43 research outputs found

    Clustering based Multiple Anchors High-Dimensional Model Representation

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    In this work, a cut high-dimensional model representation (cut-HDMR) expansion based on multiple anchors is constructed via the clustering method. Specifically, a set of random input realizations is drawn from the parameter space and grouped by the centroidal Voronoi tessellation (CVT) method. Then for each cluster, the centroid is set as the reference, thereby the corresponding zeroth-order term can be determined directly. While for non-zero order terms of each cut-HDMR, a set of discrete points is selected for each input component, and the Lagrange interpolation method is applied. For a new input, the cut-HDMR corresponding to the nearest centroid is used to compute its response. Numerical experiments with high-dimensional integral and elliptic stochastic partial differential equation as backgrounds show that the CVT based multiple anchors cut-HDMR can alleviate the negative impact of a single inappropriate anchor point, and has higher accuracy than the average of several expansions

    LightGrad: Lightweight Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Text-to-Speech

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    Recent advances in neural text-to-speech (TTS) models bring thousands of TTS applications into daily life, where models are deployed in cloud to provide services for customs. Among these models are diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs), which can be stably trained and are more parameter-efficient compared with other generative models. As transmitting data between customs and the cloud introduces high latency and the risk of exposing private data, deploying TTS models on edge devices is preferred. When implementing DPMs onto edge devices, there are two practical problems. First, current DPMs are not lightweight enough for resource-constrained devices. Second, DPMs require many denoising steps in inference, which increases latency. In this work, we present LightGrad, a lightweight DPM for TTS. LightGrad is equipped with a lightweight U-Net diffusion decoder and a training-free fast sampling technique, reducing both model parameters and inference latency. Streaming inference is also implemented in LightGrad to reduce latency further. Compared with Grad-TTS, LightGrad achieves 62.2% reduction in paramters, 65.7% reduction in latency, while preserving comparable speech quality on both Chinese Mandarin and English in 4 denoising steps.Comment: Accepted by ICASSP 202

    ZeroPrompt: Streaming Acoustic Encoders are Zero-Shot Masked LMs

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    In this paper, we present ZeroPrompt (Figure 1-(a)) and the corresponding Prompt-and-Refine strategy (Figure 3), two simple but effective \textbf{training-free} methods to decrease the Token Display Time (TDT) of streaming ASR models \textbf{without any accuracy loss}. The core idea of ZeroPrompt is to append zeroed content to each chunk during inference, which acts like a prompt to encourage the model to predict future tokens even before they were spoken. We argue that streaming acoustic encoders naturally have the modeling ability of Masked Language Models and our experiments demonstrate that ZeroPrompt is engineering cheap and can be applied to streaming acoustic encoders on any dataset without any accuracy loss. Specifically, compared with our baseline models, we achieve 350 \sim 700ms reduction on First Token Display Time (TDT-F) and 100 \sim 400ms reduction on Last Token Display Time (TDT-L), with theoretically and experimentally equal WER on both Aishell-1 and Librispeech datasets.Comment: accepted by interspeech 202

    Fast-U2++: Fast and Accurate End-to-End Speech Recognition in Joint CTC/Attention Frames

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    Recently, the unified streaming and non-streaming two-pass (U2/U2++) end-to-end model for speech recognition has shown great performance in terms of streaming capability, accuracy and latency. In this paper, we present fast-U2++, an enhanced version of U2++ to further reduce partial latency. The core idea of fast-U2++ is to output partial results of the bottom layers in its encoder with a small chunk, while using a large chunk in the top layers of its encoder to compensate the performance degradation caused by the small chunk. Moreover, we use knowledge distillation method to reduce the token emission latency. We present extensive experiments on Aishell-1 dataset. Experiments and ablation studies show that compared to U2++, fast-U2++ reduces model latency from 320ms to 80ms, and achieves a character error rate (CER) of 5.06% with a streaming setup.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    TrimTail: Low-Latency Streaming ASR with Simple but Effective Spectrogram-Level Length Penalty

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    In this paper, we present TrimTail, a simple but effective emission regularization method to improve the latency of streaming ASR models. The core idea of TrimTail is to apply length penalty (i.e., by trimming trailing frames, see Fig. 1-(b)) directly on the spectrogram of input utterances, which does not require any alignment. We demonstrate that TrimTail is computationally cheap and can be applied online and optimized with any training loss or any model architecture on any dataset without any extra effort by applying it on various end-to-end streaming ASR networks either trained with CTC loss [1] or Transducer loss [2]. We achieve 100 \sim 200ms latency reduction with equal or even better accuracy on both Aishell-1 and Librispeech. Moreover, by using TrimTail, we can achieve a 400ms algorithmic improvement of User Sensitive Delay (USD) with an accuracy loss of less than 0.2.Comment: submitted to ICASSP 202

    Lessons learned from the 2019-nCoV epidemic on prevention of future infectious diseases

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    © 2020 Institut Pasteur Only a month after the outbreak of pneumonia caused by 2019-nCoV, more than forty-thousand people were infected. This put enormous pressure on the Chinese government, medical healthcare provider, and the general public, but also made the international community deeply nervous. On the 25th day after the outbreak, the Chinese government implemented strict traffic restrictions on the area where the 2019-nCoV had originated—Hubei province, whose capital city is Wuhan. Ten days later, the rate of increase of cases in Hubei showed a significant difference (p = 0.0001) compared with the total rate of increase in other provinces of China. These preliminary data suggest the effectiveness of a traffic restriction policy for this pandemic thus far. At the same time, solid financial support and improved research ability, along with network communication technology, also greatly facilitated the application of epidemic prevention measures. These measures were motivated by the need to provide effective treatment of patients, and involved consultation with three major groups in policy formulation—public health experts, the government, and the general public. It was also aided by media and information technology, as well as international cooperation. This experience will provide China and other countries with valuable lessons for quickly coordinating and coping with future public health emergencies