calórico do exercício), percepção de fome e das concentrações sanguíneas de grelina acilada, peptídeo YY3-36, insulina, cortisol, glicose, ácidos graxos, colesterol e triacilglicerol em homens e mulheres. Para isso, 11 homens e 9 mulheres eutróficos, foram submetidos a 6 sessões, sendo a primeira destinada à determinação da potência aeróbia máxima (PAM) em cicloergômetro, e a segunda para realização do exercício intermitente de alta intensidade realizado na máxima intensidade (all out), composto por 60 x 8s:12s (EIAI-A), para determinação do trabalho total, o qual foi utilizado para equalização das demais sessões: a) EIAI-A; b) exercício intermitente de alta intensidade (EIAI) - 60s:60s a 100% da PAM; c) exercício contínuo de intensidade moderada (ECMI) a 60% da PAM; d) sessão controle (sem exercício). Cada visita teve duração de 4h, sendo que os participantes chegaram em jejum e receberam um café da manhã padrão. O exercício foi realizado 1,5h pós-café da manhã, e uma alimentação ad libitum foi servida 4h pós-café da manhã. Coletas de sangue e da percepção de fome (escala analógica visual) foram realizadas em jejum e em 2, 2,5, 3,25 e 4h de experimento e calculada a área sob a curva (ASC) para cada uma dessas variáveis. A comparação das variáveis sanguíneas e da percepção de fome foi feita através de análise de variância a três fatores (condição, sexo e momento), e das variáveis envolvendo a ASC e a energia ingerida foi conduzida através de análise a dois fatores (condição e sexo), seguida do pós-teste de Bonferroni se observada diferença significativa (P<0,05). Não houve diferença para a energia ingerida absoluta, porém, a energia ingerida relativa foi maior no controle quando comparada ao EIAI-A, EIAI, e ao ECMI, sem diferenças entre os tipos de exercício e sexos. A ASC da percepção de fome foi menor somente nos exercícios realizados em alta intensidade comparado com o controle, independentemente do sexo. O PYY3-36 foi inferior nas mulheres em relação aos homens ao passo que o cortisol foi inferior nos homens comparado com as mulheres. Houve interação entre situação e momento de coleta para o cortisol e insulina sendo os valores mais elevados no EIAI-A que no controle às 2,5 horas de experimento para o cortisol e às 3,25h para insulina. Portanto, embora não tenha havido diferença na energia ingerida relativa entre os tipos de exercícios, àqueles realizados em maior intensidade foram capazes de promover efeitos mais pronunciados na supressão do apetite, independentemente do sexoMaintaining one\'s health depends, among other things, on controlling body weight, since obesity is associated with the development of chronic diseases. Accordingly, exercise is an effective tool in this control. It has been demonstrated that exercise performed at a high intensity can cause greater reduction in body fat. Among the hypotheses put forward of this phenomenon is the suppression of appetite. However, the understanding of the effect of the intensity on appetite is still incipient. In addition, women may have a greater compensatory response than men. Therefore, the aim of the study was to compare the effect of intensity on absolute and relative (energy intake less caloric expenditure of the exercise) energy intake, hunger and blood concentrations of acylated ghrelin, PYY3-36, insulin, cortisol, glucose, fatty acids, cholesterol and triacylglycerol in men and women. Accordingly, 11 men and 9 women, all eutrophic, underwent six sessions. The first was designed to determine their maximum aerobic power (MAP) on a cycle ergometer, and the second involved performing high-intensity intermittent exercise at maximum intensity (all out) for 60 x 8s: 12s (HIIE-A) in order to determine the total work, which was used for the equalization of the other sessions: a) HIIE-A; b) high intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) - 60s: 60s at 100% of MAP; c) steady-state exercise (SSE) at 60% of the MAP; d) a control session. Each session lasted a total of 4 hours. The participants arrived in fasting and received a standard breakfast upon arrival. The exercise session was performed 1.5 h after breakfast, and an ad libitum meal was served 4 hours post-breakfast. Blood sample collection and perception of hunger were collected when fasting and at 2, 2.5, 3.25 and 4 hours into the experiment and the area under the curve (AUC) for each of these variables was calculated. A comparison of the blood sample variables and rating of hunger was performed by analyzing the variance of three factors (condition, sex, and time) and the analysis of the variables involving the AUC and energy intake was conducted through examination of two factors (sex and condition) followed by a Bonferroni post-test if significant differences (P<0.05) were observed. There was no difference for the absolute energy intake, however, relative energy intake was higher in the control compared to HIIE-A, HIIE, and SSE, with no differences between the types of exercise and sex. The AUC of hunger was lower in exercises performed at high intensity when compared to the control, regardless of sex. There was interaction between condition and time for cortisol and insulin, with higher levels in the HIIE-A than in the control at 2.5 hours for cortisol and 3.25 hours for insulin. Therefore, although there were no differences in energy intake relative to the types of exercises, those performed at a higher intensity promoted more pronounced effects on appetite suppression, regardless of se

