10 research outputs found
Aktivitas dan Teritori Ruang Publik Kost sebagai Interaksi Sosial
Penghuni kost selalu membutuhkan ruang dalam memenuhi aktivitas kesehariannya. Meskipun secara fungsi rumah kost didesain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penghuninya yang bersifat sementara, namun bukan berarti fasilitas pada area kost tidak terpenuhimisalnya ruang televisi, ruang masak dan fasilitas lainnya. Dalam arsitektur, fasilitas kost bukan hanya berbicara kenyamanan dalam unit ruang saja melainkan unit ruang dalam skala meso juga harus diperhatikan oleh pemilik kost. Namun dalam kenyataannya masih banyak kost khususnya kost keluarga tidak terlalu memperhatikan fasilitas tersebut, sehingga penghuni kost lebih berinisiatif dalam menciptakan ruang sendiri secara tidak langsung membangun teritori dalam lingkup ruang mereka sendiri.Tanpa disadari penghuni kost telah memutus jalur interaksi antara sesama penghuni kost, yang harusnya dapat dikendalikan oleh pemilik kost
Sumangano Ompu Masyarakat Cia-cia Laporo
Ciacia laporo is an indigenous people who have inhabited the mainland of Buton since the people settled in Lipumangau and Bugi Lama. The people who live in the interior leave a history of living and cultural heritage. The most important trace of living and cultural heritage is the concept of sumangano ompu, which is the way of life for the people of Ciacia Laporo wherever they are. This study uses inductive qualitative methods such as observation and interviews with a phenomenological model, which has led researchers to go into the field without a solid theory to explore in the field. To support this research, several means of collecting field data are available, such as: area maps, imaging equipment, use of sketches and cameras. From the results of the analysis, it can be seen that these topics have given rise to the concept, meaning and theory of the Sumangano Ompu concept of the Cia-cia Laporo tribe. The spaces are formed from the habit of moving farmers and the habit of moving houses to new villages. The habit of shifting cultivation means avoiding evil, seeking a better life without destroying nature, the meaning of moving a house without using new materials is to respect and appreciate the ompu heritage house in the use of nature as a food source, as well as in the use of space to maintain the culture inherited from the ancestors.
Keyword: Concept, Sumangano Ompu, Cia-cia LaporoCiacia laporo adalah masyarakat adat yang mendiami daratan Buton sejak penduduknya bermukim di Lipumangau dan Bugi Lama. Orang-orang yang tinggal di pedalaman tersebut meninggalkan sejarah bermukim dan warisan budaya. Jejak bermukim dan warisan budaya yang paling penting adalah konsep sumangano ompu, yang menjadi pedoman hidup masyarakat Ciacia Laporo dimanapun mereka berada. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif induktif seperti observasi dan wawancara dengan model fenomenologi, yang telah mengarahkan peneliti untuk terjun ke lapangan tanpa teori yang kokoh untuk mengeksplorasi di lapangan. Untuk mendukung penelitian ini, tersedia beberapa sarana pengumpulan data lapangan, seperti: peta wilayah, peralatan pencitraan, penggunaan sketsa dan kamera. Dari hasil analisis dapat diketahui bahwa topik-topik tersebut telah memunculkan konsep, makna dan teori konsep Sumangano Ompu suku Cia-cia Laporo. Ruang-ruang terbentuk dari kebiasaan berpindah-pindah petani serta kebiasaan memindahkan rumah ke perkampungan baru. Kebiasaan berladang berpindah artinya menjauhi kejahatan, mencari kehidupan yang lebih baik tanpa merusak alam, makna mindahkan rumah tanpa menggunakan material baru adalah menghormati dan menghargai rumah warisan ompu dalam pemanfaatan alam sebagai sumber pangan, serta dalam pemanfaatan ruang untuk mempertahankan budaya yang diwariskan dari nenek moyang
Kajian Arsitektur Islam dan Persepsi Keestetikan Masjid di Kota Kendari
The priority in building a mosque is very important because as a place of worship for Muslims, there are still many mosques that do not apply the principles of Islamic architecture both in terms of the application of the interior and exterior of the building. - Rules of the Qur'an and Hadith The research method of this journal uses a qualitative research method by collecting observational data, namely observing and recording signs that occur in a location. Analysis of a matter in the application of the rules of the 10 mosques observed that there are three mosques that are not appropriate accordance with the rules of Islamic architecture. The results of observations of mosques in the city of Kendari have a shape and appearance that tend to use tiered roofs with the addition of stainless cubes as an architectural feature. Observations show that the mosque has a relatively long building age but its shape changes are still maintained
Kendari city is a city that has potential as a tourism and religious city area. Over time, the city of Kendari has produced many design works, such as mosques. Many types of mosques in the city of Kendari have implemented architectural designs. The mosque is not only for worship but also for Islamic activities and also for social activities. The purpose of this research is to identify the types of mosques in the city of Kendari and it is hoped that this research can add to our insights. The research method used is descriptive research method in which we survey directly to the field to see how Islamic architecture is applied to mosques in the city of Kendari. The results of the research obtained are that mosques in the city of Kendari have various forms and various ornaments and do not eliminate Islamic nuances.
