1,283 research outputs found

    Developing strategic learning alliances: partnerships for the provision of global education and training solutions

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    The paper describes a comprehensive model for the development of strategic alliances between education and corporate sectors, which is required to ensure effective provision of education and training programmes for a global market. Global economic forces, combined with recent advances in information and communication technologies, have provided unprecedented opportunities for education providers to broaden the provision of their programmes both on an international scale and across new sectors. Lifelong learning strategies are becoming increasingly recognized as an essential characteristic of a successful organization and therefore large organizations have shown a preparedness to invest in staff training and development. The demands for lifelong learning span a wide range of training and educational levels from school-level and vocational courses to graduate-level training for senior executive

    An Examination of Effective Practices in Helping Low Socioeconomic Students Succeed at Selective Institutions

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    Low-socioeconomic status (SES) students attend the nation’s most selective institutions at far lower rates than their high-SES peers, yet they graduate from these institutions at rates significantly higher than low-SES students who attend less-selective institutions. The success of these students at selective institutions is cause for examination into the resources and services available that might be a contributing factor to their success. Selective institutions, owing to their wealth, are in a position to provide access to specialized resources and services vital to the experiences of low-SES students. This paper highlights the results of phone interviews with a sample of selective institutions around the United States in an attempt to identify “effective practices” that likely aid in the retention and graduation of low-SES students on these campuses. While this study predictably confirms that peer initiatives and Bridge Programs are considered effective retention strategies, we learn that selective institutions also offer less common resources for low-SES students. These resources, “boutique” in nature, help bolster not only academic skills but also non-cognitive skills leading to increases in the cultural capital of low-SES students who, despite their challenges, graduate at impressive rates from the most selective institutions in the country

    Storied learning from the personal and professional lives of leaders: narrative analyses of rhythm over balance, and adult development and transition

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    This research study is about using the power of stories, specifically life history and narrative research approaches, to understand how three high level organizational leaders, or elites, experience their own development over time. Readers who will likely find this research study of value will be those studying life history and narrative approaches to understanding the meaning of lives, adult education and adult development scholars and practitioners interested in narrative as a method of adult development, and readers interested in understanding leaders\u27 lives.;A life history of each of the three elites was collected. The life story section of this research study includes a discussion around the dynamics of representation, voice, subjectivity, researcher-researched relationships, and ethics. Common themes in the lives of these three leaders were strong families of origin, support and mentoring, conversation and debate, and risk and adventure.;Two exciting subtexts emerged out of the life story research. The first subtext was around the notion of living a balanced life. The leaders discuss the pace of their lives, their personal and professional identities, and their desire to live with commitment and purpose. Based on an analysis of the leaders\u27 narratives, the goal of living with balance is reconceptualized to a paradigm of rhythm where chaos and complexity move together.;The second subtext is more directly related to adult development and adult learning. The most significant contribution of the entire research study may well be the narratives of development, transition, and learning documented over five years with one leader. Her developmental story, accompanied by an in-depth methodological and theoretical narrative analyses, contributes to the theory of narrative AS adult development and adult learning. This theory is critiqued and improved upon as a result of this research. This chapter also includes an analysis of the research relationship with questions of therapy or listening, friendship or relationship, and her story or my story
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