141 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Pandemic and Macroeconomic Uncertainty: Indian Economic Outlook

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    The nature of recession today because of the outbreak of COVID-19 is completely different from that of Great recession of the 1930s and macroeconomic risks brought on by the pandemic could be severe. There is a trade-off between the severity of the recession and the health consequences of the pandemic. The containment policies undertaken by the State in most of the countries including India in the form of economic lockdown primarily to maintain social distance exacerbate recession but raise welfare by reducing the probability of new infection and death toll caused by the pandemic. Different sectors of the economy will be affected adversely depending upon its intensity, spread and duration of the pandemic. Till now, as the cost of externality is very high because of absence of vaccination and treatment of this disease, the State has to impose more aggressive policy in the form of near complete lockdown or in some cases complete lockdown of the economy to reduce the probability of being infected. Total number of infected people and number of death due to this disease is significantly less in India till now despite the country has the highest population density and more populous than USA and Italy. But, daily growth rate of infected people is significantly higher (above 10 per cent) than the rate even in USA (3.5 per cent) as on April 19, 2020. In India, although absolute number of death is the least compared to other countries, the death rate is larger than the rate in USA, the country showing the highest death toll in the pandemic

    COVID-19 Pandemic and Macroeconomic Uncertainty: Indian Economic Outlook

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    The nature of recession today because of the outbreak of COVID-19 is completely different from that of Great recession of the 1930s and macroeconomic risks brought on by the pandemic could be severe. There is a trade-off between the severity of the recession and the health consequences of the pandemic. The containment policies undertaken by the State in most of the countries including India in the form of economic lockdown primarily to maintain social distance exacerbate recession but raise welfare by reducing the probability of new infection and death toll caused by the pandemic. Different sectors of the economy will be affected adversely depending upon its intensity, spread and duration of the pandemic. Till now, as the cost of externality is very high because of absence of vaccination and treatment of this disease, the State has to impose more aggressive policy in the form of near complete lockdown or in some cases complete lockdown of the economy to reduce the probability of being infected. Total number of infected people and number of death due to this disease is significantly less in India till now despite the country has the highest population density and more populous than USA and Italy. But, daily growth rate of infected people is significantly higher (above 10 per cent) than the rate even in USA (3.5 per cent) as on April 19, 2020. In India, although absolute number of death is the least compared to other countries, the death rate is larger than the rate in USA, the country showing the highest death toll in the pandemic

    Thematic Affinities of "Khosrow and Shirin" and "Romeo and Juliet"

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    A romantic work can rarely be found, which would be equal to the story of Nizami’s "Khosro and Shirin". Perhaps the only work which can be compared to this literary masterpiece is the tragic romantic story of Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet", unique poet and playwright of English literature who is full of literary delicacies. The present article attempts to investigate the content and method of processing characters in both stories and reveal their similarities to make a new light to the neglected aspects of the two famous and precious work

    Mechanochemical synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic Properties of M2O3/TiO2 (M = Fe, Mn) nano-composite under visible light

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    Nano-particles of homogeneous solution between TiO2 and M2O3 (M = Fe, Mn; upto 10 wt %) have been prepared by mechanochemical milling of TiO2 and yellow/Red Fe2O3 and Mn2O3 using a planetary ball mill. Photocatalytic activities of TiO2 / M2O3 powders were investigated by photooxidation of different dyes like Rhodamine B (RB), Methyl orange (MO), thymol blue (TB) and Bromocresol green (BG) under visible light (300-W Xe lamp; λ > 420 nm). The results show that the alloy of TiO2 with 5 wt % of Fe2O3 (YFT1) exhibit photocatalytic activity 3-5 times higher than that of P25 TiO2 and 5 wt % of Mn2O3 /TiO2 (MNT1). Therefore, we have mainly discussed on Fe2O3/TiO2 alloy. XRD of powders show that it has anatase structure with no peak of any of Fe2O3/Mn2O3. EDX spectra show that Fe/Mn is uniformly distributed in TiO2. The average particle size and crystallite size of YFT1, MNT1 were found to be 30±5 nm (TEM), 100±5 nm (SEM) and 12 nm (XRD) respectively. Optical adsorption edge of YFT1 is found to be 2.26 eV. EPR and magnetic susceptibility show that Fe3+ is in low spin state corresponding to µB = 1.8 BM. As the band edge is lower than TiO2, which means that Fe3+ is situated in between conduction band and valence band. The optical absorption causes the formation of hole on Fe3+ and liberated electron goes to conduction band. This charge separation is facilitated by visible light rather than UV or near UV light due to lesser energy gap between Fe3+ and bottom of conduction band. The oxidation state of iron has been found to be +3 from redox titration and XPS

