59 research outputs found


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    Pindang processing centers in Village Kusamba leaving by product waste in the form of liquid wastes such as blood and from the washing process and boiling fish. This waste is discharged into the sewer line to the pool in the form of disposal. This often creates pollution and the smell of sea water. Various techniques of waste handling and processing has been done. Each type of waste requires special handling, differ between the types of waste to one another. However, generally speaking, waste handling and processing techniques can be divided into handling technigues and processing waste treatment physical, chemical, and biological. Altough there are sanction improsed when not doing waste treatment is not carried out properly, as it reguires additional financing. The processing is physically performed on each sewer installation iron wire sieve, so that the solid material, as well as large ingredients can be separated. Further processing is done by the chemical deposition as well as the addition of a chemical liquid that is clorin. The next stage tank flowed into the final form of biological treatment with aeration additions. Thus it would be a waste water that is ready to be distributed for watering plants or discharged into public waters

    Improving Hygiene and Sanitation Behavior among Pemindang Workers in Kusamba Village Through Direct Training and Demonstration Plot

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    Kusamba Village is one of the largest pemindangan centers on the island of Bali where located in Dawan District, Klungkung Regency. They carry out a very traditional scanning process with very simple facilities and infrastructure, such as storing fresh fishes left on the dirty floor, equipment for boiling from used drums. In the salting process, they use brown and dirty salt, and use water from well water that close to the sewer. The boiling process is carried out repeatedly for several times, until the fish as raw material runs out. Waste drainage is filled with garbage and smell bad. We carried out community service activities with the priority of improving hygiene and sanitation to improve the quality of pindang. We gave direct training and demonstration plot of pindang processing followed by an evaluation one month later. We expected that this community service will be implemented sustainably in Kusamba

    Hygiene and Sanitation of Pindang Processing in Central of Pemindangan, Bali

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    Food and beverage hygiene is an effort to control the factors of places, equipment, people and foods that may cause health problems and food poisoning, including fish. Fish is a food that is widely consumed by the public, but on the other hand, fish experience the process of decay faster. In order to inhibit decay and increase product diversity, the villagers of Kusamba in Bali conduct a traditional fish processing, that’s called pemindangan. The raw material of pindang is usually the fishes that fall under the biological family scromboidae and that are very easy to decay due to high of protein content and environmental conditions. Pindang is a traditional product that is highly favored by the people of Bali because of its unique taste, so that hygiene and sanitation in its processing is needed to prevent the occurrence of fish poisoning. This study was a descriptive survey in order to get an description the state of the hygiene and sanitation behavior in the fish processing of central pemindangan in Bali and our effort to increase the hygiene and sanitation there. We found that some variables of hygiene and sanitation in central pemindangan of Kusamba were not eligible with the principles of hygiene and sanitation stated to the regulation of Sea Food HACCP, especially for the physical facilities and infrastructure. For the fisherman, we also found that they didn’t have good knowledge about hygiene and sanitation. Next time, we hope that there will be a comprehensive intervention related to infrastructure which will eventually affect the quality of pindang


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    PERTUMBUHAN ikan nila ini sangat cepat pada kondisi ekologi yang baik dan bentuk tubuhnya relatif lebih lebar, dan dapat mencapai berat 140 gr per ekor. Komposisi kimia ikan nila memiliki kandungan gizi lemak yang cukup rendah yaitu 2,7 %, sehingga sangat cocok untuk diet, kandungan protein yang cukup tinggi 17,8 % sehingga cocok sebagai bahan dasar dalam pembuatan nila nyat-nyat. Ikan sering disebut sebagai makanan untuk kecerdasan, karena sebagai makanan yang memiliki sumber protein yang tinggi. Kalau dalam menu sehari-hari kita menghidangkan ikan, maka kita memberikan sumbangan yang tinggi pada jaringan tubuh kita. Ikan nila disukai oleh berbagai bangsa karena dagingnya enak dan tebal seperti daging ikan kakap merah. Adapun keistimewaan nila nyat-nyat adalah penggunaan bumbu yang dapat meningkatkan tingkat penerimaan konsumen karena bumbu dapat meningkatkan cita rasa alami dari bahan pangan, sehingga bumbu yang dicampurkan ke dalam masakan akan menimbulkan peningkatan efek selera makan dan memberikan ciri khas tersendiri pada masakan. Proses pembuatan nila nyat-nyat sangat sederhana yaitu tumislah bumbu pada wajan, masukan air secukupnya sampai mendidih, ikan nila segar yang telah disiangi, dan lakukan perebusan secukupnya akan menghasilkan kenampakan yang utuh, kekuningan, aroma bau yang gurih, tektur padat dan rasa enak dan lezat

    The differences in the types of packaging and duration of storage on the quality of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    One of the most popular types of tilapia dishes is nila nyat nyat, which is boiled with Balinese spices until the water runs out. This study aims to determine the interaction between the different types of packaging and the length of storage to the quality of tilapia boiled with Balinese spices and to know the differences in the type of packaging and the length of storage to the quality of tilapia boiled with Balinese spices. The method used in this study was a factorial complete randomized design with 2 factors, namely; factor A (type of packaging) which consists of 2 types: Styrofoam (A1) and mica (A2) and factor B (storage time) which consists of 3 types: 0 days (B1), 3 days (B2), and 6 days (B3). Observations include subjective and objective observations were done. The interaction between packaging type and storage time only affects the Total Plate Count (TPC) value of tilapia boiled with Balinese spices. The types of packaging, both Styrofoam and mica, have a significant influence on the value of TPC. Storage time in cold temperatures has a significant effect on the quality of tilapia boiled with Balinese spices

