14 research outputs found

    IgG index (A), QAlb (B) and QIgG (C) values of MS patients and control groups.

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    <p>The data are presented as box plots with whiskers, showing the median with the upper (75) and lower (25) percentiles. The uncorrected p values are shown where statistical significance was reached. The asterisk (*) denotes statistical significance retained after controlling for type I error.</p

    Serum cytokine ratios of MS patients and control groups.

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    <p>The data are presented as box plots with whiskers, showing the median with the upper (75) and lower (25) percentiles. The uncorrected p values are shown where statistical significance was reached. The asterisk (*) denotes statistical significance retained after controlling for type I error.</p

    CSF cytokine ratios of MS patients and control groups.

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    <p>The data are presented as box plots with whiskers, showing the median with the upper (75) and lower (25) percentiles. The uncorrected p values are shown where statistical significance was reached. The asterisk (*) denotes statistical significance retained after controlling for type I error.</p