24 research outputs found

    Revisi贸n de la efectividad de los soportes plantares personalizados en el pie plano valgo infantil

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    El pie plano valgo infantil es una de las patolog铆as que se presenta con mayor frecuencia en la pr谩ctica cl铆nica ortopodol贸gica. Es adem谩s una preocupaci贸n com煤n para los padres y contin煤a siendo un tema debatido por los profesionales de la salud. Se realiza una b煤squeda bibliogr谩fica con el objetivo de evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento ortopodol贸gico mediante el uso de soportes plantares personalizados en ni帽os con pies planos valgos. Los art铆culos que eval煤an el efecto inmediato de los soportes plantares, comparando los cambios que se manifiestan en el pie con y sin el tratamiento ortopodol贸gico, coinciden en que el uso de soportes plantares personalizados reducen los grados de eversi贸n del calc谩neo en bipedestaci贸n y el porcentaje de eversi贸n m谩xima y de eversi贸n total en din谩mica. Existe bastante controversia respecto a la efectividad de los soportes plantares personalizados en el tratamiento del pie plano valgo infantil cuando la evaluaci贸n se realiza en estudios longitudinales a largo plazo. Conclusiones: la efectividad de los soportes plantares a largo plazo depende de la edad del ni帽o y de la duraci贸n del tratamiento. Esta se ve aumentada cuando el ni帽o tiene m谩s de seis a帽os y cuando el tiempo de tratamiento es igual o mayor a 24 meses. No existe ning煤n estudio en el que se indique el que uso de los soportes plantares dificulte el desarrollo normal del pie o empeore la situaci贸n en la que se encuentra en el momento de iniciaci贸n del tratamiento

    A case-control study of the effects of chronic low back pain in spatiotemporal gait parameters

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    Chronic low back pain and biomechanical walking imbalances are closely related. It is relevant to identify if there are alterations in spatiotemporal gait patterns in subjects with CLBP (cases) versus healthy subjects (controls) to plan training interventions of motor control gait patterns, and thus allowing normal physical activity of the individual. This study is intended to identify if spatiotemporal alterations occur in the gait cycle in CLBP subjects (cases) compared with a control group (healthy patients) analyzed with an OptoGait LED sensors gait program. Method: A total of n = 147 participants: n = 75 cases (CLBP) and n = 72 healthy controls subjects were studied with OptoGait gait program. Results: Significant differences were found between the two groups and both feet in foot stride, for the differences of the total stride and contact, for gait cadence and total stride length of the gait cycle (p < 0.05). Conclusions: CLBP may alter some normal gait patterns measured by OptoGait; this finding presents imbalances in gait cycle as an underlying factor. The gait is part of daily life of any individual and it is an important physical activity in relation to the maintenance of an optimal state of health. In addition, future studies are deemed necessary

    Intra-observer reliability for measuring first and second toe and metatarsal protrusion distance using palpation-based tests: a test-retest study

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    Background: Measurement of first and second metatarsal and toe protrusion is frequently used to explain foot problems using x-rays, osteological measurements or palpation-based tests. Length differences could be related to the appearance of problems in the foot. A test-retest design was conducted in order to establish the intra-rater reliability of three palpation-based tests. Methods: 202 feet of physical therapy students and teachers of the CEU San Pablo University of Madrid, 39 men and 62 women, were measured using three different tests. Data were analysed using SPSS version 15.0. Mean, SD and 95% CI were calculated for each variable. A normal distribution of quantitative data was assessed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The test-retest intra-rater reliability was assessed using an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). The Standard Error Mean (SEM) and the Minimal Detectable Change (MDC) were also obtained. Results: All the ICC values showed a high degree of reliability (Test 1 = 0.97, Test 2 = 0.86 and Test 3 = 0.88) as did the SEM (Test 1 = 0.07, Test 2 = 0.10 and Test 3 = 0.11) and the MDC (Test 1 = 0.21, Test 2 = 0.30 and Test 3 = 0.31). Conclusions: Reliability of measuring first and second metatarsal and toe protrusion using the three palpation-based tests showed a high degree of reliability

