2,882 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Keterampilan Berbicara dalam Penggunaan Sor Singgih Bahasa Bali

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    Balinese language is the mother tongue of Balinese. This language is used in the daily life of Balinese. It is also a historical evidence for Balinese that takes a position as a means of expression in Balinese culture, in which inside it, it has recorded, such as aesthetic experience, religion, social, politics and other aspects of Balinese life. In its development, there are some levels in Balinese language appeared and they are called sor singgih of Balinese Language. The problem discussed in this study include (1) the process of learning sor singgih of Balinese language in the speaking skil, (2) the mastery of sor singgih of Balinese language in the speaking skill, (3) factors that affects students' performance in mastering it. The data were collected by doing an analysis upon conversation conducted by students. The data were selected and analyzed in descriptive and qualitative ways. Based on the analysis, there were weakness and lack of learning aids used and also some errors found in students' performance while using sor singgih of Balinese language due to the influence of Indonesian, the characteristic of students, along side with facilities and basic facilities as the supporting factors of the affectivity of speaking

    Analisis Biaya Per Kapita sebagai Upaya Advokasi Pengendalian Biaya Program Jaminan Kesehatan Jembrana

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    Introductions: Jembrana Health Insurance (JHI) program isintended to provide health insurance at first level (PPK I) forinhabitants of Jembrana District. Up till now, financing of JHIdepends on subsidy in which it is growing up and has a trendto be out of target. Therefore, it needs to manage cost byimplementing capitation payment system. Aim of this researchwas to analyze cost per capita and to identify perceptions ofJHI stakeholders towards capitation system.Methods: This research was case study through analyzingsecondary data and performing in-depth interview. Data onmember's utilization and claim cost were collected using forms.Results: Result of cost per capita calculation based on realutilization of PPK I namely Rp5.262,- per month per member is63 % higher than cost per capita based on normal utilization ofPPK I namely Rp1.949,- per month per member. Furthermore,result of in-depth interview shows that both policy makersand providers have a bad perception towards capitationsystem and results of cost per capita calculation.Conclusions: Local government could apply principles ofmanaged care by controlling cost and quality by developingcapitation payment system for PPK I based on normal utilization

    Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan Ibu Hamil Trimester III Dengan Kepatuhan Melakukan Anc (Antenatal Care) Di BPS Ni Made Adiantini, S.sit

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    Antenatal examination was performed for prenatal care during their pregnancy the mother and fetus at regular intervals. Many facts that reveal the relationship of education level with ANC visits is very essential for a pregnant woman. This study aims to determine the relationship of education level III trimester pregnant women with adherence to the ANC in the midwifes in private practice Ni Made Adiantini, S.SiT. Research using cross sectional study design. Subjects are pregnant women who do the third trimester of pregnancy in the midwifes in private practice Ni Made Adiantini, S.SiT totaling 30 respondents. Purposive sampling technique sampling. From the test results using the chi square statistic obtained 0.00 and α p value of 0.05 means that p value <α showed no association of education level III trimester pregnant women with adherence to the ANC in the midwives in private practice Ni Made Adiantini, S.Si

    Pengaruh Pengembangan Jaminan Kesehatan Bali Mandara terhadap Keberadaan Jaminan Kesehatan Tingkat Kabupaten di Bali dan Upaya Pencapaian Universal Coverage

