13 research outputs found

    Program Penerapan Mitigasi Bencana Gempa Bumi Di Ponpes Nurul Wathan Lombok Tengah NTB Berorientasi Pada Penurunan Magnet Bumi Akibat Pergerakan Sesar Patahan

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    The program that was implemented at Nurul Wathan (NW) was the result of research at the Rembitan Observatory to measure the earth's magnetism using a device called Proton. The international unit for measuring the earth's magnetism is the Tesla, specifically the nTesla earth magnet (Nano Tesla). The stages of implementing the solution are adjusted to the characteristics of the stages of the disaster cycle. During a disaster, full of activities in an emergency situation, post-disaster, reduce the complexity of the problems in reconstruction and rehabilitation. Pre-disaster requires thorough planning. Communities that are exposed to disasters are very diverse. For those who have been educated or those who have not received formal education, they need to understand the importance of disaster risk reduction (DRR)

    Program Mitigasi Bencana Banjir dan Tanah Longsor Akibat Cuaca Ekstrim di Desa Sade Lombok Tengah NTB

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    The condition of the situation in Sade Village is a hill, slope and mountainous area with and has a marble of more than 20 degrees, a thick layer of soil above the hillside, there is a poor water and land use system, resulting in flooding and landslides. The incident occurred in early 2021. This was carried out by a community service program to anticipate the possibility of floods and landslides due to extreme weather. This service was carried out by the Research Group on Electro Magnetic Technology and Environmental Conservation for Humanity. One of the missions related to the village community is towards Tangguh Bencara Village (DESTANA).

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Sade Dalam Kesiapan Desa Tangguh Bencana Banjir dan Tanah Longsor

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    The Mandalika area has become an area of ​​global concern because it has a GP motorcycle racing circuit. Mandaika is geographically closely related to the 9 buffer villages. The village is Sade Village, which is a unified area that must be maintained due to the land being taken as backfill for the circuit construction area. Changes in land use are a threat that is already in sight due to the land becoming barren, it is necessary to provide knowledge about the dangers of disasters such as floods and landslides due to extreme weather. The obligation to provide knowledge on the dangers of flooding and landslides has been carried out with the help of funds from the DPP SPP Electrical Engineering, University of Mataram, through the Community Service program carried out by the research group on Electromagnetic Technology and Environmental Conservation for Humanit

    Program Perawatan Komunikasi Satelit (VSAT) Di Desa Tumpak Lombok Tengah

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    Satellite communications, especially VSAT in Tumpak Village, are often disrupted, so the Electrical Engineering Department team at the University of Mataram did community service. A maintenance program was carried out to maintain the continuity of satellite communications, especially VSAT, which was carried out with moderate results because the equipment has been used for more than 5 years. The provider has changed and the available bandwidth is still small, it needs to increase the speed, but the finances are also big for the village, they have to have a reserve fun

    Peningkatan Kesadaran Generasi Muda Desa Mendana Raya Tentang Bahayanya Pernikahan Dini

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    Mendana Raya Village is one of 16 villages in Keruak District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The obstacle that is often faced by Mendana Raya Village is the lack of knowledge about the age limit that is allowed to marry or the Marriage Age Maturity (PUP). So far, efforts have been made to make the Mendana Raya Village community aware of reducing the number of early marriages through lectures. An alternative method that researchers use to reduce the number of early marriages in Mendana Raya Village is to conduct counseling with the addition of several methods so that adults and children can understand them well. Some of the methods that the service uses are lectures, question and answer questions with prizes and discussions. The product of this counseling cannot be seen directly because it is knowledge, behavior and decisions between individuals. To find out the level of success of the counseling that was carried out, the servant conducted a short interview regarding Marriage Age Maturity to children and parents. The result after counseling is an increase in understanding and knowledge of each resident of Mendana Raya Village


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    National Energy Policy, is to increase energy diversification through efforts to use renewable energy such as renewable non-fossil fuels, especially wind energy until 2025. By utilizing renewable energy, the dependence on fossil fuels on the national energy supply system can decrease. Sumbawa Island has the potential for wind energy around 220 KW (assuming each location is built 10 units

    Analisis Big Data Geomagnetik Dengan Metode Diferensiasi Sebagai Prekursor Gempa Lombok Tahun 2018

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    Lombok is an area with the highest geomagnetic anomaly in Indonesia (Zubaidah et al., 2014). From the end of July to the end of August 2018, Lombok experienced a series of fairly large earthquakes. Identification of geomagnetic signals, especially in the Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) spectrum, can be used as earthquake precursors (Saroso, 2010). Intermagnet IAGA (International Aeronomy Geomagnetic Association) is a network of international geomagnetic observatory stations that have large world geomagnetic data. Big data analysis is very important because very large information is needed in disaster mitigation. This study uses geomagnetic data per second for 24 hours from 28 August to 30 November 2018 taken from Kakadu (KDU) Australia and Nurul Bayan Station (NRB) Lombok. The analytical method used is Differentiation by calculating the F value (total magnetic field) for KDU and NRB, then look for the difference and analyze the pattern. The results found that there was an anomaly phenomenon of the Earth's magnetic field in Nurul Bayan Lombok which was detected for 17 days during October 2018. 

    Program Air Siap Minum Untuk Siswa dan Penduduk Terdampak Gempa di Sekolah Dasar Nengeri 3 Malaka Teluk Nara Pemenang, Kabupaten Lombok Utara

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    Since the magnitude 7 magnitude earthquake occurred in August 2018, Lombok Island, especially North Lombok Regency, has been severely affected by infrastructure damage. From the data available, there are very few sources of clean water and are scarce. For this reason, in March 2019 the University of Mataram Community Service Team was represented by PUI Geomagnetic together with the largest water pump company in the world, Xylem Inc. installed a water pump at SDN 3 Teluk Nara Pemenang. The result of pumping water is clean water ready to drink

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Tumpak Kecamatan Pujut Lombok Tengah Melalui Pelatihan Uji Kelayakan Instalasi Listrik

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    The increasing demand for electrical energy, especially in the household sector, requires the use of electrical equipment with electrical installations that meet the safety standard criteria according to SNI: 0225 (PUIL 2011). Electrical energy provides great benefits for human life, but it is also a threat to human life. This can happen if you do not comply with the standards for installing and using electrical installation equipment in accordance with SNI: 0225 (PUIL 2011) and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 045 of 2005, as well as behavior that is not wise and proper in using electrical equipment. As one of the villages in the KEK Mandalika area, Tumpak village has the potential to develop eco-friendly tourism, so it is necessary to prepare human resources with knowledge of electrical installations. Through community empowerment activities there has been an increase in the ability of participants in terms of theory and practice of the electrical installation feasibility test with an average value of 58.998 to 81.98 or an average increase of 38.95%

    Investigasi Tingkat Kerawanan Gedung Dalam Rangka Implementasi Mitigasi Gempa Bumi di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram

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    After the 2018 Lombok Earthquake, buildings at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram (FT Unram) were severely damaged and there was no comprehensive treatment. Facilities for earthquake mitigation are still minimal and if available they are not designed and placed properly. Some parts of the building have been renovated but appear unfinished, while there were new constructions that have not been investigated regarding their suitability with earthquake mitigation. Anticipating re-occurrence of a major earthquake in Lombok, it is very necessary to implement earthquake mitigation at FT Unram. In this paper, results of vulnerability investigation of each building will be presented including number, type, and level of damages as well as their locations and detailed documentation of each point of damages in form of pictures and photos/videos. Through this activity vulnerabilities of each building can be identified comprehensively, so that appropriate treatments can be carried out, and the safest evacuation route can be planned as well