3 research outputs found

    Dual formal and informal transport modes towards quasi-seamless transit in a developing city

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    Dual formal and informal transport modes have been complementing one another in Bandung City for more than four decades now. The issue appears due to inability of formal transport to provide adequate services to the citizens. However, this accompaniment has brought Bandung City to a quasi-seamless transportation process as both transport modes play their roles as a continuum. Amid insufficient public transportation system in Bandung City, the informal transport modes have properly paired their formal transport counterparts. This study was conducted in Bandung City, Indonesia, by profiling the transportation users, observing the characteristics of both formal and informal transports, and acquiring the relevant secondary information at city and national levels. The study found that within the issue of appropriateness of few modes of informal transport such as becaks and ojeks, they have shown their contribution to the state of quasi-seamless transit process in the city as well as their impacts to reduce the CO2 emission in comparison to formal fossil fuel-based transportation

    Pengelolaan Kawasan Gunung Lawu Berwawasan Lingkungan dan Kearifan Lokal di Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    Indonesia memiliki lahan hutan terdegradasi seluas 96,3 juta ha sebagai akibat dari penebangan liar, kebakaran hutan, konversi hutan, serta perluasan pertanian yang tidak terencana. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pengelolaan kawasan secara arif, tepat, dan ramah lingkungan. Salah satu hal yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menggali kearifan lokal dalam hal pengelolaan kawasan yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui site observation, in-depth interview, focus group discussion, documment study dan social knowledge transfer. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling dan snowball. Teknik Analisis Data yang digunakan Analisis Interaktif dan Analisis Lingkungan Internal-Eksternal. Lokasi penelitian adalah Kabupaten Karanganyar yang memiliki potensi Sumber daya alam dan peranan yang penting dalam penggulangan dampak perubahan iklim. Hasil penelitian ini berupa pengembangan rekayasa sosial berupa model kolaborasi dalam pengelolaan lingkungan kawasan Gunung Lawu diberi nama model PIKSO karena model kolaborasi tersebut memiliki beberapa unsur utama yang terdiri atas Potensi, Inisiatif, Komitmen, Solusi, dan Outcome. Keyword: Kawasan Gunung Lawu, Berwawasan lingkungan, kearifan loka

    Pengelolaan Bank Sampah sebagai implementasi Ekonomi Kreatif di Bank Sampah Guyub Rukun Dusun Madugondo, Kecamatan Piyungan, Bantul

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    One of the concrete steps of waste management that can be felt directly by the community in a small scope is the Waste Bank. However, the community often faces problems in managing waste through waste banks, namely related to limited human resources and facilities. The Guyub Rukun Dusun Madugondo waste e Bank is a waste bank that is experiencing problems with limited human resources and facilities. Efforts are needed to overcome the limitations of human resources and facilities so that the waste bank is able to continue to grow. Therefore, this community service activity is carried out to help overcome these problems by providing training methods to improve the managerial skills of waste bank managers and innovation in processing waste into creative economic products as well as providing supporting facilities grants. The training was carried out with waste bank management materials and making flower arrangements from recycled plastic waste materials. Meanwhile, the grant for supporting facilities is realized in the form of a waste press. The results of these community service activities can be felt directly by the waste bank manager and can reduce the problems faced by the Guyub Rukun Dusun Madugondo waste Bank manager