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    Biocontrol Potential of Forest Tree Endophytes

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    Overview of the FTU results

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    Experiments on runaway electrons have been performed for the determination of the critical electric field for runaway generation. A large database of post-disruption runaway beams has been analyzed in order to identify linear dynamical models for new position and current runaway beam controllers, and experiments of electron cyclotron assisted plasma start-up have shown the presence of runaway electrons also below the expected electric field threshold, indicating that the radio-frequency power acts as seeding for fast electrons. A linear micro-stability analysis of neon-doped pulses has been carried out to investigate the mechanisms leading to the observed density peaking. A study of the ion drift effects on the MARFE instability has been performed and the peaking of density profile in the high density regime has been well reproduced using a thermo-diffusive pinch in the particle transport equation. The study of the density limit performed in the past has been extended towards lower values of toroidal magnetic field and plasma current. The analysis of the linear stability of the 2/1 tearing mode observed in high density plasmas has highlighted a destabilization with increasing peaking of the current profile during the density ramp-up, while the final phase of the mode temporal evolution is characterized by limit cycles on the amplitude/frequency plane. A liquid lithium limiter with thermal load capability up to 10 MW m−2 has been tested. The pulse duration has been extended up to 4.5 s and elongated configurations have been obtained for 3.5 s, with the X-point just outside the plasma chamber. A W/Fe sample has been exposed in the scrape-off layer in order to study the sputtering of Fe and the W enrichment of the surface layer. Dusts have been collected and analyzed, showing that the metallic population exhibits a high fraction of magnetic grains. A new diagnostic for in-flight runaway electron studies has allowed the image and the visible/infrared spectrum of the forward and backward synchrotron radiation to be provided simultaneously. A fast infrared camera for thermo-graphic analysis has provided the pattern of the toroidal limiter heating by disruption heat loads, and a triple-GEM detector has been tested for soft x-ray diagnostics. The collective Thomson scattering diagnostic has been upgraded and used for investigations on parametric decay instability excitation by electron cyclotron beams correlated with magnetic islands, and new capabilities of the Cherenkov probe have been explored in the presence of beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes associated to high amplitude magnetic islands.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.Publicad

    Overview of the FTU results

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    Spontaneous increases in plasma density, up to similar to 1.6 times the Greenwald value, are observed in FTU with lithized walls. These plasmas are characterized by profile peaking up to the highest obtained densities. The transport analysis of these discharges shows a 20% enhancement of the energy confinement time, with respect to the ITER97 L-mode scaling, correlated with a threshold in the peaking factor. It has been found that 0.4 MW of ECRH power, coupled at q = 2 surface, are sufficient to avoid disruptions in 0.5 MA discharges. Direct heating of magnetic islands produced by MHD modes determines current quench delay or avoidance. Supra-thermal electrons generated by 0.5 MW of lower hybrid power are sufficient to trigger precursors of the electron-fishbone instability. Evidence of spatial redistribution of fast electrons, on the similar to 100 mu s typical mode timescale, is shown by the fast electrons bremsstrahlung diagnostic. From the presence of new magnetic island induced accumulation points in the continuous spectrum of the shear Alfven wave spectrum, the existence of new magnetic island induced Alfven eigenmodes (MiAE) is suggested. Due to the frequency dependence on the magnetic island size, the feasibility of utilizing MiAE continuum effects as a novel magnetic island diagnostic is also discussed. Langmuir probes have been used on FTU to identify hypervelocity (10 km s(-1)), micrometre size, dust grains. The Thomson scattering diagnostic was also used to characterize the dust grains, present in the FTU vacuum chamber, following a disruption. Analysis of the broad emitted light spectrum was carried out and a model taking into account the particle vaporization is compared with the data. A new oblique ECE diagnostic has been installed and the first results, both in the presence of lower hybrid or electron cyclotron waves, are being compared with code predictions. A time-of-flight refractometer at 60 GHz, which could be a good candidate for the ITER density feedback control system, has also been tested