1 research outputs found

    Analisis Ekuitas terhadap Penentuan Pendanaan Utang pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia

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    The destination of the research is to find out more deep about the impact of the equity toward debt financing for the manufacturer companies in Indonesia in the period 2008 until 2012. This research we take in Bursa Efek Jakarta with www.idx.co.id and www. sahamOk.com. The Company are listing in BEJ about 442 companies, but we just take for sample only 30 companies. The company that applicable with our criteria, that is not company from financing and real estate, company are listing five years respectively, the data company are not broken, and the company are not have deficiency capital, and the data are applicable from www.idx.co.id with our download result. According to 30 companies we use regression test. To test our distribution data, we test it with classic assumption test for find the data is applicable to continue or not. If the data applicable, then we test it with the regression test, and if not than we have to make change to the theory, hypothesis and the model. According to the classic assumption test, we find that the distribution data do not have multicolonierity and autocorrelation problem. But have a little problem of heterokedasticity, we already repair it with transformation the result model to the log form and we not met heterokedascity problem. Beside that our research data have linearity and normality. Before we doing the classic assumption test, we have that data and classification the long term debt of the company, the sum of equity, the sum of stock that belong to management and the presentation and the sum of stock that belong to controller and the presentation. Beside that we are collected and calculated the mean of volume stock and closing stock price for 30 companies during 5 years respectively. According to the theory development result give the three hypotheses that formulated to one regression model. The regression test result give the conclude that the three of hypothesis are simulates impact the dependent variable and only one hypothesis that can accepted statistic significance, thats mean have impact equity rate toward debt ratio. Keyword: debt financing, equity rate, debt rati