7 research outputs found

    Prevalence, Isolation, Characterisation and Antibiogram Study of Pathogenic Escherichia coli from Different Poultry Farms of Odisha

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    From 182 birds of different farms of odisha suspected for colibacillosis 317 swab samples containing 51 air sacs, 39 lungs, 53 livers, 36 heart bloods, 45 pericardial fluids, 19 yolk sacs and 74 intestine samples were processed for isolation and identification of pathogenic E. coli. and subjected to detail bacteriological and biochemical examination in the laboratory and 105 E. coli isolates were isolated following standard procedures. The percentage of isolation of E. coli isolates in decreasing order was yolk sac (52.6%) and heart blood (38.4%) in 0-4 week birds. In older birds (4-7week) the highest percentage of isolation was from pericardial fluid (35.8%) followed by heart blood (33.4%). The present study showed that the frequency of occurrence of O9 strain is highest (16.7%) followed by O1, O33 & O51 (13.3%), O23 & O119 (10%), O103 & 79 (6.7%) and serotype O90 (3.3%). The antibiogram study reveals that, E. coli isolates found were highly resistant to some of the classical drugs like chlortetracycline (88.58%), streptomycin (85.72%), penicillin-G (82.86%), amikacin (82.86%), furazolidone (77.14%), ampicillin (74.29%), Tetracycline(74.29%), Amoxicillin (71.43%) and cotrimoxazole (71.43%), while isolates were highly sensitive to ceftriaxone and tazobactum (94.29%), ceftriaxone (91.43%), gentamicin (85.72%), chloromphenicol (82.67%), cephotaxime (77.14%), cefixime (74.29%) and ciprofloxacin (74.29%)

    Promjene srčanih biomarkera i ublažavanje simptoma trovanja arsenom u bijelih pataka pasmine pekinÅ”ka patka nakon upotrebe đumbira

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    Cardiotoxicity is an imperative issue in the assessment of heavy metal consumption and inorganic arsenic (As). These have a cardiotoxic effect which is evaluated by biochemical, and oxidative-antioxidant tests, and by the Nrf2- HO-1 pathway. Dried ginger powder is recognized for its efficient antioxidant activities and as a protector of the cardiovascular system from toxic damage caused by heavy metals. However, the possible function of ginger against As in heart via heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) is unclear. A total of 120 White Pekin ducks were randomly distributed into groups comprising 24 birds in each. Each group comprised 3 replicates having 8 birds in each replicate. The time period of this study was 90 days. The groups were the control [Group I] whereas groups II to IV were fed a basal diet including arsenic at 28 mg/L. Dried ginger powder as an ameliorative agent was mixed with the basal diet and fed at 0.1, 0.3 and 1 g/kg feed to groups III, IV and V, respectively. In the current experiment, dried ginger powder decreased As-induced reactive oxygen species (ROSs) production, oxidative injury and pathological modifications. In addition, cardiac dysfunction factors, intracellular calcium (Ca2+), As accumulation and cAMP deficiency levels were noticed in ducks; these alternations were attenuated by ginger. Furthermore, ginger significantly altered the down regulation of both HO-1 and Nrf2 gene expressions caused by As. Thus, the proven protective role of ginger against As-induced cardiotoxicity may be a consequence of the maintenance of redox homeostasis, i.e. the Nrf2-HO-1 pathway and by enabling As efflux.Kardiotoksičnost je vrlo važna u procjeni problema koji nastaju konzumacijom teÅ”kih metala. Anorganski arsen (As) ima kardiotoksičan učinak koji se procjenjuje na temelju biokemijskih, oksidacijsko-antioksidacijskih nalaza te na temelju puta Nrf2-HO-1. SuÅ”eni đumbirov prah poznat je po svojoj učinkovitoj antioksidacijskoj aktivnosti i zaÅ”titnom djelovanju u slučaju intoksikacije kardiovaskularnog sustava teÅ”kim metalima. Nejasna je međutim uloga đumbira u odnosu na arsen u srčanom miÅ”iću putem hem-oksigenaze 1 (HO-1) i faktora 2 povezanog s nuklearnim eritroidnim faktorom. Ukupno je 120 bijelih pataka pasmine pekinÅ”ka patka nasumično podijeljeno u skupine koje su sadržavale po 24 jedinke. U svakoj skupini provedena su 3 ponovljena postupka (replikacije) na po 8 jedinki. Ukupno je vrijeme istraživanja bilo 90 dana. Skupina I bila je kontrolna skupina koja nije primila ni arsen ni đumbir. Pokusnim skupinama od II do V je, uz osnovnu prehranu, u različitim kombinacijama dodavan arsen u dozi od 28mg/L i suÅ”eni đumbirov prah u dozama od 0,1g/kg 0,3g/kg i 1 g/kg. Rezultati su pokazali da je suÅ”eni đumbirov prah smanjio prisutnost reaktivnih vrsta kisika (ROS) uzrokovanu arsenom, oksidacijsko oÅ”tećenje i patoloÅ”ke promjene. Osim toga uočene promjene, kao Å”to su su faktori srčane disfunkcije, unutarstanični kalcij (Ca2+), nakupljanje arsena i deficijencija razine cAMP-a, ublažene su đumbirovim prahom. Đumbir je, nadalje, znakovito utjecao na smanjenje genske ekspresije i HO-1 i Nrf2 uzrokovane arsenom. Zaključeno je da bi zaÅ”titna uloga đumbira u slučaju kardiotoksičnosti uzrokovane arsenom mogla biti posljedica održavanja redoks homeostaze, odnosno puta Nrf2-HO-1 i omogućavanja eliminacije arsena


