181 research outputs found

    Energy cascade in the Garrett-Munk spectrum of internal gravity waves

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    We study the spectral energy transfer due to wave-triad interactions in the Garrett-Munk spectrum of internal gravity waves (IGWs) based on a numerical evaluation of the collision integral in the wave kinetic equation. Our numerical evaluation builds on the reduction of the collision integral on the resonant manifold for a horizontally isotropic spectrum. We directly evaluate the downscale energy flux available for ocean mixing, whose value is in close agreement with the empirical finescale parameterization. We further decompose the energy transfer into contributions from different mechanisms, including local interactions and three types of nonlocal interactions, namely parametric subharmonic instability (PSI), elastic scattering (ES) and induced diffusion (ID). Through analysis on the role of each type of interaction, we resolve two long-standing paradoxes regarding the mechanism for forward cascade in frequency and zero ID flux for GM76 spectrum. In addition, our analysis estimates the contribution of each mechanism to the energy transfer in each spectral direction, and reveals new understanding of the importance of local interactions and ES in the energy transfer

    Breather Solutions to a Two-dimensional Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation with Non-local Derivatives

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    We consider the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with non-local derivatives in a two-dimensional periodic domain. For certain orders of derivatives, we find a new type of breather solution dominating the field evolution at low nonlinearity levels. With the increase of nonlinearity, the breathers break down, giving way to wave turbulence (or Rayleigh-Jeans) spectra. Phase-space trajectories associated with the breather solutions are found to be close to that of the linear system, revealing a connection between the breather solution and Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) theory

    A generalized likelihood-weighted optimal sampling algorithm for rare-event probability quantification

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    In this work, we introduce a new acquisition function for sequential sampling to efficiently quantify rare-event statistics of an input-to-response (ItR) system with given input probability and expensive function evaluations. Our acquisition is a generalization of the likelihood-weighted (LW) acquisition that was initially designed for the same purpose and then extended to many other applications. The improvement in our acquisition comes from the generalized form with two additional parameters, by varying which one can target and address two weaknesses of the original LW acquisition: (1) that the input space associated with rare-event responses is not sufficiently stressed in sampling; (2) that the surrogate model (generated from samples) may have significant deviation from the true ItR function, especially for cases with complex ItR function and limited number of samples. In addition, we develop a critical procedure in Monte-Carlo discrete optimization of the acquisition function, which achieves orders of magnitude acceleration compared to existing approaches for such type of problems. The superior performance of our new acquisition to the original LW acquisition is demonstrated in a number of test cases, including some cases that were designed to show the effectiveness of the original LW acquisition. We finally apply our method to an engineering example to quantify the rare-event roll-motion statistics of a ship in a random sea

    An adaptive multi-fidelity sampling framework for safety analysis of connected and automated vehicles

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    Testing and evaluation are expensive but critical steps in the development of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs). In this paper, we develop an adaptive sampling framework to efficiently evaluate the accident rate of CAVs, particularly for scenario-based tests where the probability distribution of input parameters is known from the Naturalistic Driving Data. Our framework relies on a surrogate model to approximate the CAV performance and a novel acquisition function to maximize the benefit (information to accident rate) of the next sample formulated through an information-theoretic consideration. In addition to the standard application with only a single high-fidelity model of CAV performance, we also extend our approach to the bi-fidelity context where an additional low-fidelity model can be used at a lower computational cost to approximate the CAV performance. Accordingly, for the second case, our approach is formulated such that it allows the choice of the next sample in terms of both fidelity level (i.e., which model to use) and sampling location to maximize the benefit per cost. Our framework is tested in a widely-considered two-dimensional cut-in problem for CAVs, where Intelligent Driving Model (IDM) with different time resolutions are used to construct the high and low-fidelity models. We show that our single-fidelity method outperforms the existing approach for the same problem, and the bi-fidelity method can further save half of the computational cost to reach a similar accuracy in estimating the accident rate

    “It is difficult to balance research and teaching time, let alone family”: An analysis of women’s experiences working as academics in contemporary Chinese universities

