459 research outputs found

    Knowledge exchange partnership leads to digital transformation at Hydro-X Water Treatment, Ltd

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    To attract a generation of workers and consumers who have never known a world without Wi-Fi, smartphones, or social media, organizations increasingly have no choice but to incorporate digital technology into every aspect of their operations and processes. The leaders of Hydro-X, a privately owned British enterprise, met the challenge of digital transformation by forming a knowledge exchange partnership with a local university and applying two business models to assess the current state of digital maturity at the ļ¬rm and map out a strategy to improve it. Their experiences reļ¬‚ect the HINGE project planning methodology: Horizon scanning to evaluate the competition, Internal auditing, New model creation, Gap analysis, and Evaluation of options to determine next steps. As a result of their eļ¬€orts, Hydro-X fostered an intrapreneurial spirit among its staļ¬€ and reļ¬ned its e-commerce platform to digitally target key audiences in order to tap into a new source of revenue

    Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Boosting Employee Retention in the Human Resource Industry

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform the human resource (HR) industry by automating routine tasks, improving decision-making, and enhancing employee engagement and retention. In this paper, we explore the use of machine learning and deep learning techniques to boost employee retention in the HR industry. We review the current state of the art in AI for HR, including the use of predictive analytics, natural language processing, and chatbots for talent management and employee development. We also discuss the challenges and ethical considerations of using AI in HR, including issues of bias and the need for transparent and explainable algorithms. Finally, we present case studies of successful AI-powered HR initiatives that have demonstrated improvements in employee retention and engagement. Our findings suggest that AI has the potential to significantly enhance employee retention in the HR industry, but its implementation requires careful planning and consideration of potential risks and ethical issues

    Occupational Health in the Digital Age: Implications for Remote Work Environments

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    In this digital age, where working from home is becoming more common, the patterns of workplace health are changing in ways that require a thorough analysis of the effects on employee health. This study looks into the many parts of job health in places where people work from home, looking at how technology, human behavior, and company rules interact.The digital age has made work plans more flexible than ever before, letting workers do their jobs from anywhere. This paradigm shift has some benefits, like making things more flexible and easy to access, but it also brings a lot of problems that need to be carefully thought through. Long-term use of digital devices can be bad for your body, and being alone at work can be bad for your mental health. Remote work situations have their own health issues that need a unique approach.This study brings together different pieces of research on workplace health to highlight the new health risks that come with the digitalization of work. There is a close look at how technology can help or hurt employee health and a study of how companies can lower health risks in remote work settings.Additionally, the study looks into the possible long-term effects of long-term remote work on mental and physical health, as well as how well present workplace health systems can adapt to the changing nature of work. By critically evaluating the intersection of technology and health, this study provides valuable insights for policymakers, organizations, and individuals seeking to optimize the well-being of remote workers in the digital age
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