    Penerapan Teknik Penanganan yang berbeda terhadap Kualitas Ikan Segar sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Ikan Pindang

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    Keracunan histamine dapat terjadi setelah mengkonsumsi ikan pindang yang mengalami pembusukan. Masyarakat (nelayan) melakukan teknik penanganan yang berbeda-beda pada bahan baku pindang untuk memperlambat proses tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai teknik penanganan ikan terhadap kualitas tongkol yang digunakan sebagai bahan baku ikan pindang. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktor tunggal. Perlakuan yang digunakan berupa berbagai metode penanganan ikan oleh nelayan Desa Kusamba, yaitu: didiamkan pada suhu kamar (A), penambahan 1 kilogram es untuk 4 kilogram ikan (1:4) (B), penambahan 10% garam (C), serta penggabungan 50% teknik B dan 50% teknik C yaitu kombinasi es dan ikan (1:8) ditambah 5% garam (D). Hasil analisis keragaman menunjukkan bahwa metode penanganan berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kualitas ikan. Penambahan hancuran es (teknik B) menunjukkan mutu ikan yang terbaik di antara teknik penangan lainnya dengan mutu kimiawi yaitu kadar histamin 11,30 mgN%, kadar air 74,53 %, kadar garam 0,32 % dan kadar TVB 20,90 mgN%, mutu mikrobiologi yaitu jumlah bakteri 13 x 101 koloni/g, jumlah coliform negatif, dan mutu organoleptik yaitu kenampakan 8,0; mata 7,7; bau 7,8; dan tektur 7,8

    Phytochemical and antioxidant capacity test on turmeric extract (Curcuma longa) traditionally processed in Bali

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    Bali is an island that is famous for its culture, including traditional medicine. In traditional medicine, the Balinese use various kinds of medicinal plants, one of which is Turmeric. The purpose of this study was to determine the ways and objectives of the use of turmeric by Balinese, as well as the phytochemical content and antioxidant capacity of turmeric extract which is traditionally processed in Bali. The method and purpose of utilizing turmeric were obtained through observation and interviews with 900 Balinese respondents. Quantitative phytochemical tests include starch, protein, flavonoid, tannin, phenol and vitamin C levels and qualitatively for the presence of triterpenes, steroids, alkaloids, and saponins. Antioxidant capacity was measured using the DPPH method. Through this research, we found there were only 36.8% of respondents had ever used turmeric as a traditional medicine. Utilization of turmeric was mostly in the form of loloh or traditional drinks. Phytochemical test results showed turmeric extract had 67.38% starch, 3.42% protein, 2709.39 mg / 100 gr flavonoids, tannins 291.64 mg / 100gr, phenol 1584.04 mg / 100 gr, and vitamin C 0.06 mg / 100gr. Qualitatively, turmeric extract contained triterpenes, alkaloids, and saponins, but did not contain steroids. The antioxidant capacity of turmeric extract was 70.9 mg / L GAEAC. Turmeric extract is a traditional medicine made from nature that is most commonly used by Balinese and very potential to be developed as an antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, or other benefits that still need further investigation


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    Kegiatan perikanan merupakan kegiatan yang sangat komplek, kegiatan multidisiplin seperti ilmu alam, ilmu teknologi, ilmu sosial serta riset diberbagai bidang ilmu di atas, sehingga sering disebut kegiatan yang bersifat bio-tekno-ekonomi. Teknologi pengolahan ikan, terdiri dari teknologi pengolahan modern dan teknologi pengolahan tradisional yang merupakan tradisi olahan yang diperoleh secara turun temurun yang memiliki cara yang khas, sehingga menghasilkan produk dengan aroma dan rasa yang spesifik. Dalam buku ini dibahas tentang komposisi kimia ikan, perubahan setelah ikan mati, yang diikuti oleh teknologi penanganan ikan segar, teknologi pembekuan ikan, untuk memperoleh mutu ikan segar. Dibahas pula, teknologi penggaraman, pengeringan, pengasapan, fermentasi dan pengalengan ikan serta teknologi olahan ikan lainnya

    Effect of cooking time on the quality of nila nyat-nyat (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    The right time for cooking nila nyat-nyat is very influential on subjective and objective value of nila nyat-nyat. The goal of this study was to determine the best time in cooking tilapia in order to get the best quality of nila nyat-nyat. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University and the Faculty of Food Technology, Udayana University. This research used experimental method with completely randomized design of single factors with 6 different treatments and 4 replications. Quality assessment includes subjective tests through organoleptic analysis such as appearance, texture, odor, and taste, and also objective tests or nutritional analysis, such as water, fat, protein, and ash content. Statistical analysis with anova showed that the difference in cooking time gave significant influence in the organoleptic quality and nutritional value of tilapia (p value < 0.01). From this research, we conclude the best time for cooking tilapia was 30 minutes
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