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    The present study was conducted on 15 healthy captive and/or wild Asian elephants of Odisha, divided into 3 groups (n=5), for management of different foot affections. Group A was comprised of conventionally treated elephants with surgical debridement of foot lesions followed by regular dressing. Group B and Group C elephants were treated with tip and swab method of cryotherapy, respectively. A non-significant (p>0.05) increase in clinic-physiological and haematobiochemical parameters had been observed; while the rectal temperature increased initially on day 3 followed by decrease in values from 7 days onwards alike a non-significant (p>0.05) decrease in TLC and neutrophil (%). It was concluded that as compared to conventional methods, cryotherapy via probe or tip applicator and swab method of freezing proved to be more fruitful in healing of foot lesions


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    The research was conducted in 12 female dogs undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy. They were divided into two groups of six animals each to evaluate and compare sedative effect in Group-I atropine- meloxicam - dexmedetomidine - butorphanol - midazolam - ketamine and Group-II atropine- meloxicam - xylazine - butorphanol - midazolam - ketamine anaesthetic combination. Maintenance of anaesthesia was done by ketamine in both the groups. Anaesthetic combinations were evaluated by clinical and physiological observations. Adequate muscle relaxation, sedation and analgesia necessary for surgical intervention were achieved along with smooth and uneventful recovery of the patients. Onset of sedation and induction time were quicker in Group-I. Physiological parameters fluctuated within the normal limits. Both anaesthetic protocols in the present study provided satisfactory surgical plane of anaesthesia in dogs. But dexmedetomidine may be preferred over xylazine in the anaesthetic regimen of atropine-meloxicam-butorphanolmidazolam-ketamine for elective ovariohysterectomy in dogs

    Properties and physiological effects of dietary fiber-enriched meat products: a review

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    Meat is a rich source of high biological proteins, vitamins, and minerals, but it is devoid of dietary fiber, an essential non-digestible carbohydrate component such as cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, polysaccharides, and oligosaccharides. Dietary fibers are basically obtained from various cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and their by-products and have numerous nutritional, functional, and health-benefiting properties. So, these fibers can be added to meat products to enhance their physicochemical properties, chemical composition, textural properties, and organoleptic qualities, as well as biological activities in controlling various lifestyle ailments such as obesity, certain cancers, type-II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and bowel disorders. These dietary fibers can also be used in meat products as an efficient extender/binder/filler to reduce the cost of production by increasing the cooking yield as well as by reducing the lean meat content and also as a fat replacer to minimize unhealthy fat content in the developed meat products. So, growing interest has been observed among meat processors, researchers, and scientists in exploring various new sources of dietary fibers for developing dietary fiber-enriched meat products in recent years. In the present review, various novel sources of dietary fibers, their physiological effects, their use in meat products, and their impact on various physicochemical, functional, and sensory attributes have been focused

    Hepatorenal Toxicity of Inorganic Arsenic in White Pekin Ducks and Its Amelioration by Using Ginger

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    Not AvailableThe toxic metalloid arsenic is known to cause liver and kidney injury in many humans and animals. The goal of this paper was to exemplify the antagonism of ginger against arsenic (As)-induced hepato-renal toxicity. In addition, the pathways Nrf2/Keap1 and NF/?B were studied to reveal the molecular mechanism of the stress. One hundred twenty 7-day-old White Pekin ducks were randomly allocated into five groups, having 24 birds in each. Each group contained three replicates having 8 birds in each replicate and maintained for 90 days. The groups were as follows: T-1 [control-basal diet with normal water], T-2 [T1?+?As at 28 ppm/L of water], T-3 [T2?+?ginger powder at 100 mg/kg feed], T-4 [T2?+?ginger powder at 300 mg/kg feed], and T-5 [T2?+?ginger powder at 1 g/kg feed]. It was observed that there was a significant increase in oxidative parameters whereas a significant decrease in antioxidant parameters in hepato-renal tissues in T-2. The exposure to As not only decreased the mRNA expression of antioxidant parameters like Nrf2, SOD-1, CAT, GPX, and HO-1and anti-inflammatory markers like IL-4 and IL-10 but also increased the m-RNA expression of NF-?B, Keap-1 and pro-inflammatory markers like IL-2, Il-6, IL-18, IL-1?, and TNF-?. There was also an accumulation of As in hepatic and renal tissue, confirmed by residual analysis of these tissues. By correlating the above parameters, As at 28 ppm showed significant toxic effects, and ginger powder at 1 g/kg feed effectively counteracted the toxic effects of As in ducks