6 research outputs found

    Chemometric Approaches to Analyse the Composition of a Ewe’s Colostrum

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    Colostrum is a major source of immunity in lambs and, in general, in all newborn ruminants. It allows the transfer of antibodies from the ewe to the lamb, and it becomes the exclusive source of nutrients for a newborn. Among the most significant Pearson correlations, the positive correlation between the Brix refractive index (Brix) and protein (0.90) should be noted. Both parameters (protein percentage and Brix) were then positively correlated with the percentage of fat (0.38 and 0.41), urea (0.81 and 0.67), calcium (0.39 and 0.29), and magnesium (0.58 and 0.59), as well as the yellowness (0.78 and 0.75). Somatic cell count (SCC) and pH, parameters which are indicators of subclinical mastitis, were positively correlated (0.49), and SCC was positively correlated with sodium (0.37) and negatively correlated with potassium (−0.28). Among the macroelements in colostrum—calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium—the correlations were largely positive. With respect to the colour parameters, yellowness was negatively correlated with lightness (−0.41) and redness (−0.45). The factor analysis split the total of variance into three latent factors. The first factor was named “Colostrum quality of grazing sheep” because it was positively correlated primarily with SCC, pH, Poly Unsatured Fatty Acids (PUFA), and the sum of the omega-3 Fatty Acids (FAs). The second factor, named “Good quality colostrum”, was positively correlated primarily with the refractive index, protein and fat percentages, urea content, phosphorus, Mono Unsatured Fatty Acids (MUFA), and yellowness. The third factor was positively correlated primarily with calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium, and it was therefore termed “Mineral component of colostrum”. Stepwise discriminant analysis showed that the protein percentage, calcium, and magnesium were able to explain more than 85% of the Brix refractive index, which remains a good parameter for simply evaluating the nutritional quality of sheep colostrum at the level of a farm

    La empresa en la ciudad

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    Desde su constitución, el estudio de De Lorenzi, Otaola y Rocca recibió encargos de edificios administrativos y comerciales. Su actividad en este género coincide con cambios operados en el país respecto a los modos de representación de las empresas, industrias, actividades mercantiles y bancarias. Un tema asociado a la publicidad, a la imagen o presencia en el mercado y, consecuentemente, a la presencia en la ciudad. De este modo, los edificios que habrían de alojar actividades del sector terciario tuvieron sus enclaves en áreas urbanas que les permitieran la mayor visualidad pública. Es en este registro que, desde fines de los años veinte, el desarrollo económico exigía a las empresas presentarse en las principales arterias de los centros urbanos con una imagen diferente a las otras instalaciones estrictamente utilitarias y a la monumentalidad reservada a los edificios públicos. De Lorenzi elige el "estilo moderno" porque habría de responder más adecuadamente a una cuestión de corazón antiguo que aún le preocupa: la cuestión del carácter. Por tanto, al abordar este género tuvo que cruzar la obtención de carácter con la necesidad de una renovación de recursos para enfrentar programas que, en la mayoría de los casos, combinaban una sede empresaria con oficinas para renta, es decir: un programa que exigía la obtención de la mayor iluminación natural y que requería una renovación de los modos de construcción, al punto que resultó un pionero en el uso del hormigón armado en Rosario. De Lorenzi tenía la conciencia de estar trabajando con un programa moderno para el cual era preciso hallar "el carácter novedoso" que salvase a estos nuevos géneros para los cuales la monumentalidad tradicional ya no era la solución adecuada. Sus enunciados de 1928 acerca del equilibrio de las masas y las proporciones, o acerca del efecto de la perspectiva sobre masas y sombras reaparecen una y otra vez en las memorias de sus proyectos, aún en 1950. Pero se pueden diferenciar tres soluciones diferentes donde aplica ese concepto: la masa referida a la fachada, el juego de placas volumétricas y, finalmente, la utilización de la grilla.Fil: Cattaneo, Daniela A. Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño, Argentina Conicet - Centro Universitario de Rosario de Investigaciones Urbanas y Regionales (Curdiur); Argentina

    From Waste to Resources: Sewage Sludges from the Citrus Processing Industry to Improve Soil Fertility and Performance of Lettuce (<i>Lactuca sativa</i> L.)

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    The citrus industry produces a large number of sludges as a consequence of citrus wastewater treatment. The correct disposal of citrus sewage sludges (CSSs) has been attempted using anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, and lime stabilization. However, since CSSs hold nitrogen, phosphorus, and other macronutrients required by crops, in line with the circular economy principles, they could be utilized for agricultural purposes, such as organic fertilizer. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of CSSs supplied at different doses on soil fertility and lettuce performance. To this end, a pot experiment was established. The soil was amended with CSSs at three different concentrations (2.5, 5, 10 t ha−1). After 46 days of lettuce growth, the experiment was stopped, and soils and plants were analyzed. Soil amended with CSSs showed an increase in total organic C ranging from 7% to 11%. Additionally, available P increased but only at the highest CSS dose. The addition of CSSs affected the biochemical properties of soil, but a univocal trend related to the number of CSSs applied was not found. Microbial biomass C increased only with the highest dose of CSS applied, while the metabolic quotient (qCO2) decreased. Such a positive effect on soil fertility and soil microorganisms, in turn, lead to an increase in lettuce biomass. Moreover, results indicated that following CSS addition, lettuce crops adsorbed more N in leaves than in roots, whereas P, Ca, Mg, K, and Na showed an opposite pattern and increased more consistently in roots. In conclusion, amendment with CSSs enhances soil fertility by increasing, regardless of CSS dose, total organic C, and, at the highest dose, P availability and microbial biomass C. Such improvement in soil fertility, in turn, increases lettuce biomass production without affecting its quality, i.e., alteration of the (K + Na)/(Ca + Mg) ratio

