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    Figurative Language Used In Robert Frost’s Poems

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    This research is aiming on 1) identifying the types of figurative language used in Robert Frost’s Poems. and 2) explaining the implied meaning used in Robert Frost’s Poems. In this research, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative as the type of the research. The object of the study is figurative language used in Robert Frost’s Poems. The data of this research are four poems that containing figurative language and implied meaning used in Robert Frost’s Poems, there are (1) The Road Not Taken, (2) Stoping By Woods On A Snowy Evening, (3) Tree At My Window, and (4) Wind And Window Flower. The researcher uses documentation to collect the data then coding the figurative language used in Robert Frost’s Poems. The results show that (1) there are six types of figurative language in Robert Frost’s poems namely: personification, symbol, methapor, hyperbole, irony and apostrophe. There are actually twelve types of figurative language based on Lawrence Perrine’s Theory. However the researcher does not find simile, understatement, allegory, synecdoche, paradox, and metonymy in Robert Frost’s poems. Figurative Language has been mentioned above, there are 37,50% of personification, 29,16% of symbol, 16,66% of methapor, 8,33% of hyperbole, 4,16% of irony, and 4,16% of apostrophe. The amount of data found in Robert Frost’s poems is 24. And (2) The types of implied meaning in Robert Frost’s Poems, there are four types out of seven of the implied meaning in Robert Frost’s Poems namely: connotative meaning, stylistic or social meaning, affective meaning, and conceptual meaning. There are actually seven types of implied meaning based on Goeffrey Leech’s theory. However the researcher does not find collocative meaning, thematic meaning, and reflective meaning in Robert Frost’s Poems. As it has been mentioned above in the table that there are 45,83% of connotative meaning, 37,50% of stylistic or social meaning, 12,50% of affective meaning, and 4,16% of conceptual meaning. The total data are 24 found and analyzed into the types of implied meaning used in Robert Frost’s Poems. Keywords: Figurative Language, Implied Meaning, Robert Frost,The Poems