27 research outputs found

    ActiveNeRF: Learning where to See with Uncertainty Estimation

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    Recently, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) has shown promising performances on reconstructing 3D scenes and synthesizing novel views from a sparse set of 2D images. Albeit effective, the performance of NeRF is highly influenced by the quality of training samples. With limited posed images from the scene, NeRF fails to generalize well to novel views and may collapse to trivial solutions in unobserved regions. This makes NeRF impractical under resource-constrained scenarios. In this paper, we present a novel learning framework, ActiveNeRF, aiming to model a 3D scene with a constrained input budget. Specifically, we first incorporate uncertainty estimation into a NeRF model, which ensures robustness under few observations and provides an interpretation of how NeRF understands the scene. On this basis, we propose to supplement the existing training set with newly captured samples based on an active learning scheme. By evaluating the reduction of uncertainty given new inputs, we select the samples that bring the most information gain. In this way, the quality of novel view synthesis can be improved with minimal additional resources. Extensive experiments validate the performance of our model on both realistic and synthetic scenes, especially with scarcer training data. Code will be released at \url{https://github.com/LeapLabTHU/ActiveNeRF}.Comment: Accepted by ECCV202

    Slide-Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer with Local Self-Attention

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    Self-attention mechanism has been a key factor in the recent progress of Vision Transformer (ViT), which enables adaptive feature extraction from global contexts. However, existing self-attention methods either adopt sparse global attention or window attention to reduce the computation complexity, which may compromise the local feature learning or subject to some handcrafted designs. In contrast, local attention, which restricts the receptive field of each query to its own neighboring pixels, enjoys the benefits of both convolution and self-attention, namely local inductive bias and dynamic feature selection. Nevertheless, current local attention modules either use inefficient Im2Col function or rely on specific CUDA kernels that are hard to generalize to devices without CUDA support. In this paper, we propose a novel local attention module, Slide Attention, which leverages common convolution operations to achieve high efficiency, flexibility and generalizability. Specifically, we first re-interpret the column-based Im2Col function from a new row-based perspective and use Depthwise Convolution as an efficient substitution. On this basis, we propose a deformed shifting module based on the re-parameterization technique, which further relaxes the fixed key/value positions to deformed features in the local region. In this way, our module realizes the local attention paradigm in both efficient and flexible manner. Extensive experiments show that our slide attention module is applicable to a variety of advanced Vision Transformer models and compatible with various hardware devices, and achieves consistently improved performances on comprehensive benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/LeapLabTHU/Slide-Transformer.Comment: Accepted to CVPR202

    FLatten Transformer: Vision Transformer using Focused Linear Attention

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    The quadratic computation complexity of self-attention has been a persistent challenge when applying Transformer models to vision tasks. Linear attention, on the other hand, offers a much more efficient alternative with its linear complexity by approximating the Softmax operation through carefully designed mapping functions. However, current linear attention approaches either suffer from significant performance degradation or introduce additional computation overhead from the mapping functions. In this paper, we propose a novel Focused Linear Attention module to achieve both high efficiency and expressiveness. Specifically, we first analyze the factors contributing to the performance degradation of linear attention from two perspectives: the focus ability and feature diversity. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a simple yet effective mapping function and an efficient rank restoration module to enhance the expressiveness of self-attention while maintaining low computation complexity. Extensive experiments show that our linear attention module is applicable to a variety of advanced vision Transformers, and achieves consistently improved performances on multiple benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/LeapLabTHU/FLatten-Transformer.Comment: ICCV 202

    DAT++: Spatially Dynamic Vision Transformer with Deformable Attention

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    Transformers have shown superior performance on various vision tasks. Their large receptive field endows Transformer models with higher representation power than their CNN counterparts. Nevertheless, simply enlarging the receptive field also raises several concerns. On the one hand, using dense attention in ViT leads to excessive memory and computational cost, and features can be influenced by irrelevant parts that are beyond the region of interests. On the other hand, the handcrafted attention adopted in PVT or Swin Transformer is data agnostic and may limit the ability to model long-range relations. To solve this dilemma, we propose a novel deformable multi-head attention module, where the positions of key and value pairs in self-attention are adaptively allocated in a data-dependent way. This flexible scheme enables the proposed deformable attention to dynamically focus on relevant regions while maintains the representation power of global attention. On this basis, we present Deformable Attention Transformer (DAT), a general vision backbone efficient and effective for visual recognition. We further build an enhanced version DAT++. Extensive experiments show that our DAT++ achieves state-of-the-art results on various visual recognition benchmarks, with 85.9% ImageNet accuracy, 54.5 and 47.0 MS-COCO instance segmentation mAP, and 51.5 ADE20K semantic segmentation mIoU.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 11 table

    Building extraction from high-resolution aerial imagery using a generative adversarial network with spatial and channel attention mechanisms.

