8 research outputs found

    Analisis USAhatani Labu Kuning di Desa Singsingon Raya, Kecamatan Passi Timur, Kabupaten Bolaang-mongondow

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    This study aims to analyze the cost and income of pumpkin farming in Singsingon Raya Village, East Passi District. The study was conducted from January to February 2017. The data used were primary and secondary data. Primary data through interviews using questionnaires to 15 respondents and secondary data obtained from Singsingon Raya Village Office. This analysis uses descriptive analysis. The results showed that the cost used for the largest pumpkin laboratory is labor cost and transportation cost of 87.28 %. In the marketing of pumpkin, farmers get large enough revenue so that farmers earn substantial income. The results can be seen from the total average production cost of Rp 4,012,238.00 / Ha with average revenue of Rp 21,159,420.00 / Ha of farmers earning income of Rp 17,147,182.00 / Ha. Analysis of return cost ratio get value > 1 so that pumpkin profitable for farmers and break even point analysis results showed that pumpkin farming is at break even point

    Peran Komunikasi Penyuluhan dalam Penerapan Teknologi USAhatani di Kecamatan Langowan Barat

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    This study aims to determine the role of communication extension counselor and how far farmers can understand the purpose and purpose of counseling. This research was conducted by using primary data obtained from direct interview with Field Extension Officer and Farmer Group using the prepared kusioner. Secondary data obtained from BPS Manado City and BP3K Office. The result of the research shows that the communication done by PPL has used good communication technique so that the farmer group following the counseling can receive and understand the intent and purpose of the material which have been submitted by each PPL

    Sikap Kelompok Tani terhadap Gerakan Nasional Kakao di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara

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    This study aims to examine the attitude of farmer groups to Gernas Kakao in Bolaang Mongondow Utara District. The study lasted for three months from April to June 2017 in Bolaang Mongondow Utara District. The data used are primary data collected through interviews with 5 farmer groups taken by purposive sampling ie 3 groups of advanced farmers and 2 groups of farmers beginners class. Each farmer group was taken by 6 people consisting of farmer group members such as chairman, secretary, treasurer and 3 members so that the total of 30 respondents. Secondary data were obtained from the Office of Agriculture and District Office in Bolaang Mongondow Utara. The method of analysis used is descriptive. The results showed that farmers' attitudes in cocoa farmer groups at both beginner and advanced level of Cocoa Gernas Program in intensification, rejuvenation and rehabilitation activities were categorized as high in the sense strongly agreed that this program increased cocoa production. However. there are still farmers who disagree with this program because they rarely follow the counseling and guidance of the companion so that their knowledge, attitudes and behavior are different from other farmers who actively participate in the Cocoa Gernas Program. Farmers are still afraid of the risk of failure in production so that they can not accept the new technologies given and prefer to cultivate the plants in their own way, this happens to the beginner farmer groups so that the necessary extension workers and companions to change the mindset of farmers

    Kinerja Koperasi Unit Desa (Kud) Wenang Ditinjau dari Balanced Scorecard

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    Research aims to determine how the performances of Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Wenang in Manado City evaluated from Balanced Scorecard are financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business processes perspective, and learning and growth perspective. Research carried out in July until September 2016. Data used is quantitative and qualitative with data source are primary and secondary data obtained from KUD with a total sample of 96 member respondents, 96 non member respondents with accidental sampling (technique) and 25 employees with sensus. Therefore the total samples are 217 respondents. Data analysis that used Balanced Scorecard method and criteria for the balance of the balanced scorecard that analyzes of financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business processes perspective, and learning and growth perspective while the balance is using a rating scale criteria. Research result showed that the performance of Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Wenang reviews from the Balanced Scorecard is internal business process perspective are considered good and satisfying customer perspective rated good and satisfying, as well as financial perspective judges not good enough with an overall score is 0,4 or equal to pretty good