    Arquitecturas para la gran ciudad: dimensión, planta, envolvente y autonomía. Cuadernos del Laboratorio de Historia Urbana 6

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    Este nuevo número de los Cuadernos del Laboratorio de Historia Urbana continúa y profundiza una indagación sobre la nueva arquitectura, sus medios específicos, su autonomía. En este caso se revisitan otros tres libros canónicos: Großstadt Architektur de Ludwig Hilberseimer (1927), Von Ledoux bis Le Courbusier de Emil Kaufmann (1933) y libro Quand les catédrales étaient blanches: voyage au pays des timides de Le Corbusier (1937). Se los lee desde los desafíos que la gran ciudad y sus nuevos programas colectivos imponían a la arquitectura en un duelo duro respecto al rescate de su especificidad frente a la ingeniería. En los tres casos se verifica y destaca hasta qué punto se encuentran atravesados por la dilucidación de los materiales propios de un hacer que reformulaba sus argumentos y recursos dejando atrás las determinaciones externas de la representación.Fil: Rigotti, Ana María. Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño, Argentina Conicet - Centro Universitario de Rosario de Investigaciones Urbanas y Regionales (Curdiur); Argentina

    Shifting Long-Term Tillage to Geotextile Mulching for Weed Control Improves Soil Quality and Yield of Orange Orchards

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    Weed control in urban and peri-urban orange orchards is challenging due to operational and legislative restrictions. Tillage, besides from negatively affecting soil fertility and microorganisms, is demanding for humans. On the other hand, herbicides are advised against due to the possibility to reach waterbodies from the soil surface. Therefore, in urban and peri-urban areas, instead of tillage and herbicides, mulching with black plastic geotextile fabric is often used. This study aimed at assessing the impact of long-term soil mulching with black plastic geotextile fabric on soil fertility, microbial community and yield of an orange orchard in comparison to conventional tillage. To this aim, four soil management systems were set up: rotary tillage for the last 15 years, mulching with black plastic geotextiles for the last 15 years, rotary tillage for 7 years followed by mulching for the last 8 years, mulching for 7 years followed by rotary tillage for the last 8 years. Soil samples were analyzed to determine the chemical and biochemical parameters related to soil fertility. In addition, the abundances of the main microbial groups were investigated. Mulching increased soil total organic C at least by 65%. The greater soil organic C in mulched soil in turn contributed to increase the cation exchange capacity (+62% on average) and microbial biomass C (+120% on average). Additionally, the microbial quotient exhibited higher values in mulched soils compared to tilled ones, suggesting a greater soil organic matter accessibility by soil microorganisms. Moreover, mulching favored fungi over bacteria, and Gram-positive bacteria over Gram-negative bacteria, thus contributing to the establishment of a microbial community more efficient in utilizing C sources. The latter result was confirmed by the lower values of the metabolic quotient in mulched soil compared to tilled one. Overall, the black plastic geotextile fabric improved chemical and biochemical soil fertility that, in turn, lead to a higher orange yield in mulched soil

    Primeros arquitectos modernos en el cono sur

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    Actas del Seminario Internacional Primeros arquitectos modernos en el cono sur, organizado por el Fondo Documental De Lorenzi, Laboratorio de Historia Urbana, CURDIUR, Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario entre el 5 y el 7 de agosto de 2004 con el subsidio de la Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica, Tecnológica y de Innovación Productiva. Distanciándonos de interpretaciones clásicas que conformaron una imagen aparentemente sólida y homogénea del pensar y el hacer de la “vanguardia heroica” el encuentro fue un espacio de reflexionar sobre un campo disciplinar convulsionado en el segundo cuarto del siglo XX en el Sur de América. El objetivo fue recuperar un conjunto diverso de arquitectos nacidos con el siglo y formados en un ámbito deudor de l’Ecole des Beaus Arts que protagonizaron una drástica recolocación en el campo estético y técnico en relación con una industria de la construcción en continua mutación y a un mercado inmobiliario que alentaba la ampliación de sus incumbencias. Con intereses plurales en el campo artístico y cultural y una activa participación en universidades cuyos postulados venían de ser “reformados”, estos hombres participaron en procesos de permanente desestabilización. Las presentaciones indagan con aportes biográficos, la particularidad de las visiones locales y las tensiones entre universalismo y el regionalismo, la cuestión de la vivienda como tema de debate, la relación entre arquitectura y urbanismo, los desafíos de la arquitectura pública y, finalmente, sobre la dicotomía entre modernidad y tradición.Proceedings of the International Seminar on the First Modern Architects in South America, organized by the De Lorenzi Documentary Fund, Laboratory of Urban History, CURDIUR, School of Architecture, Planning and Design of the National University of Rosario, 5 to 7 August 2004 with the subsidy of the National Agency for Promotion of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation. Distancing itself of the classical interpretations that formed a seemingly solid and consistent image of the thinking and doing of "heroic vanguard" , the meeting was an opportunity to reflect on a troubled disciplinary field in the second quarter of the twentieth century in South America. The objective was to retrieve a diverse set of architects born with the century and formed in a field debtor of l'Ecole des Beaux Arts who staged a dramatic repositioning on the aesthetic and technical field in connection with a changing construction industry and a housing market which encouraged the expansion of architects’ incumbencies. With plural interests in the arts and active participation in universities whose ideas came to be "reformed", these men participated in ongoing processes of destabilization. Presentations inquire with biographical contributions, the particularity of local visions and tensions between universalism and regionalism, the issue of housing as a topic of discussion, the relationship between architecture and urbanism, the challenges of public architecture and, finally, on the dichotomy between modernity and tradition.Fil. Rigotti, Ana María. CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Rosario, CURDIUR; Argentina