    Prediction of the one-repetition maximum based on the maximum number of repetitions with submaximal loads in women.

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    The objective of the present study was to determine equations that could be used to estimate the load corresponding to the one-repetition maximum (1RM) based on the maximum number of repetitions (MNR) using submaximal loads in bench press, lat machine pull-down and leg curl exercises in strength-trained women (n = 20; 22 ± 3 years; 61 ± 7 kg; 165 ± 4 cm). The first test was the 1RM test. Next, the subjects performed the MNR test at intensities of 70, 80 and 90% of 1RM for all exercises on different days. A multiple linear regression model was used for the determination of each equation. Two criteria were applied to accept the equation: adjusted R² value (adj.R² > 0.80) and percent error (PE < 10%). For all exercises, the equations met the two criteria: bench press: adjR² = 0.89; PE = 5%; lat machine pull-down: adjR² = 0.84; PE = 5%; leg curl: adjR² = 0.82; PE = 7%. The application of the equations developed will require the selection of a random load and the number of repetitions performed at the same load to identify 1RM. It is recommended that the number of repetitions be within the range observed in this study: bench press (1-21), lat machine pull-down (2-20), and leg curl (1-14)

    Postactivation potentiation: effect of various recovery intervals on bench press power performance

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    Ferreira, SLA, Panissa, VLG, Miarka, B, and Franchini, E. Postactivation potentiation: effect of various recovery intervals on bench press power performance. J Strength Cond Res 26(3): 739-744, 2012-Postactivation potentiation (PAP) is a strategy used to improve performance in power activities. The aim of this study was to determine if power during bench press exercise was increased when preceded by 1 repetition maximum (1RM) in the same exercise and to determine which time interval could optimize PAP response. For this, 11 healthy male subjects (age, 25 +/- 4 years; height, 178 +/- 6 cm; body mass, 74 +/- 8 kg; bench press 1RM, 76 +/- 19 kg) underwent 6 sessions. Two control sessions were conducted to determine both bench press 1RM and power (6 repetitions at 50% 1RM). The 4 experimental sessions were composed of a 1RM exercise followed by power sets with different recovery intervals (1, 3, 5, and 7 minutes), performed on different days, and determined randomly. Power values were measured via Peak Power equipment (Cefise, Nova Odessa, Sao Paulo, Brazil). The conditions were compared using an analysis of variance with repeated measures, followed by a Tukey test. The significance level was set at p &lt; 0.05. There was a significant increase in PAP in concentric contractions after 7 minutes of recovery compared with the control and 1-minute recovery conditions (p &lt; 0.05). Our results indicated that 7 minutes of recovery has generated an increase in PAP in bench press and that such a strategy could be applied as an interesting alternative to enhance the performance in tasks aimed at increasing upper-body power performance

    High-intensity intermittent exercise and its effects on heart rate variability and subsequent strength performance

