13 research outputs found

    Surgical Treatment Of Epilepsy In Tuberous Sclerosis: Strategies And Results In 18 Patients

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    Background: Seizures in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) are often intractable to antiepileptic medications and searching investigation may provide evidence that surgical treatment can be considered. Objective: To review the results of investigation and surgical therapy, a treatment modality not generally considered in patients with medically refractory seizures and TSC. Methods: We report 18 patients (9 male) with TSC who underwent surgical treatment of medically refractory epilepsy. Twelve patients had a well-localized epileptogenic lesion and were treated by lesionectomy or focal resection. Resections were: 7 frontal, 4 temporal, 1 frontotemporal, 1 occipital, and 1 frontoparietal. Four patients underwent more than one operation. Six patients had corpus callosotomy (CC). Results: Follow-up ranged from i month to 47 years. Outcome of the patients treated by resection was excellent in 7 (5 were seizure-free and 2 had auras only), good in 1, fair in 3, and I was lost to follow-up. Best outcome was obtained in patients who had focal seizures and good imaging and EEG correlation, although they might have multiple seizure types, other imaging abnormalities, and multifocal or generalized EEG findings. When there was no such correlation, CC was found to be an option as five patients had at least some improvement and only one showed no change. Conclusion: Surgical treatment of patients with TSC and intractable epilepsy is most effective when a single tuber or epileptogenic area can be identified as the source of seizures and resected. This may be possible even when other tubers or diffuse EEG abnormalities are present. In patients with unlocalizable epileptic abnormalities, palliation may be obtained by CC.51512631269Gomez, M.R., Phenotypes of the tuberous sclerosis complex with a revision of diagnostic criteria (1991) Ann NY Acad Sci, 615, pp. 1-7Roach, E.S., Tuberous sclerosis (1993) The Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological Disease, pp. 791-800. , Rosenberg RN, Prusiner SB, DiMauro S, Barchi RL, Kunkel LM. Stoneham, MAButterworth-HeinemannHuttenlocher, P.R., Wollman, R.L., Cellular neuropathology of tuberous sclerosis (1991) Ann NY Acad Sci, 615, pp. 140-148Hirose, T., Scheithauer, B.W., Lopes, M.B.S., Tuber and sub-ependymal giant cell astrocytoma associated with tuberous sclerosis: An immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and immunoelectron microscopic study (1995) Acta Neuropathol, 90, pp. 387-399Sampson, J.R., Harris, P.C., The molecular genetics of tuberous sclerosis (1994) Hum Mol Genet, 3, pp. 1477-1480Korf, B.R., Neurocutaneous syndromes: Neurofibromatosis 1, neurofibromatosis 2, and tuberous sclerosis (1997) Curr Opin Neurol, 10, pp. 131-136Curatolo, P., Neurological manifestations of tuberous sclerosis complex (1996) Childs Nerv Syst, 12, pp. 515-521Povey, S., Burley, M.W., Attwood, J., Two loci for tuberous sclerosis: One on 9q34 and one on 16p13 (1994) Ann Hum Genet, 58, pp. 107-127Kandt, R.S., Tuberous sclerosis: The next step (1993) J Child Neurol, 8, pp. 107-110Gomez, M.R., Neurologic and psychiatric features (1988) Tuberous Sclerosis. Second Edition, pp. 21-36. , Gomez MR. New York: Raven PressBebin, E.M., Patrick, J.K., Gomez, M.R., Surgical treatment for epilepsy in cerebral tuberous sclerosis (1993) Epilepsia, 34, pp. 651-657Perot, P., Weir, B., Rasmussen, T., Tuberous sclerosis: Surgical therapy for seizures (1966) Arch Neurol, 15, pp. 498-506Palmini, A., Andermann, F., Olivier, A., Focal neuronal migration disorders and intractable partial epilepsy: A study of 30 patients (1991) Ann Neurol, 30, pp. 741-749Roach, E.S., Smith, M., Huttenlocher, P., Bhat, M., Alcorn, D., Hawley, L., Diagnostic criteria: Tuberous sclerosis complex. 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    Familiar perisylvian polymicrogyria: A new familial syndrome of cortical maldevelopment