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    Segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing images is an important challenge with wide practical applications. The increasing spatial resolution provides fine details for image segmentation but also incurs segmentation ambiguities. In this paper, we propose a generative adversarial network with spatial and channel attention mechanisms (GAN-SCA) for the robust segmentation of buildings in remote sensing images. The segmentation network (generator) of the proposed framework is composed of the well-known semantic segmentation architecture (U-Net) and the spatial and channel attention mechanisms (SCA). The adoption of SCA enables the segmentation network to selectively enhance more useful features in specific positions and channels and enables improved results closer to the ground truth. The discriminator is an adversarial network with channel attention mechanisms that can properly discriminate the outputs of the generator and the ground truth maps. The segmentation network and adversarial network are trained in an alternating fashion on the Inria aerial image labeling dataset and Massachusetts buildings dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed GAN-SCA achieves a higher score (the overall accuracy and intersection over the union of Inria aerial image labeling dataset are 96.61% and 77.75%, respectively, and the F1-measure of the Massachusetts buildings dataset is 96.36%) and outperforms several state-of-the-art approaches

    Dynamic Perceiver for Efficient Visual Recognition

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    Early exiting has become a promising approach to improving the inference efficiency of deep networks. By structuring models with multiple classifiers (exits), predictions for ``easy'' samples can be generated at earlier exits, negating the need for executing deeper layers. Current multi-exit networks typically implement linear classifiers at intermediate layers, compelling low-level features to encapsulate high-level semantics. This sub-optimal design invariably undermines the performance of later exits. In this paper, we propose Dynamic Perceiver (Dyn-Perceiver) to decouple the feature extraction procedure and the early classification task with a novel dual-branch architecture. A feature branch serves to extract image features, while a classification branch processes a latent code assigned for classification tasks. Bi-directional cross-attention layers are established to progressively fuse the information of both branches. Early exits are placed exclusively within the classification branch, thus eliminating the need for linear separability in low-level features. Dyn-Perceiver constitutes a versatile and adaptable framework that can be built upon various architectures. Experiments on image classification, action recognition, and object detection demonstrate that our method significantly improves the inference efficiency of different backbones, outperforming numerous competitive approaches across a broad range of computational budgets. Evaluation on both CPU and GPU platforms substantiate the superior practical efficiency of Dyn-Perceiver. Code is available at https://www.github.com/LeapLabTHU/Dynamic_Perceiver.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 202

    High-Resolution Aerial Imagery Semantic Labeling with Dense Pyramid Network

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    Semantic segmentation of high-resolution aerial images is of great importance in certain fields, but the increasing spatial resolution brings large intra-class variance and small inter-class differences that can lead to classification ambiguities. Based on high-level contextual features, the deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) is an effective method to deal with semantic segmentation of high-resolution aerial imagery. In this work, a novel dense pyramid network (DPN) is proposed for semantic segmentation. The network starts with group convolutions to deal with multi-sensor data in channel wise to extract feature maps of each channel separately; by doing so, more information from each channel can be preserved. This process is followed by the channel shuffle operation to enhance the representation ability of the network. Then, four densely connected convolutional blocks are utilized to both extract and take full advantage of features. The pyramid pooling module combined with two convolutional layers are set to fuse multi-resolution and multi-sensor features through an effective global scenery prior manner, producing the probability graph for each class. Moreover, the median frequency balanced focal loss is proposed to replace the standard cross entropy loss in the training phase to deal with the class imbalance problem. We evaluate the dense pyramid network on the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Vaihingen and Potsdam 2D semantic labeling dataset, and the results demonstrate that the proposed framework exhibits better performances, compared to the state of the art baseline