6 research outputs found

    Some microDNAs are shared between and within drug groups.

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    <p>Number of genes where from microDNA derived shared between drug groups (Sensitive: S; Resistant: R; Treated: T; Non-Treated: NT) (<b>A</b>) Observed numbers per drug <b>Top</b>: MTX <b>Bottom</b>: ASP (<b>B</b>) Observed <i>vs</i>. expected numbers of microDNA-derived genes per group. Expected numbers were computed by generating 1000 random new microDNAs with lengths corresponding to those we identified. <b>Top</b>: MTX <b>Bottom</b>: ASP. p<0.01 (estimated by chi-square) for the difference between observed and expected numbers in all cases except MTX R_NT group.</p

    MicroDNA generation in relation to treatment.

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    <p>Percentage (%) of unique microDNAs generated from LCL samples when treated <i>vs</i>. non-treated with (<b>A</b>) Methotrexate (MTX) or (<b>B</b>) Asparaginase (ASP). Treated <i>vs</i>. non-treated samples: <b>Left</b>, regardless of sensitivity/resistance status; <b>Center</b>, in resistant cells; <b>Right</b>, in sensitive cells. Numbers on the graph represent the number of unique microDNAs generated in each group.</p

    MicroDNA length and periodicity.

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    <p>Size distribution in base pairs (bp) of all identified microDNAs (<b>A</b>) regardless of drug used for treatment. Vertical lines depict the 190 bp periodicity. (<b>B</b>) per drug (ASP: Asparaginase, MTX: Methotrexate) and per sensitivity status (resistant: R, sensitive: S, treated: T, non-treated: NT).</p

    Percentage of shared entities between samples.

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    <p><b>Left</b>: Gene intersects, microDNA derivied for the same gene, shared between ≥ 2 samples. <b>Right</b>: Cluster intersects, microDNA derived from the same genomic position shared between ≥ 2 samples with > = 1 bp overlap. The number/total and (%) of intersects per drug group are indicated. Difference between groups was assessed using a two-tailed Chi-square test.</p

    MicroDNA are significantly enriched in coding and active genomic regions.

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    <p>Fold enrichment is calculated as the ratio of the observed by expected number. Expected numbers were computed by generating 1000 random new positions with lengths corresponding to those of identified microDNAs and outputting the median. The dotted line shows a hypothetical situation where expected number would be equal to the observed number. <b>Top</b>: Methotrexate (MTX). <b>Bottom</b>: Asparaginase (ASP). Statistical significance was assessed using Fisher's Exact test (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0184365#pone.0184365.s009" target="_blank">S3 Table</a>).</p