    Bauran Pemasaran Buah Durian di Kawasan Boulevard Mall, Kota Manado

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    The purpose of this study was to identify elements in "Marketing Mix 4P" which applies to the marketing of durian at Boulevard Mall, Manado. This research was carried out for 2 months from April to May 2016. Data was retrieved through a survey consisting of primary and secondary data. Data was collected using a "purposive sampling" method, intentionally interviewing six respondents from fifteen respondents in the area of Boulevard Mall, Manado. There are four types of durians sold in Boulevard Mall: durian gajah, durian susu, durian mentega, and durian madu. Prices are relatively affordable and vary based on the type, with the highest price being durian gajah. The sale location in Boulevard Mall was selected by the sellers because it is within easy reach of the southern part of Manado and has a lively atmosphere. It is close to the beach, which is an ideal setting for relaxing while enjoying durian. Sellers promote their goods to consumers by offering an opportunity to bid prices, giving bonuses when consumers buy a certain amount, offering delivery services, and giving consumers the opportunity to taste test it for free

    Produksi dan Pemasaran Produk Manisan Pala “Ilomata” di Kelurahan Girian Weru, Kota Bitung

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the process of making candied nutmeg by UD Ilomata and describing Ilomata\u27s candied nutmeg marketing. The research carried out start from preparation in the April until preparation of reports in the June 2016. Data used is primary data obtained through interviews by giving questioners to the owner of UD Ilomata, and from direct observation to the production activity and marketing of Ilomata\u27s candied nutmeg. Data analysis used is descriptive analysis. Data analysis in this research is analysing market margin by calculating cost and the price margins on every channel marketing that involved in the marketing of Ilomata\u27s candied nutmeg and also calculate the Break Even Point. The result of this research shows that Ilomata\u27s candied nutmeg packed in three different packages, 3 ounce package, 2.5 ounce package, and 3 ounce package. Ilomata\u27s candied nutmeg marketed on four stores in Bitung City, two stores in Manado City, a store in Gorontalo province and the marketing directly from producer to the consumer in UD Ilomata. Biggest marketing margin is Rp 5.000 with 16% share found in the Gorontalo province\u27s channel marketing from the 2.5 ounce package and with the biggest profit margin is Rp 3.764 found in the Bitung CityMart\u27s channel marketing from the 2 ounce package. All of Ilotama\u27s channel marketing can be said efficient because total cost is small seen from the rotation of sold time product. UD Ilotmata\u27s Candied nutmeg business can hold on and exist till today because theres diligence, curiosity and entrepreneurship from the owner namely Mrs. Renny Umar.*lwths


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    The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) how the role of the Department of Agriculture in Empowering Horticulture Farmers in Biak Numfor District, (2) constraints faced by farmers in horticulture farming in Dofyo Wafor Village, North Biak District, Biak Numfor District, Papua Province. This research was conducted for 3 months starting from March until May 2017. This research uses qualitative research approach. Primary data were collected by interviews and field observations. Respondents were selected by purposive sampling method as many as 30 respondents selected from 3 farmer groups in the village of Dofyo Wafor. Secondary data collection is obtained from the literature derived from related agencies such as: Animal Husbandry and Food Crop Farming Biak Numfor District. Central Bureau of Statistics of Biak Numfor Regency. Technical Service Unit of Agricultural Extension Institute of Biak Utara District and Dofyo Wafor Village Office. Data analysis used is qualitative analysis. The research found that (1) Government in empowering horticulture farm in Biak Numfor Regency. Particularly in Dofyo Wafor Village, through the Livestock and Food Crops Office of Biak Numfor District has empowered farmers, empowerment carried out in the form of counseling, seed breeder supervisors, providing superior seed support, irrigation irrigation facilities, technological advancement, assistance in land management, and assistance in farmer institutions; (2) The existing obstacles are pest and disease attack on agricultural crops, limited knowledge, skills and capital of farmers, and also the bargaining position of agricultural products that are still low