25 research outputs found

    Alimentation, fertilité et bien-être des oiseaux reproducteurs domestiques : des liens complexes

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    Dossier : Bien-être du poulet de chairIn birds, as in other species, nutrition and energy influence the function of reproduction. The hyperphagic models have shown the negative effect of over-feeding in both sexes, and the potential rescue by food restriction treatment which can increase the length of the fertile period. However, the mechanisms underlying the relationship between nutrition, energy metabolism and reproductive functions are poorly understood. These changes in metabolic and nutritional status can be transmitted to the gonadotrope axis (hypothalamus, pituitary and gonads) by changes in hormone levels (insulin, adipokines...), or directly by the energy substrates (glucose, fatty acids and amino acids). Briefly, we discuss the effects of different components of the diet on fertility. Finally, we discuss alternative methods involving qualitative restriction rather than quantitative methods on feeding in order to improve animal welfare and in particular by reducing the behaviour of frustration and hunger.Chez les oiseaux, comme toutes autres espèces, la nutrition et plus particulièrement le métabolisme énergétique influence la fonction de reproduction. Les modèles d’oiseaux hyperphagiques ont permis de montrer l’effet négatif dans les deux sexes d’une suralimentation, alors qu’une restriction alimentaire pendant leur croissance augmente les taux de ponte et la durée de la période fertile. Cependant les mécanismes qui sous-tendent les relations entre la nutrition, le métabolisme énergétique et la fonction de reproduction sont mal connus. Ces changements du statut nutritionnel et métabolique peuvent être transmis à l’axe de la reproduction (hypothalamus, hypophyse et gonades) aussi bien par les modifications des concentrations hormonales en insuline, adipocytokines, etc., que par celles des substrats énergétiques eux mêmes : glucose, acides gras et acides aminés. Nous rappellerons brièvement ici les effets des différents composants présents dans l’alimentation et les conséquences sur la reproduction. Les propositions d’utiliser un rationnement qualitatif seront également abordées : existe-t-il des méthodes alternatives impliquant une restriction qualitative plutôt que quantitative

    Connect. Tissue Res.

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    The eggshell is a highly ordered structure resulting from the deposition of calcium carbonate and an organic matrix from the acellular uterine fluid. Characterization of the individual matrix components is necessary to determine their influence upon calcite crystal shape, size, and orientation during eggshell calcification. We have purified and sequenced a novel 32-kDa protein, ovocalyxin-32 (OCX-32), which is present at high levels in the uterine fluid during the terminal phase of eggshell formation, and is localized predominantly in the outer eggshell. Database searches identified expressed sequence tags (ESTs) whose alignment yielded the complete cDNA. OCX-32 protein possesses limited identity (32%) to two unrelated proteins: latexin, a carboxypeptidase inhibitor expressed in rat cerebral cortex and mast cells, and to a skin protein that is encoded by a retinoic acid receptor-responsive gene, TIG1. The timing of OCX-32 secretion into the uterine fluid suggests that it may play a role in the termination of mineral deposition

    Connect. Tissue Res.

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    Purification of ovocalyxin-32, a novel chicken eggshell matrix protein

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    The eggshell is a highly ordered structure resulting from the deposition of calcium carbonate and an organic matrix from the acellular uterine fluid. Characterization of the individual matrix components is necessary to determine their influence upon calcite crystal shape, size, and orientation during eggshell calcification. We have purified and sequenced a novel 32-kDa protein, ovocalyxin-32 (OCX-32), which is present at high levels in the uterine fluid during the terminal phase of eggshell formation, and is localized predominantly in the outer eggshell. Database searches identified expressed sequence tags (ESTs) whose alignment yielded the complete cDNA. OCX-32 protein possesses limited identity (32%) to two unrelated proteins: latexin, a carboxypeptidase inhibitor expressed in rat cerebral cortex and mast cells, and to a skin protein that is encoded by a retinoic acid receptor-responsive gene, TIG1. The timing of OCX-32 secretion into the uterine fluid suggests that it may play a role in the termination of mineral deposition