 kota Kendari merupakan kota yang memiliki potensi sebagai Kawasan kota wisata dan religi. Seiring berkembangnya waktu di Kota Kendari banyak menghasilkan karya-karya desain seperti contohnya masjid, sudah banyak tipe-tipe masjid di kota Kendari yang menerapkan desain arsitektur. Masjid bukan hanya untuk beribadah namun juga untuk kegiatan-kegiatan keislaman dan juga untuk kegiatan sosial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tipe-tipe masjid di kota Kendari dan diharapkan dengan adanya penelitian ini dapat menambah wawasan kita. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif yang dimana kami survei langsung ke lapangan untuk melihat bagaimana penerapan arsitektur islam pada masjid-masjid di kota Kendari. Hasil dari penelitian yang didapat adalah masjid-masjid di kota Kendari memiliki berbagai macam bentuk dan ornamen yang beragam dan tidak menghilangkan nuansa islami.
Kata Kunci : Tipologi, Prinsip arsitektur islam, Kota Kendar
Kajian Pencahayaan Alami dan Pencahayaan Buatan di Aula Gedung Islamic Centre Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari
The effect of lighting so that the application of lighting can be applied in accordance with the aesthetics of the system and its function, the aim is (1) to know more about what aspects must be considered in designing lighting in the work space, (2) as input for scientific studies and follow-up studies in efforts overcome lighting problems. The research method uses quantitative research methods. In this study, the data obtained came from the results of direct measurements and observations of the research object. more productive indoors. Seeing the application and utilization of lighting in terms of aesthetics that occurs, it is hoped that the appearance and lighting in the room will look more elegant by prioritizing the aesthetics of the building so that it is not only the allotment of good lighting functions but also the aesthetic value of a space
Model Penerapan Kaidah Arsitektur Islam pada Bangunan Masjid di Kota Kendari
Kendari City is a religious city. Kendari is one of the areas where the majority of the population is Muslim, accounting for around 93.27% of the total Muslim and Muslim population or around 345,778 people. For this reason, the spread of mosques in the city of kendari is quite a lot. Based on sources from the BPS province of Southeast Sulawesi in 2018, there are 371 mosques spread across kendari City. This massive distribution sometimes causes inequality. Islamic shari’a in several places of worship, namely mosques, are sometimes neglected anymore, so it is not uncommon to find mosques that are not in accordance with the principles of Islamic architecture. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect again on the application of architecture ini accordance with Islamic beliefs. The approach used ini this reseach is descriptive, obersevation, documentation and liteture study from various sources. From this approach, it can be concluded that ini general the mosques in the city of Kendari are in accordance with Shari’a and the rules of islmaic architecture
Tipologi Bentuk Arsitektur Masjid di Kota Kendari Pada Era Modern
The rapid development in the city of Kendari has certainly greatly influenced many things, including in the field of architecture. And one of the developments in the field of architecture is the many innovations related to the design of mosques in the city of Kendari so that it is no longer monotonous. Some mosques in Kendari have even implemented modern principles. The purpose of this research is to identify and obtain the typology of mosques in Kendari so that in the future it can be used as a reference for designers of modern mosques in the future. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative method through typology analysis of mosque buildings which are considered to represent modern mosque buildings in the city of Kendari. The research resulted in a typology of modern mosque buildings in Kendari city as a form of development of mosque architecture in the modern era but without eliminating the Islamic impression which later can become a reference in designing modern mosques, especially in Kendari cit
Studi Keselarasan dan Keterkaitan Bentuk Arsitektur Islam pada Masjid di Kota Kendari
