40 research outputs found

    The Inner Life of Bursts

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    In the thalamus, bursts and single spikes are elicited by distinct visual stimuli, suggesting distinct visual functions. In this issue of Neuron, Wang etĀ al. make use of intracellular recordings of thalamic neurons in vivo to provide a clear, detailed explanation of how natural stimuli are converted intoĀ a neural code that uses both bursts and single spikes

    Evidence for an additive inhibitory component of contrast adaptation

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    The latency of visual responses generally decreases as contrast increases. Recording in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), we find that response latency increases with increasing contrast in ON cells for some visual stimuli. We propose that this surprising latency trend can be explained if ON cells rest further from threshold at higher contrasts. Indeed, while contrast changes caused a combination of multiplicative gain change and additive shift in LGN cells, the additive shift predominated in ON cells. Modeling results supported this theory: the ON cell latency trend was found when the distance-to-threshold shifted with contrast, but not when distance-to-threshold was fixed across contrasts. In the model, latency also increases as surround-to-center ratios increase, which has been shown to occur at higher contrasts. We propose that higher-contrast full-field stimuli can evoke more surround inhibition, shifting the potential further from spiking threshold and thereby increasing response latency

    Dorsal lateral geniculate substructure in the Long-Evans rat: A cholera toxin B-subunit study

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    This study describes the substructure of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus of the pigmented rat (Rattus norvegicus) based on the eye-of-origin of its retinal ganglion cell inputs. We made monocular intra-ocular injections of the B-subunit of cholera toxin (CTB), a sensitive anterograde tracer, in three adult male Long-Evans rats. In four additional subjects, we injected fluorophor-conjugated CTB in both eyes, using a different fluorophor in each eye. Brains of these subjects were fixed and sectioned, and the labeled retinal ganglion cell termini were imaged with wide-field sub-micron resolution slide scanners. Retinal termination zones were traced to reconstruct a three dimensional model of the ipsilateral and contralateral retinal termination zones in the dLGN on both sides of the brain. The dLGN volume was 1.58 \pm0.094 mm^{3}, comprising 70 \pm 3% the volume of the entire retinorecipient LGN. We find the retinal terminals to be well-segregated by eye of origin. We consistently found three or four spatially separated ipsilateral-recipient zones within each dLGN, rather than the single compact zone expected. It remains to be determined whether these subdomains represent distinct functional sublaminae

    Speed and Accuracy of Static Image Discrimination by Rats

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    When discriminating dynamic noisy sensory signals, human and primate subjects achieve higher accuracy when they take more time to decide, an effect attributed to accumulation of evidence over time to overcome neural noise. We measured the speed and accuracy of twelve freely behaving rats discriminating static, high contrast photographs of real-world objects for water reward in a self-paced task. Response latency was longer in correct trials compared to error trials. Discrimination accuracy increased with response latency over the range of 500-1200ms. We used morphs between previously learned images to vary the image similarity parametrically, and thereby modulate task difficulty from ceiling to chance. Over this range we find that rats take more time before responding in trials with more similar stimuli. We conclude that rats' perceptual decisions improve with time even in the absence of temporal information in the stimulus, and that rats modulate speed in response to discrimination difficulty to balance speed and accuracy

    Rational regulation of water-seeking effort in rodents

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    In the laboratory, animals' motivation to work tends to be positively correlated with reward magnitude. But in nature, rewards earned by work are essential to survival (e.g., working to find water), and the payoff of that work can vary on long timescales (e.g., seasonally). Under these constraints, the strategy of working less when rewards are small could be fatal. We found that instead, rats in a closed economy did more work for water rewards when the rewards were stably smaller, a phenomenon also observed in human labor supply curves. Like human consumers, rats showed elasticity of demand, consuming far more water per day when its price in effort was lower. The neural mechanisms underlying such "rational" market behaviors remain largely unexplored. We propose a dynamic utility maximization model that can account for the dependence of rat labor supply (trials/day) on the wage rate (milliliter/trial) and also predict the temporal dynamics of when rats work. Based on data from mice, we hypothesize that glutamatergic neurons in the subfornical organ in lamina terminalis continuously compute the instantaneous marginal utility of voluntary work for water reward and causally determine the amount and timing of work

    Training Rats Using Water Rewards Without Water Restriction

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    High-throughput behavioral training of rodents has been a transformative development for systems neuroscience. Water or food restriction is typically required to motivate task engagement. We hypothesized a gap between physiological water need and hedonic water satiety that could be leveraged to train rats for water rewards without water restriction. We show that when Citric Acid (CA) is added to water, female rats drink less, yet consume enough to maintain long term health. With 24 h/day access to a visual task with water rewards, rats with ad lib CA water performed 84% Ā± 18% as many trials as in the same task under water restriction. In 2-h daily sessions, rats with ad lib CA water performed 68% Ā± 13% as many trials as under water restriction. Using reward sizes <25 Ī¼l, rats with ad lib CA performed 804 Ā± 285 trials/day in live-in sessions or 364 Ā± 82 trials/day in limited duration daily sessions. The safety of CA water amendment was previously shown for male rats, and the gap between water need and satiety was similar to what we observed in females. Therefore, it is likely that this method will generalize to male rats, though this remains to be shown. We conclude that at least in some contexts rats can be trained using water rewards without water restriction, benefitting both animal welfare and scientific productivity