15 research outputs found


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    Objective: Isolation and characterization study of actinomycetes from soil near medicinal plants in saurashtra region of Gujarat which can produce antimicrobial compounds.Methods: Present study 11 different medicinal plants 3 regions of saurashtra selected. Microflora part of soil was used. Different media used for isolation. Microscopic methods used for Study of colony characteristics, arial and vegetative mycelium color and morphological examination of isolates. Primary screening was done by using cross streak method while for secondary screening well diffusion techniques with thin layer chromatography and bioautography. Antimicrobial activity of most potent isolates check against test organisms. Different biochemical methods used for characterization of the most active isolate.Results: It was found that out of 66 actinomycetes isolates 45 (68.2 %) actinomycetes isolates were showing activity against test microbes. In the primary screening, 15 actinomycets isolates showed good antimicrobial activity. Out of these 15 actinomycetes isolates 5 isolates GOS1, JOS1, GOS3, GTF1 and JTF1 showing a broad spectrum of activity against microorganisms. It was found that out of this 5 isolates GOS1 was most potent antagonistic actinomycetes. Characterizations, as well as optimization studies of actinomycetes, isolates GOS1 which may use to produce new and useful antimicrobial compounds and other metabolites.Conclusion: It was concluded that actinomycetes isolates from different soil samples nearby medicinal plant area of saurashtra region are a good source to produce many useful antimicrobial compounds and other metabolites

    A Review on Facial Expression Recognition Techniques

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    Facial expression is in the topic of active research over the past few decades. Recognition and extracting various emotions and validating those emotions from the facial expression become very important in human computer interaction. Interpreting such human expression remains and much of the research is required about the way they relate to human affect. Apart from H-I interfaces other applications include awareness system, medical diagnosis, surveillance, law enforcement, automated tutoring system and many more. In the recent year different technique have been put forward for developing automated facial expression recognition system. This paper present quick survey on some of the facial expression recognition techniques. A comparative study is carried out using various feature extraction techniques. We define taxonomy of the field and cover all the steps from face detection to facial expression classification

    A Survey on Human Activity Analysis Techniques

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    Human Activity Recognition(HAR) is Popular research topic in Computer vision and Image Processing area. This Paper Provide an exhaustive survey on the Entire Process of identify or Recognize Human activity. Basically, There are Four steps are involved in HAR process, which are Pre-processing, Feature extraction, Training, and Classification of different activities from video. The need of data preprocessing , and segmentation based on camera movements are presented. This paper provide detailed survey on different features for HAR, feature extraction and selection method , and Classification methods with advantages and disadvantages. Finally, A brief discussion about various classification techniques are presented

    An Analysis of Facial Expression Recognition Techniques

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    In present era of technology , we need applications which could be easy to use and are user-friendly , that even people with specific disabilities use them easily. Facial Expression Recognition has vital role and challenges in communities of computer vision, pattern recognition which provide much more attention due to potential application in many areas such as human machine interaction, surveillance , robotics , driver safety, non- verbal communication, entertainment, health- care and psychology study. Facial Expression Recognition has major importance ration in face recognition for significant image applications understanding and analysis. There are many algorithms have been implemented on different static (uniform background, identical poses, similar illuminations ) and dynamic (position variation, partial occlusion orientation, varying lighting )conditions. In general way face expression recognition consist of three main steps first is face detection then feature Extraction and at last classification. In this survey paper we discussed different types of facial expression recognition techniques and various methods which is used by them and their performance measures


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    Objective: Punarnava is a controversial drug i.e. its true botanical identity has not been ascertained, and several different species are used as Punarnava. It is a part of many medicinally important traditional formulations. Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India describes three different species–Roots of Boerhaavia diffusa, Trianthema portulacastrum and Boerhaavia verticillata. The present work deals with the microscopic, macroscopic and phytochemical comparison of the roots of these species of Punarnava, so as to differentiate them and establish their quality parameters.Methods: Roots of these three species were collected, and their comparative morphological, microscopical (transverse section, powder study) and the phytochemical (screening, tannin estimation) study was performed.Results: Roots of Boerhaavia diffusa showed morphological characteristics which clearly distinguished it from the other species. They showed the presence of well developed and stratified cork, abnormal vascular bundles which were discontinuous, and a central cavity, presumably formed due to the disintegration of tissues. Boerhaavia verticillata showed the presence of xylem bundles arranged in the form of a ‘X'-shaped cross in the central region. Thick-walled cork cells and pitted xylem vessels were present only in Boerhaavia diffusa root powder, whereas bundles of fibrovascular tissue were present only in the powder of Boerhaavia verticillata. Tannin content was found to be highest in Boerhaavia diffusa roots.Conclusion: The present investigation will help herbal industries and traditional medicinal practitioners to detect adulteration of the medicinally important immunomodulator Boerhaavia diffusa by Trianthema portulacastrum and Boerhaavia verticillata, which are considered to have no immunomodulatory activity.Â

