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    Abstrak: Semangat belajar di SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Mlati hilang sejak pandemik covid-19 tampak dari partisipasi pembelajaran daring ±50%. Siswa terlalu lama bermain game online. Selain masalah tersebut juga ada permasalahan pornografi dengan ditemukannya ±10 siswa menyimpan video porno di handphone. Sebelum pandemik, terjadi penyalahgunaan narkoba berupa pil koplo oleh siswa kelas 8 dan ±35% siswa terutama laki-laki sering merokok. Banyak siswa yang belum paham bahaya perilaku merokok, penyalahgunaan narkoba, adiksi game dan adiksi pornografi. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran resiko adiksi game online, resiko adiksi pornografi, kualitas hidup remaja dan tingkat pengetahuan remaja tentang adiksi serta memberikan edukasi Kesehatan jiwa pada remaja. Tim pengabdian melakukan screening kesehatan jiwa risiko adiksi pornografi, adiksi game online dan kualitas hidup remaja serta melakukan penyuluhan kesehatan jiwa remaja. Hasil screening adiksi game online mayoritas pada tingkat adiksi sedang (72%) dan hasil screening adiksi pornografi berada pada risiko rendah (97%). Pengukuran kualitas hidup siswa masa pandemik covid-19 menunjukkan Domain 1 kesehatan fisik mayoritas kualitas hidup siswa rendah 93%. Domain psikologis, hubungan sosial dan lingkungan, kualitas hidupnya mayoritas baik. Pengetahuan siswa tentang adiksi meningkat dari nilai rata-rata 5,68 menjadi 6,26. Pengabdian yang telah dilakukan bermanfaat meningkatkan tingkat pengetahuan siswa dan mengetahui gambaran kesehatan jiwa siswa.Abstract:  Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the enthusiasm of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Mlati's students for learning has vanished. The fifty percent online learning participation demonstrates this. Students are too old to play online games on their cell phones. In addition to this issue, approximately ten students have been found to have stored pornographic videos on their mobile devices. 8th graders abused Koplo pills prior to the pandemic, and 35% of students, especially boys, smoked frequently. Numerous students are unaware of the risks associated with smoking, substance abuse, gaming addiction, and pornographic addiction. This community service aims to describe the risk of online game addiction, the risk of pornographic addiction, the quality of life of adolescents, the level of adolescent knowledge about addiction, and to educate adolescents about mental health. In addition to adolescent mental health counseling, the service team conducted mental health screenings for the risk of pornography addiction, online game addiction, and adolescent quality of life. Seventy-two percent of online game addiction screening results indicate moderate levels of addiction, while nearly all pornography addiction screening results indicate low risk. Measuring the quality of life of students during the COVID-19 pandemic reveals that the quality of life of 93% of students is poor. In other domains, such as psychology, social and environmental relationships, their quality of life is predominantly positive. From an average of 5.68 to 6.26, the students' knowledge about addiction appears to increase. The service provided is beneficial for enhancing students' knowledge and understanding their mental health status