48 research outputs found
U.S. foreign policy took a dramatic shift since the Trump Administration took office in 2017. The country has pulled out of the Paris Agreement, has imposed more sanctions on Russia, and has vowed to renegotiate international trade deals to “Make America Great Again.” U.S. foreign policy has an enormous impact on the lives of foreign professionals, from the ability to obtain work visas to being able to simply travel to the U.S. to pursue employment opportunities
Antideuteron production in 158 AGeV/c Pb + Pb collisions
The invariant cross section as a function of transverse momentum for antideuterons produced in 158 A GeV/c per nucleon Pb+Pb central collisions has been measured by the NA44 experiment at CERN. This measurement, together with a measurement of antiprotons, allows for the determination of the antideuteron coalescence parameter. The extracted coalescence radius is found to agree with the deuteron coalescence radius and radii determined from two particle correlations. (27 refs)
The development of the human-machine interface for the wastewater treatment control system
V diplomskem delu je opisan razvoj uporabniškega vmesnika za nadzor in krmiljenje naprave za kemično čiščenje odpadne tehnološke vode. Za postavitev čistilne naprave v podjetju Omaplast d.o.o. so se odločili, ker se zavedajo, kako dragoceni so naravni viri.
Funkcionalni gradniki, za nadzorn- krmilni sistem so senzorji in aktuatorji, ki izvajajo meritve, regulacije oz. pretvarjajo električne veličine v fizikalne. Zelo pomemben gradnik je programljiv logični krmilnik, ter operaterski panel. Med njima je vzpostavljena medkrmilniška komunikacija. Operaterski panel omogoča vizualen prikaz stanja, kot ga zazna nadzorno-krmilni sistem. Poleg tega pa omogoča še alarmiranje stanj.
Aplikacija za nadzor in delovanja procesa je izvedena na operaterskem panelu. Nadzorno-krmilni sistem je zasnovan, tako da je enostaven za uporabnika, ki obratuje 24 ur dnevno in deluje s sprotno obdelavo podatkov. Vse obdelave podatkov na nadzorno-krmilnem sistemu, ki niso sprotne , so zasnovane tako, da ne vplivajo na tekoÄŤi nadzor in vodenje procesa in naprav. Med programljivim logiÄŤnim krmilnikom in operaterskim panelom je vzpostavljena neprestana komunikacija, ki je pogoj za delovanje celotnega sistema.
Komunikacija med programljivim krmilnikom in operaterskim panelom omogoÄŤa nastavitev parametrov, potrebnih za normalno delovanje in spremljanje procesa na krmilniku. V primeru izpada komunikacije med krmilnikom in operaterskim panelom, deluje krmilnik neodvisno naprej, pri ÄŤemer so uporabljeni zadnji nastavljeni parametri.In this thesis is described the system of supervisory-control for waste water treatment. Company Omaplast decided for a wastewater treatment plant because they realize how valuable such natural resources are.
Functional elements of supervisory-control system are sensors that perform measurements and regulations, actuators to transform electrical values to mechanical values. Very important elements are programmable logical controller and human-machine interface. Between them is established comminicatio link. Operation panel provides visual status indication and it enables alarm conditions.
The application for controlling the operation of the plant is carried out on the operation panel. Supervisory control system has been designed as a system that is easy to use, which is operating 24 hours a day and works with on-line data processing. All the off-line data on the supervisory control system are designed so as not to affect the current control and management of the process and the equipment. Between controller and operation panel communication is established, which is necessary for the functioning of the entire system.
