63 research outputs found

    The predictive factors of new technology adoption, workers’ well-being and absenteeism: The case of a public maritime company in venice

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    The main goal of this research was to investigate the psychosocial aspects that influence the acceptance of innovative technology in maritime transport and its impact on employees’ work-related wellbeing and absenteeism. In particular, this study focused on a device that had been introduced to sailors working in water public transportation in Venice. The theoretical framework included two integrated models: the TAM model, concerning acceptance of the technology, and the JD-R model, related to workers’ well-being. A two-wave study was conducted; at T1, a self-report questionnaire was administered to 122 sailors. Four months after its first administration (T2), objective data related to days of absenteeism were collected. The study showed that the perceived ease of use and the usefulness of the device influenced the workers’ intentions to use the technology and their motivational processes of work engagement, which was also related to social support. Work engagement impacted on work satisfaction and predicted the level of absenteeism (measured at Time 2). The implementation of a new technology may fail if transportation companies do not consider psychosocial factors that assist in the acceptance of such technology and promote the involvement of workers in the technological system

    \u201cWoulda, coulda, shoulda\u201d. Workers\u2019 proactivity in the association between emotional demands and mental health

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    The present study aimed to explore the mediating role of hostile customer relations in the association between emotional dissonance and workers\u2019 mental health. Moreover, the moderating role of proactive personality as a buffer against hostile customer relations was assessed. Emotional demands become crucial within professions that involve a direct relationship with clients and, if poorly managed, can negatively affect workers\u2019 health and performance. Accordingly, data were collected on a sample of n = 918 mass-retail employees working for one of the leading Italian supermarket companies. Most participants were women (62.7%) with a mean age = 40.38 (SD = 7.68). The results of a moderated mediation analysis revealed that emotional dissonance was related to more hostile customer relations that, in turn, were associated with higher rates of mental health symptoms. Proactive personality emerged as a protecting factor that prevented the onset of conflicts with clients, particularly among workers experiencing high levels of emotional dissonance. The identification of resources enabling management of emotional demands could suggest suitable adaptive strategies for customer-facing roles, thus preventing the occurrence of adverse mental health symptoms

    Gli insegnanti e il presentismo: a scuola in salute e in malattia.

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    Il crescente interesse nei confronti del benessere degli insegnanti nasce dalla consapevolezza per cui i grandi cambiamenti e le profonde mutazioni della società attuale hanno interessato anche il mondo della scuola e di riflesso la categoria degli insegnanti. Alcune ricerche mostrano che il presentismo (presenza del lavoratore sul posto di lavoro anche quando non vi sono le condizioni psicofisiche adeguate) si verifica soprattutto in quegli ambiti professionali che prevedono un forte coinvolgimento con un utente, come avviene per molte professioni sanitarie e per gli insegnanti, tenuto conto del rapporto con gli studenti (Aronsson & Gustafsson, 2005). Studi recenti suggeriscono che la mancanza di risorse lavorative adeguate e l’insicurezza lavorativa contribuiscono a creare le condizioni per la comparsa del presentismo. L’obiettivo del presente studio è stato quello di esaminare la relazione tra richieste (es. insicurezza lavorativa) e risorse lavorative (es. supporto da parte del Dirigente Scolastico), presentismo, ed alcuni indicatori di benessere (es. burnout, work engagement). Hanno partecipato allo studio 212 insegnanti di scuola secondaria di secondo grado, ai quali è stato somministrato un questionario contenente scale validate. I risultati preliminari mostrano che, in situazioni problematiche, gli insegnanti tendono ad essere presenti anche se malati per prevenire la perdita di risorse, ma è possibile identificare alcuni fattori in grado di moderare questa relazione. Alla luce dei cambiamenti sociali e organizzativi che caratterizzano l’attuale sistema scolastico, simili risultati sottolineano l’importanza di agire sulle risorse lavorative per promuovere il benessere degli insegnanti e prevenire il presentismo
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