Islamic architecture is a way to connect the relationship between humans, the environment and the Creator. One symbol of the use of Islamic architecture is the mosque. The purpose of this study is to see the harmony of Islamic architecture in several mosques in Kendari City. The research method used is descriptive and qualitative methods, starting with problem formulation, and data collection through literature surveys and field observations on Islamic architecture in mosques. In the observation and documentation stage, it was found that several mosques in Kendari City have implemented Islamic architecture which can be seen from the characteristics of the mosque, the application of Islamic principles to its architecture and the transformations of mosque forms. From the results of the data found that there are ten mosques in the city of Kendari that have implemented Islamic architecture, namely Al-Alam Mosque, Al-Kautsar Mosque, Arraudah Mosque, Jami'al Falah Mosque, Baitul Rahman Kendari Mosque, Haji Latjinta Hidayatullah Mosque, Abul Ashim Mosque , H.M Jusuf Abadi Mosque, Nurul Fauzan Mosque, Al-Amanah Mosque. From several mosques that have been studied, it shows that the use of Islamic architecture is very much and has a good influence among the people in Kendari City
Penerapan Arsitektur Islam terhadap Bentuk- Bentuk Simbol dan Ornamen pada Masjid di Kota Kendari
Islamic architecture is a building work of art that applies deep Islamic forms, ornaments, symbols and values ​​without hindering the use of modern building technology as a tool in expressing this essence. Islamic architecture is guided by the Al-Quran and Hadith. The characteristics of Islamic architecture are mosques. The mosque in the city of Kendari has many unique forms with symbols and ornaments on every mosque in the city of Kendari. From the uniqueness of mosques in the city of Kendari, the author will conduct research on the forms of symbols in mosques in the city of Kendari. This research method uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. This method is carried out by serving directly at every mosque in the city of Kendari. The results of this study indicate that the shape and location of the symbols and ornaments on each mosque in the city of Kendari are in accordance with Islamic architecture
Islamic architecture is a building work of art that follows Islamic principles, sourced from the Qur'an, as-Sunnah, the Prophet's Family, Companions, Ulama and Muslim scholars. This thought is poured on the physical and metaphysical of the building. Islamic architecture has existed since the time of the Prophet Ibrahim.a.s. and spread all over the world. One type of building which is the main product of Islamic architecture is the mosque. To identify Islamic architecture, it can be seen from several elements such as domes, calligraphy and mihrab. For the research method that we used in this study in the form of field observations and visual observations which were then followed by building weights from several elements such as door and window openings. As for the collection of mosque data, we obtained it from several locations in the city of Kendari. The purpose of this study is to determine the alignment of mosques in Kendari with Islamic principles, both physically and metaphysically. In addition, this study also aims to determine the influence and adaptation of Islamic architecture with other architectural concepts in mosques in Kendari. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the mosque in the city of Kendari has its own uniqueness with the implementation of Islamic architecture which is combined with both traditional and modern architectural concepts. The point that can be captured is that Islamic architecture is an adaptive and efficient architecture.Arsitektur Islam merupakan karya seni bangunan yang mengikuti kaidah islam, bersumber dari AlQur’an, as-Sunnah, Keluarga Nabi, Sahabat, para Ulama maupun cendikiawan muslim. Pemikiran tersebut dituangkan pada fisik dan metafisik bangunan. Arsitektur islam telah ada sejak zaman nabi Ibrahim.a.s. dan tersebar diseluruh penjuru dunia. Tipe bangunan yang merupakan produk utama dari arsitektur islam salah satunya adalah masjid. Untuk mengidentifikasi arsitektur islam, dapat dilihat dari beberapa elemen seperti kubah, kaligrafi dan mihrab. Untuk metode penelitian yang kami gunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa observasi lapangan serta pengamatan secara visual yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembobotan bangunan dari beberapa elemen seperti bukaan pintu dan jendela. Adapun pengumpulan data masjid kami peroleh dari beberapa lokasi di kota Kendari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keselarasan masjid-masjid di kota Kendari dengan kaidah islam baik secara fisik maupun metafisik bangunan. selain itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan adaptasi arsitektur islam dengan konsep arsitektur lain pada masjid di kota Kendari. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Masjid di kota Kendari memiliki keunikan tersendiri dengan implementasi arsitektur islam yang yang dipadukan dengan konsep arsitektur baik tradisional maupun modern. poin yang dapat ditangkap adalah arsitektur islam adalah arsitektur yang adaptif dan efisien