Communication between the controller and operation panel provides the possibility to set the parameters required for normal operation and monitoring of this process on the controller. In the event of a failure of communication between the controller and operation panel, controller operates independently and used the last set parameters
Assessment of earthquake resistance of an existing building according to new draft version of Eurocode 8
Namen magistrske naloge je bil na konkretnem primeru obstoječe armiranobetonske stavbe preučiti postopek za oceno potresne odpornosti stavb, ki ga podaja delovna različica novega standarda Evrokod 1998-3. Obravnavana stavba sodi v stavbni fond Fakultete za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani in je bila zgrajena na začetku šestdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. Skladno s delovno različico novega Evrokoda 1998-3 smo najprej preučili razpoložljivo projektno in tehnično dokumentacijo stavbe. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov smo v programu ETABS izdelali linearni model konstrukcije. Izvedli smo preliminarno potresno analizo na osnovi linearne-elastične analize in v skladu s standardom za vsa kritična mesta preverili koeficient ?i??ki je definiran kot razmerje med potresnim vplivom in odpornostjo, izraženo s posplošenimi silami v prerezu konstrukcijskega elementa??Iz razmerja med maksimalno in minimalno vrednostjo koeficienta ?i smo ugotovili, da ocena potresne odpornosti z linearnimi metodami na podlagi pomikov ni upravičena in da je treba za natančnejšo oceno potresne odpornosti stavbe uporabiti nelinearno potresno analizo. Ne glede na to smo za tri izbrane stebre ocenili njihovo potresno odpornost na osnovi ocenjeno rotacijsko kapaciteto v vozliščih stebrov. Dobljene odpornosti smo primerjali z obremenitvami iz preliminarne analize in ugotovili, da dva od izbranih stebrov ne izpolnjujeta zahtev kriterijev po delovni različici novega Evrokoda 1998-3. Iz te ugotovitve smo sklepali, da stavba ni potresno odporna in zasnovali potresno utrditev stavbe z armiranobetonskimi stenami. Ob ponovni oceni potresne odpornosti z uporabo linearne analize se izkaže, da bi bila tako utrjena stavba potresno bistveno bolj odporna, vendar je treba takšne zaključke preveriti z izvedbo potisne analize utrjene stavbe.The aim of the master\u27s thesis was to examine, using a specific case of an existing reinforced concrete building, the procedure for assessing the seismic performance of buildings as presented by the working version of the new standard Eurocode 1998-3. The building under consideration is a part of the building stock of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana and was constructed in the early 1960s. In accordance with the working draft of the new Eurocode 1998-3, we first examined the available project and technical documentation of the building. Based on the acquired data, we created a linear model of the structure using the ETABS program. We conducted a preliminary seismic analysis based on linear-elastic analysis and, following the working draft of the standard, verified the coefficient i, which is defined as the ratio between seismic demand and resistance expressed by generalized forces in the cross-section of the structural element. From the ratio between the maximum and minimum values of the i, we concluded that assessing the building’s earthquake resistance using linear methods and displacements is not justified, and a nonlinear seismic analysis should be used for a more accurate assessment of the building\u27s earthquake resistance. Nevertheless, we assessed the earthquake resistance of three selected columns based on the estimated rotational capacity at the column ends. The obtained resistances were compared with the demand from the preliminary analysis. We found that two of the selected columns did not meet the criteria of the working draft of the new Eurocode 1998-3. Based on this finding, we inferred that the building is not earthquake-resistant and proposed strengthening the building using reinforced concrete walls. Upon re-assessing the building’s earthquake resistance using linear analysis, it was evident that the strengthened building would be significantly more earthquake-resistant. However, such conclusions should be verified by a pushover-based seismic performance assessment of the reinforced building
"Marchandise sèches" 1840-1900: étude sociolinguistique
Note:A descriptive study of the vocabulary of textiles and clothing in Quebec during the second half of the nineteenth century. The etymology of terms is discussed as well as the sociological signification of the term in its historical context. Chapters are devoted to anglicisms, canadianisms, synecdoques; the sociological aspects are treated more specifically in chapters on the types of “drap” and on mourning and the use of the vocabulary in contemporary texts. The study also includes examples of the overlapping of terms in French and English, the specific use or form of words in Quebec, the reflection of contemporary events or personalities in the vocabulary and the appearance of terms in Quebec previous to dates generally given in French dictionaries.Étude descriptive du vocabulaire des textiles et du vêtement Utilise au Québec pendant la deuxième moitié du dix-neuvième siècle. L'étude comprend l'étymologie des termes récencesainsi que leur signification sociologique dans le contexte historique. Le vocabulaire est classé sous les rubriques sui vantes: anglicismes, Canadianismes, synecdoques; l’aspect sociologique est abordé plus spécifiquement dans les chapitres sur les types de drap, sur le deuil et sur l’utilisation des termes dans des écrits de l’époque. L'étude comprend égalementdes exemples de la superposition des termes en anglais et en français, de la forme ou l'usage spécifiquement québécois, du reflet dans le vocabulaire des faits historiques et des personnages contemporains et des cas ou l’ apparition des mots au Québec précède les dates citées par les dictionnaires français