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    PRUPOSE: To investigate the effects of a 5-km high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) on heart rate variability (HRV) and subsequent strength performance. METHODS: nine trained males performed a control session composed of a half-squat strength exercise (4 x 80% of one repetition maximum – 1RM) in isolation and 30-min, 1-, 4-, 8- and 24-h after an HIIE (1-min at the velocity peak:1-min passive recovery). All experimental sessions were performed on different days. The maximum number of repetitions and total weight lifted during the strength exercise were registered in all conditions; in addition, prior to each session, HRV were assessed [beat-to-beat intervals (RR) and log-transformed of root means square of successive differences in the normal-to-normal intervals (lnRMSSD)]. RESULTS: Performance in the strength exercise dropped at 30-min (31%) and 1-h (19%) post-HIIE concomitantly with lower values of RR (781±79 ms; 799±134 ms, respectively) in the same recovery intervals compared to the control (1015±197 ms). Inferential analysis did not detect any effect of condition on lnRMSSD, however, values were lower after 30-min (3.5±0.4 ms) and 1-h (3.3±0.5 ms) with moderate and large effect sizes (0.9 and 1.2, respectively) compared with the control condition (3.9±0.4 ms). CONCLUSION: Both RR and lnRMSSD seem to be associated with deleterious effects on strength performance, although further studies should be conducted to clarify this association

    A comparison of time-motion performance between age groups in judo matches

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    The aim of this study was to compare time-motion indicators during judo matches performed by athletes from different age groups. The following age groups were analysed: Pre-Juvenile (13-14 years, n=522), Juvenile (15-16 years, n 353); Junior (19 years, n = 349) and Senior (&gt;20 years, n = 587). The time-motion indicators included: Total Combat Time, Standing Combat Time, Displacement Without Contact, Gripping Time, Groundwork Combat Time and Pause Time. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) one-way and the Tukey test, as well as the Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney (for non-parametric data), were conducted, using P &lt; 0.05 as significance level. The results showed that all analysed groups obtained a median of 7 (first quantile - 3, third quantile - 12) sequences of combat/pause cycles. In total time of combat, the result was: for Total Combat Time, Standing Combat Time and Gripping Time: Pre-Juvenile and Senior were significantly longer than Juvenile and Junior. Considering Displacement Without Contact, Junior was significantly longer than all other age groups. For Groundwork Combat Time, Senior was significantly longer than all other age groups and Pre-Juvenile was longer than Junior. These results can be used to improve the physiological performance in intermittent practices, as well as technicaltactical training during judo sessions

    Similar Anti-Inflammatory Acute Responses from Moderate-Intensity Continuous and High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) versus volume matched steady state exercise (SSE) on inflammatory and metabolic responses. Eight physically active male subjects completed two experimental sessions, a 5-km run on a treadmill either continuously (70% vVO2max) or intermittently (1:1 min at vVO2max). Blood samples were collected at rest, immediately, 30 and 60 minutes after the exercise session. Blood was analyzed for glucose, non-ester fatty acid (NEFA), uric acid, lactate, cortisol, and cytokines (IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α) levels. The lactate levels exhibited higher values immediately post-exercise than at rest (HIIE 1.34 ± 0.24 to 7.11 ± 2.85, and SSE 1.35 ± 0.14 to 4.06±1.60 mmol·L-1, p 0.05). Cortisol, IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α levels showed time-dependent changes under the different conditions (p < 0.05), however, the area under the curve of TNF-α in the SSE were higher than HIIE (p < 0.05), and the area under the curve of IL-6 in the HIIE showed higher values than SSE (p < 0.05). In addition, both exercise conditions promote increased IL-10 levels and IL-10/TNF-α ratio (p < 0.05). In conclusion, our results demonstrated that both exercise protocols, when volume is matched, promote similar inflammatory responses, leading to an anti-inflammatory status; however, the metabolic responses are different