    Photo-Induced Cross-Linking of Unmodified Proteins (PICUP) Applied to Amyloidogenic Peptides

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    The assembly of amyloidogenic proteins into toxic oligomers is a seminal event in the pathogenesis of protein misfolding diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases, hereditary amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and type 2 diabetes. Owing to the metastable nature of these protein assemblies, it is difficult to assess their oligomer size distribution quantitatively using classical methods, such as electrophoresis, chromatography, fluorescence, or dynamic light scattering. Oligomers of amyloidogenic proteins exist as metastable mixtures, in which the oligomers dissociate into monomers and associate into larger assemblies simultaneously. PICUP stabilizes oligomer populations by covalent cross-linking and when combined with fractionation methods, such as sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) or size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), PICUP provides snapshots of the oligomer size distributions that existed before cross-linking. Hence, PICUP enables visualization and quantitative analysis of metastable protein populations and can be used to monitor assembly and decipher relationships between sequence modifications and oligomerization1. Mechanistically, PICUP involves photo-oxidation of Ru2+ in a tris(bipyridyl)Ru(II) complex (RuBpy) to Ru3+ by irradiation with visible light in the presence of an electron acceptor. Ru3+ is a strong one-electron oxidizer capable of abstracting an electron from a neighboring protein molecule, generating a protein radical1,2. Radicals are unstable, highly-reactive species and therefore disappear rapidly through a variety of intra- and intermolecular reactions. A radical may utilize the high energy of an unpaired electron to react with another protein monomer forming a dimeric radical, which subsequently loses a hydrogen atom and forms a stable, covalently-linked dimer. The dimer may then react further through a similar mechanism with monomers or other dimers to form higher-order oligomers. Advantages of PICUP relative to other photo- or chemical cross-linking methods3,4 include short (≤1 s) exposure to non-destructive visible light, no need for pre facto modification of the native sequence, and zero-length covalent cross-linking. In addition, PICUP enables cross-linking of proteins within wide pH and temperature ranges, including physiologic parameters. Here, we demonstrate application of PICUP to cross-linking of three amyloidogenic proteins the 40- and 42-residue amyloid β-protein variants (Aβ40 and Aβ42), and calcitonin, and a control protein, growth-hormone releasing factor (GRF)

    On Molecular Screening Constants

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    Djelomična algebrizacija i odrezani Coulombov potencijal

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    We have applied partial algebraization technique to the cut-off Coulomb potential −Ze2/(r + β). It has been found that for a spin j representation 2j + 1 exact solutions are obtained but they belong to excited states of potentials for different values of β. Degeneracies observed in the spectrum have been compared with exact numerical results.Primijenili smo tehniku djelomične algebrizacije na odrezani Coulombov potencijal −Ze2/(r+β). Nađeno je da se za spin j dobiva 2j+1 točnih rješenja, koja pripadaju pobuđenim stanjima potencijala za različite vrijednosti β. Opažene degeneracije u spektru uspoređene su s točnim numeričkim rezultatima

    Algebarski pristup relativističkom skalarnom potencijalu

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    Algebraic approach has been applied to a linear scalar potential in the Dirac equation. The results are compared with the published numerical results of Rein.Primijenjen je algebarski pristup na linearni skalarni potencijal u Diracovoj jednadžbi. Rezultati su uspoređeni s objavljenim numeričkim rezultatima Reina