    Intra-observer reliability for measuring first and second toe and metatarsal protrusion distance using palpation-based tests: a test-retest study

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    Background: Measurement of first and second metatarsal and toe protrusion is frequently used to explain foot problems using x-rays, osteological measurements or palpation-based tests. Length differences could be related to the appearance of problems in the foot. A test-retest design was conducted in order to establish the intra-rater reliability of three palpation-based tests. Methods: 202 feet of physical therapy students and teachers of the CEU San Pablo University of Madrid, 39 men and 62 women, were measured using three different tests. Data were analysed using SPSS version 15.0. Mean, SD and 95% CI were calculated for each variable. A normal distribution of quantitative data was assessed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The test-retest intra-rater reliability was assessed using an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). The Standard Error Mean (SEM) and the Minimal Detectable Change (MDC) were also obtained. Results: All the ICC values showed a high degree of reliability (Test 1 = 0.97, Test 2 = 0.86 and Test 3 = 0.88) as did the SEM (Test 1 = 0.07, Test 2 = 0.10 and Test 3 = 0.11) and the MDC (Test 1 = 0.21, Test 2 = 0.30 and Test 3 = 0.31). Conclusions: Reliability of measuring first and second metatarsal and toe protrusion using the three palpation-based tests showed a high degree of reliability

    Psychosocial Influence of Ehlers鈥揇anlos Syndrome in Daily Life of Patients: A Qualitative Study

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    Ehlers鈥揇anlos syndrome is a heterogeneous group of connective tissue disorders causing pain, fatigue, and disabilities; it has several implications for patients who suffer from this disease. The major clinical manifestations of EDS include joint hypermobility, skin hyperextensibility, and generalized conjunctive tissue fragility. This research aims to explore their perceptions and experiences about the phycological and social spheres. (2) Methods: Semistructured interviews were carried out. Participants were encouraged to talk about issues related to their disease by asking open-ended questions in one to one interview. The interview guide included questions to identify the syndrome鈥檚 influence on the social and psychological life of patients All interviews were audio recorded, fully transcribed, and analyzed using the phenomenological theoretical framework. The method of analysis was the thematic interpreting of perspectives and approaches. (3) Results: 31 individuals were proposed to participate in this study. Five patients refused to participate, so a total of 26 interviews were performed. Six themes ((1) Pain and its consequences on a daily basis; (2) The need to name the problem: the diagnosis; (3) Restructuring leisure and social relationships; (4) Limitations due to economic conditions; (5) Psychological impact of the disease situation; (6) Professional limitations) and four subthemes ((1) The value of partner support; (2) The weather influence on social plans; (3) Physical exercise and illness; (4) Support groups) emerged from the data. (4) Conclusions: This study revealed the impact of the syndrome on the social and daily life of patients, and not only in a physical level, but also in a psychological and social approach. These findings allow healthcare providers to know more about this disease in order to support and give advice to patients about the changes they will have to make.University of Seville 鈥淰I PLAN PROPIO DE INVESTIGACI脫N Y TRANSFERENCIA鈥擴S 2018

    Custom-made foot orthoses reduce pain and fatigue in patients with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. A pilot study

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    Background: Pain and fatigue are major clinical manifestations in patients with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). The aim of this study is to measure change of the effects of custom-made foot orthotics on some manifestations related to EDS, such as foot pain, foot functionality, fatigue, and quality of life. Methods: Thirty-six patients with EDS wore foot orthoses for three months. Foot pain, foot-related disability, foot functionality, fatigue, and quality of life were measured using the 11-point Numeric Rating Scale, the Manchester Foot Pain and Disability Index, the Foot Function Index, the Fatigue Severity Score, and the 12-Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaires, respectively, at the beginning and after 3 months. Results: Participants demonstrated significantly improved foot pain (p = 0.002), disability related to foot pain (p < 0.001), foot functionality (p = 0.001), fatigue (p < 0.007), and mental health-related quality of life (p = 0.016). The physical health-related quality of life did not show significant changes. Conclusions: The use of custom-made foot orthoses help in the management of the symptoms by participants. This study could contribute to the foot specialists being considered as an additional member in multidisciplinary teams that are trying to develop an approach for patients with EDS