    Difference in clinical profile between juvenile onset and adult-onset systemic lupus erythematosus: a meta-analysis

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    The aim was to systematically review the studies that compared clinical and serological variation between adult-onset systematic lupus erythematosus (aSLE) andjuvenile-onset systematic lupus erythematosus (jSLE). A comprehensive literature search was done, in various available electronic databases for relevant publication that compared juvenile onset SLE and adult onset SLE. The data of adverse clinical features, serological profile and mortality were extracted. Juvenile onset was defined as 18 years. The methodological quality of study was assessed by Newcastle Ottawa scale (NOS) criteria and R version 3.3.1 was used for analysis and ORs and 95% CIs, were used as statistical parameter. A total of 14,920 patients; (12,230: aSLE, and 2,690: jSLE) were included. Renal involvement especially nephritis was significantly more in j-SLE OR: 2.18, 95% CI: [1.81;2.62]; I2=10.8% whereas musculoskeletal was significant in aSLE O.R: 0.64; C.I: [0.44; 0.93]; I2=83.4%. Seizure and malar rash were significantly higher in J-SLE OR:1.69, CI: [1.31; 2.18]; I2=31.1%,1.43; C.I [1.04; 1.97]; I2=82%, respectively. Raynaud’s phenomenon and pleuritis were significantly higher in adult onset SLE. Anemia and thrombocytopenia were significantly higher in juvenile onset SLE. Anti-ds DNA, anti-histone, and anti-ribosomal-P were more frequent in juvenile-onset SLE while, anti-Ro was more common in adult-onset disease. The cause of mortality was not significantly different in both groups. Renal biopsy of class III and IV combined and class V were significantly more in adult-onset SLE. SLEDAI was higher in j-SLE. Meta-analysis indicated that, regardless of many similar clinical and serological manifestations, there is still some variation between adult-onset SLE and juvenile-onset SLE. Although, SLE disease is continuum from juvenile to adult but disease aggressive in juvenile onset SLE

    The phytochemical screening, total cucurbitacin content, and in vitro anti-breast cancer activity of Leucopaxillus gentianeus mushroom

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    Abstract Background The popular Leucopaxillus gentianeus mushroom contains very high nutrients and bioactive compounds with good anti-breast cancer activity. The til oil extract seems to be the most active in preparation. This study aims to find the best extract using different solvents for extraction, to measure the total cucurbitacin content and anti-breast cancer activity in vitro of til oil extract of leucopaxillus gentianeus. Result The dry mushroom material was extracted using continuous hot extraction with til oil, petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, chloroform, methanol, and water of leucopaxillus gentianeus which were used for phytochemical analysis, HPLC method was used for no of phytochemical and anti-breast cancer activity in vitro. The total cucurbitacin content was found based on the HPTLC method. The anti-breast cancer activity was carried out using progesterone and estrogen activity. The number of pecks found during HPLC it is indicated that the list of phytochemical presents in a different extract, also good yield found with til oil extract was 6.8 gm. Progesterone and estrogen inhibited high with til oil extract and cucurbitacin content was found to be 264.00 ng. Conclusion The significance of the biotherapeutic effects increases with the number of bioactive components in the preparation. Leucopaxillus gentianeus til oil extract has high cucurbitacin content and strong anti-breast cancer properties. Graphical abstrac

    Significance of Peripheral Blood Smear in Diagnosis of Blood Parasitic Infection

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    Bancroftian filariasis is a tropical and subtropical disease caused by Wuchereria bancrofti and transmitted by the Culex mosquitoes. It is conventionally diagnosed made by demonstrating microfilariae in the peripheral blood smear. Microfilariae and adult filarial worm have been incidentally detected in the blood. We here report an unusual case of Bancroftian microfilariasis in a 28-year-old male coming from endemic area with history of fever since 1 month. Patient had history of yellowish discoloration of skin and sclera