8 research outputs found

    SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Krakow, Poland

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    The SOLARIS synchrotron located in Krakow, Poland, is a third-generation light source operating at medium electron energy. The first synchrotron light was observed in 2015, and the consequent development of infrastructure lead to the first users’ experiments at soft X-ray energies in 2018. Presently, SOLARIS expands its operation towards hard X-rays with continuous developments of the beamlines and concurrent infrastructure. In the following, we will summarize the SOLARIS synchrotron design, and describe the beamlines and research infrastructure together with the main performance parameters, upgrade, and development plans

    Ultra-cold atoms in a compact experimental system

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    Praca dotyczy rozbudowy i optymalizacji układu pułapek magnetooptycznych, dwuwymiarowej służącej do wstępnego chłodzenia atomów oraz trójwymiarowej, znajdującej się w ultrawysokiej próżni. Docelowo układ będzie służyć do wytwarzania kondensatu Bosego-Einsteina na tak zwanym chipie atomowym.The work concerns the development and optimization of a magneto-optical trap, used for the initial two-dimensional cooling of atoms, and a three-dimensional one, located in ultrahigh vacuum. Ultimately the systemwill be used to produce Bose-Einstein condensate on the

    Experimental Verification of the Coherent Diffraction Radiation Measurement Method for Longitudinal Electron Beam Characteristics

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    This paper presents a natural extension of prior theoretical investigations regarding the utilization of coherent diffraction radiation for assessing longitudinal characteristics of electron beams at Solaris. The study focuses on the measurement results obtained at the linac injector of the Solaris synchrotron and their analysis through a theoretical model. The findings are compared with previous estimates of the electron beam longitudinal profile. This paper contributes to the future diagnostics at the first Polish free electron laser (PolFEL) project, where it will be used for the optimization of particle accelerator performance

    Magnetic trapping on an atom chip

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    The article reviews briefly the rapidly evolving field of so-called atom chips for neutral atoms. Emphasis is placed on magnetic microtraps – on-chip Ioffe-Prichard and dimple trap issue is covered in some detail. The experimental setup for cooling and trapping ^{87}Rb atoms is also presented together with some early results of on-chip magnetic trapping

    Optical dipole mirror for cold atoms based on a metallic diffraction grating

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    We report on the realization of a plasmonic dipole mirror for cold atoms based on a metallic grating coupler. A cloud of atoms is reflected by the repulsive potential generated by surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) excited on a reflection gold grating by a 780 nm laser beam. Experimentally and numerically determined mirror efficiencies are close to 100%. The intensity of SPPs above a real grating coupler and the atomic trajectories, as well as the momentum dispersion of the atom cloud being reflected, are computed. A suggestion is given as to how the plasmonic mirror might serve as an optical atom chip

    Surface plasmon polaritons probed with cold atom

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    We report on an optical mirror for cold rubidium atoms based on a repulsive dipole potential created by means of a modified recordable digital versatile disc. Using the mirror, we have determined the absolute value of the surface plasmon polariton (SPP) intensity, reaching 90 times the intensity of the excitation laser beam. Furthermore, we have also directly measured thermo-plasmonic effects accompanying SPPs excitation on gold submicron structures