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    Background: To conduct an analysis of the influence of theBali Mandara Health Insurance (JKBM) policy concerning theexistence of district level health insurance and its impact onachieving universal coverage.Method: Literature review to produce an analysis of JKBMpolicy and to produce appropriate policy alternatives forfinancing and health care issues which emerged from theimplementation of JKBM.Results: The aim of Bali Mandara Health Insurance is to providehealth services which are fully subsidized by the Provincialand Districts Government in Bali. JKBM is intended for peopleswho do not protected by health insurance programs. Theimplementation of JKBM has forced Tabanan to stop the AskesMandiri program while Jembrana District decided not to takepart in JKBM. Unlike JKJ and Askes Mandiri, JKBM is still managedby a coordination team under Bali Health Office Supervision.Furthermore another fundamental difference is regarding onhow they finance the program. JKBM is fully financed fromsharing subsidies while JKJ and Askes Mandiri are financedfrom member premium. Nevertheless JKBM policy is potentialto expand the efforts of achieving universal coverage, improveequity in health financing and fulfil a non-profit principle ofsocial health insurance. Along with the positives impact, thisprogram also has several weaknesses. One of theweaknesses is lack of consideration to the principles of socialsolidarity and mutual cooperation. Communities\u27 participation inhealth financing program which has been developed by JKJand Askes Mandiri is abandoned. In addition to theseweaknesses JKBM also less able to adopt the district healthinsurance who have first evolved. JKJ case shows of JKBMfailure to apply the principle of portability and benef itscoordination of the services thereby potentially harming thepeople of Bali.Conclusion: Bali provincial government should immediatelydevelop Implementing Agency (Badan Pelaksana) of JKBM toorganize and develop the program. In addition to this, memberparticipation throughout premium payment could be establishedgradually to ensure the sustainability of the program. JKJ andJKBM should operate in harmony by considering role distributionbetween member, Provincial Government of Bali, andGovernment of Jembrana

    Simulasi Penghitungan Tarif Premi sebagai Upaya Advokasi Realokasi Subsidi Premi Ppk I Jaminan Kesehatan Jembrana

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    Background: Program of Jembrana Health Insurance (JHI) isintended to provide health insurance at first level (PPK I) forinhabitants of Jembrana District. Up till now, financing of JHIdepends on subsidy in which it is growing up and has a trendto be out of the target. Therefore, it needs to increase themember participants by implementing the premium payment.Aim of this research was to analyze premium of JHIcomprehensively to advocate the reallocation of premiumsubsidy of JHI.Methods: Type of this research was case study throughanalyzing secondary data. Data on members, utilization,operational cost and claim cost data was collected using format Bapel JKJ, Jembrana District Health Office and NegaraHospital.Results: The first Premium tariff scheme of JHI is free for 40 %inhabitants who earn low income, Rp48.171,00 for 40%inhabitants who earn medium income, and Rp96.341,00 for20% inhabitants who earn high income. The second Premiumtariff scheme of JHI is free for 40% inhabitants who earn lowincome, Rp89.595 for 40 % inhabitants who earn mediumincome, and Rp96.341,00 for 20% inhabitants who earn highincome.Conclusions: Local government could develop JHIcomprehensively by relocating premium subsidy of PPK I for40% inhabitants who earn low income, besides that localgovernment should apply principles of managed care bycontrolling cost and quality in terms of comprehensive healthinsurance.Keywords: health insurance, premiu

    Pengaturan Mengenai Harga Saham Wajar Sebagai Bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pemegang Saham Publik Dalam Merger Bank Yang Berbentuk Perseroan Terbuka

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    Banking crisis that occurred in 1997 and the issuance of Bank Indonesia regulations Number 8/16/PBI/2006 Regarding Single Presence on Indonesian Banking, led to a merger in the banking industry. Merger action is a legal act, not only causes economic and financial consequences but also the juridical consequences. The consequences of the merger to be seen is the impact on the public shareholders especially in the of bank in form public company.In the event of a merger, position of public shareholders is very weak in regard to corporate decision-making (the company). If the views of the ownership of shares, public shareholders are almost always going to lose when dealing with shareholders, because for every share issued has one vote. The results of this research showedCapital Markets Law and BAPEPAM regulation Number IX.G.1 About Merger or Consolidation Enterprises Public Company or the Issuerdoes not regulate further the understanding and clear criteria of "reasonable stock price". But in bank merger the form of public company,necessary services as a professional independent appraisal supporting the capital markets as mentioned in Article 64 and Article 67 of Act Number 8 Year 1995 About Capital Market,which in turn can make a reasonable assessment of the stock price that reflects fairness for public or minority shareholders
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