3 research outputs found

    The Application of Operations Research Techniques to Finance Sector

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    Operations research as a branch of comprehensive and multidisciplinary cross science, there are two types of decision problems. The first one is how to make use of resource to fulfill the tasks as much as possible. The other one is how to Using the least amount of resources to complete a certain task. This paper reviews the application of Operations Research to financial markets. After considering reasons for the attractiveness of general finance problems to OR researchers, the main types of financial market problem amenable to OR are identified, and some of the many problems solved using OR are documented. While mathematical programming is the most widely applied technique, OR now plays an important role in the operation of financial markets and this importance is likely to increase, creating the opportunity for OR (and operations researchers) to play an even greater role

    BOOK REVIEW- “Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications†Author: Kenneth Rosen Edition: Seventh

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    a focused introduction to the primary themesin a discrete mathematics course, asintroduced through extensive applications,expansive discussion, and detailed exercisesets. These themes include mathematicalreasoning, combinatorial analysis, discretestructures, algorithmic thinking, andenhanced problem-solving skills throughmodeling. Its intent is to demonstrate therelevance and practicality of discretemathematics to all students. This enhancedcoverage will provide students with a solidunderstanding of the material as it relates totheir immediate field of study and otherrelevant subjects. The inclusion ofapplications and examples to key topics hasbeen significantly addressed to add clarity toevery subject

    Learning Concepts of Mathematics using GeoGebra at the College Level

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    ABSTRACT: This paper presents new trends in technology and learning through Geogebra, which could be especially important for the future development of e-learning for College mathematics. Also, contribution of this paper is presentation of methodological frames on several specifics examples for teaching mathematics at the college level on interactive and creative way