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    This thesis explores the experience of women academics in China, focusing on gender inequalities in their professional and domestic lives and the conflict between these two spheres. Three analysis chapters respectively address women's reasons for choosing an academic career and the wider social perception of academic work as ‘good’ work for women

    On the time scales of spectral evolution of nonlinear waves

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    As presented in Annenkov & Shrira (2009), when a surface gravity wave field is subjected to an abrupt perturbation of external forcing, its spectrum evolves on a ``fast'' dynamic time scale of O(ε2)O(\varepsilon^{-2}), with ε\varepsilon a measure of wave steepness. This observation poses a challenge to wave turbulence theory that predicts an evolution with a kinetic time scale of O(ε4)O(\varepsilon^{-4}). We revisit this unresolved problem by studying the same situation in the context of a one-dimensional Majda-McLaughlin-Tabak (MMT) equation with gravity wave dispersion relation. Our results show that the kinetic and dynamic time scales can both be realised, with the former and latter occurring for weaker and stronger forcing perturbations, respectively. The transition between the two regimes corresponds to a critical forcing perturbation, with which the spectral evolution time scale drops to the same order as the linear wave period (of some representative mode). Such fast spectral evolution is mainly induced by a far-from-stationary state after a sufficiently strong forcing perturbation is applied. We further develop a set-based interaction analysis to show that the inertial-range modal evolution in the studied cases is dominated by their (mostly non-local) interactions with the low-wavenumber ``condensate'' induced by the forcing perturbation. The results obtained in this work should be considered to provide significant insight into the original gravity wave problem

    Energy transfer for solutions to the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation on irrational tori

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    We analyze the energy transfer for solutions to the defocusing cubic nonlinear Schr\"odinger (NLS) initial value problem on 2D irrational tori. Moreover we complement the analytic study with numerical experimentation. As a biproduct of our investigation we also prove that the quasi-resonant part of the NLS initial value problem we consider, in both the focusing and defocusing case, is globally well-posed for initial data of finite mass

    Node-aware Bi-smoothing: Certified Robustness against Graph Injection Attacks

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    Deep Graph Learning (DGL) has emerged as a crucial technique across various domains. However, recent studies have exposed vulnerabilities in DGL models, such as susceptibility to evasion and poisoning attacks. While empirical and provable robustness techniques have been developed to defend against graph modification attacks (GMAs), the problem of certified robustness against graph injection attacks (GIAs) remains largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, we introduce the node-aware bi-smoothing framework, which is the first certifiably robust approach for general node classification tasks against GIAs. Notably, the proposed node-aware bi-smoothing scheme is model-agnostic and is applicable for both evasion and poisoning attacks. Through rigorous theoretical analysis, we establish the certifiable conditions of our smoothing scheme. We also explore the practical implications of our node-aware bi-smoothing schemes in two contexts: as an empirical defense approach against real-world GIAs and in the context of recommendation systems. Furthermore, we extend two state-of-the-art certified robustness frameworks to address node injection attacks and compare our approach against them. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed certificates

    Direct Numerical Investigation of Turbulence of Capillary Waves

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    We consider the inertial range spectrum of capillary wave turbulence. Under the assumptions of weak turbulence, the theoretical surface elevation spectrum scales with wave number k as I[subscript η] ∼ k[superscript α], where α = α[subscript 0] = -19/4, energy (density) flux P as P[superscript 1/2]. The proportional factor C, known as the Kolmogorov constant, has a theoretical value of C = C[subscript 0] = 9.85 (we show that this value holds only after a formulation in the original derivation is corrected). The k[superscript -19/4] scaling has been extensively, but not conclusively, tested; the P[superscript 1/2] scaling has been investigated experimentally, but until recently remains controversial, while direct confirmation of the value of C[subscript 0] remains elusive. We conduct a direct numerical investigation implementing the primitive Euler equations. For sufficiently high nonlinearity, the theoretical k[superscript -19/4] and P[superscript 1/2] scalings as well as value of C[subscript 0] are well recovered by our numerical results. For a given number of numerical modes N, as nonlinearity decreases, the long-time spectra deviate from theoretical predictions with respect to scaling with P, with calculated values of α C[subscript 0], all due to finite box effect