    Prevalencia del hallux abductus valgus en las mujeres de edad f茅rtil

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    Creemos pertinente este estudio porque es necesario aumentar el campo de conocimiento de la podolog铆a, ya que no existen trabajos previos donde se establezca la prevalencia de esta alteraci贸n en nuestro 谩mbito geogr谩fico. Al ser una enfermedad adquirida y progresiva (37,38), supone un gran problema de salud p煤blica en mayores, generando una gran demanda sanitaria . (3, 16, 39, 40). Adem谩s se ha comprobado que, en personas ancianas, el HAV es un factor de riesgo de ca铆das (41). S贸lo mediante datos concretos epidemiol贸gicos se puede prever una planificaci贸n social y sanitaria destinada a atender a los pacientes con esta afecci贸n podol贸gica. Adem谩s, una vez que se instaura la deformidad del HAV, el tratamiento corrector de la misma, es quir煤rgico. Un estudio de 1991 afirma que el 75% de las alteraciones tratadas mediante cirug铆a estaban agravadas por el calzado inadecuado (42). En este 谩mbito, el inter茅s cient铆fico del trabajo radica en la prevenci贸n de la afecci贸n, ya que podremos establecer si el hallux abductus valgus est谩 relacionado con el uso del calzado estrecho y con tac贸n alto, o con otros factores de riesgo. Con este punto de partida, podremos dise帽ar Programas de Salud Podol贸gica destinados a concienciar a las mujeres sobre la conveniencia de adquirir h谩bitos de calzado saludable, ya sea para evitar la aparici贸n de la enfermedad o su progresi贸n. As铆, de forma secundaria, podr铆amos descender el gasto sanitario que generan las mujeres en el tratamiento de esta afecci贸n

    Cutaneous Manifestations of COVID-19 in the Lower Limbs: A Narrative Review

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    In 2020, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 pandemic. This infectious pathology can be associated with different manifestations in different body systems, among which are dermatological lesions. The purpose of this work is to determine the most frequent dermatological signs, in the lower limbs, produced by SARS-CoV-2. To carry this out, a bibliographic search was performed in the following databases: PubMed, SciELO, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and the Google Scholar literature. The inclusion criteria were articles that included confirmed subjects or those with a clinical suspicion of COVID-19, written in the Spanish or English languages, and the results presented clinical manifestations in the lower extremities. Initially, 128 scientific documents were identified and, after reading the title and abstract, 18 articles were selected. The most frequent skin lesions on the lower limbs are acral lesions such as pernio erythema or ischemic lesions, maculopapular rash, petechiae, and erythematous plaques

    Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Diabetic Foot Crossed Infection. Case Report

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    This work presents a protocol to prevent the transmission of multidrug-resistant infections. We focus on the Diabetic Foot Unit Podiatry Clinic Area attached to the University of Seville in particular. The most common complication for patients with diabetes is leg ulcers. Together with neuropathy, vasculopathy, and immunological response disorder, these individuals have a high predisposition to developing infections. Staphylococcus aureus is a highly prevalent microorganism in humans which, at times, may act as a pathogen. Due mainly to indiscriminate abuse of antibiotics, the methicillin-resistant strain known by its initials as MRSA is the most extended nosocomial infection globally and is a severe community and hospital healthcare problem. This paper describes compliance with new general recommendations on cleaning, hygiene, and decontamination, in addition to implementation of this specific protocol, after detection of cross infection (healthcare-related infection) in the studied unit in two patients with MRSA-infected ulcers. After an in-depth bibliographical review, strict hand hygiene measures and use of non-sterile gloves were used when treating all patients with a diabetic foot. Finally, we reflect on the need to educate healthcare personnel to guarantee correct prescription of selected antibiotics. The role of the podiatrist in the multidisciplinary team is highlighted not only in terms of management and treatment of lesions in diabetic patients, but also as a healthcare agent for the detection and prevention of MRSA together with other multidrug-resistant infections