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    Two familial X-linked dominant syndromes of cortical maldevelopment have recently been described: double cortex/lissencephaly syndrome and bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia. We report on 12 kindreds with familial perisylvian polymicrogyria (FPP) presenting at 10 centers, examine the clinical presentation in these familial cases, and propose a possible mode of inheritance. The clinical and radiological pattern was variable among the 42 patients, with clinical differences among the families and even within members of the same family. Pseudobulbar signs, cognitive deficits, epilepsy, and perisylvian abnormalities on imaging studies were Mot found in all patients. When present, they displayed a spectrum of severity. The only clear correlation in this study was between bilateral imaging findings and abnormal tongue movements and/or pronounced dysarthria. Most of the families provided evidence suggestive of, or compatible with, X-linked transmission. On the other hand, the pedigrees of 2 families ruled out X-linked inheritance. The most likely mode of inheritance for these 2 families was autosomal dominant with decreased penetrance; however, autosomal recessive inheritance with pseudodominance could not be ruled out in 1 family. We conclude that FPP appears to be genetically heterogeneous. However, most of the families probably represent a third previously undescribed X-linked syndrome of cortical maldevelopment. RI Cendes, Fernando/C-1301-201

    Subcortical band heterotopia (SBH) in males: clinical, imaging and genetic findings in comparison with females

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    Subcortical band heterotopia (SBH) or double cortex syndrome is a neuronal migration disorder, which occurs very rarely in males: to date, at least 110 females but only 11 in males have been reported. The syndrome is usually associated with mutations in the doublecortin (DCX) (Xq22.3-q23) gene, and much less frequently in the LIS1 (17p13.3) gene. To determine whether the phenotypic spectrum, the genetic basis and genotype-phenotype correlations of SBH in males are similar to those in females, we compared the clinical, imaging and molecular features in 30 personally evaluated males and 60 previously reported females with SBH. Based on the MRI findings, we defined the following band subtypes: partial, involving one or two cerebral lobes; intermediate, involving two lobes and a portion of a third; diffuse, with substantial involvement of three or more lobes; and pachygyria-SBH, in which posterior SBH merges with anterior pachygyria. Karyo typing and mutation analysis of DCX and/or LIS1 were performed in 23 and 24 patients, respectively. The range of clinical phenotypes in males with SBH greatly overlapped that in females. MRI studies revealed that some anatomical subtypes of SBH, such as partial and intermediate posterior, pachygyria-SBH and diffuse bands with posterior predominance, were more frequently or exclusively present in males. Conversely, classical diffuse SBH and diffuse bands with anterior predominance were more frequent in females. Males had either mild or the most severe band subtypes, and these correlated with the over-representation of normal/borderline intelligence and severe mental retardation, respectively. Conversely, females who had predominantly diffuse bands exhibited mostly mild or moderate mental retardation. Seven patients (29%) had missense mutations in DCX; in four, these were germline mutations, whereas in three there was evidence for somatic mosaicism. A germline missense mutation of LIS1 and a partial trisomy of chromosome 9p were identified in one patient (4%) each. One male each had a possible pathogenic intronic base change in both DCX and LIS1 genes. Our study shows that SBH in males is a clinically heterogeneous syndrome, mostly occurring sporadically. The clinical spectrum is similar to that of females with SBH. However, the greater cognitive and neuroradiological heterogeneity and the small number of mutations identified to date in the coding sequences of the DCX and LIS1 genes in males differ from the findings in females. This suggests other genetic mechanisms such as mutations in the non-coding regions of the DCX or LIS1 genes, gonadal or somatic mosaicism, and finally mutations of other gene

    Subcortical band heterotopia (SBH) in males: clinical, imaging and genetic findings in comparison with females

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    Subcortical band heterotopia (SBH) or double cortex syndrome is a neuronal migration disorder, which occurs very rarely in males: to date, at least 110 females but only 11 in males have been reported. The syndrome is usually associated with mutations in the doublecortin (DCX) (Xq22.3-q23) gene, and much less frequently in the LIS1 (17p13.3) gene. To determine whether the phenotypic spectrum, the genetic basis and genotype-phenotype correlations of SBH in males are similar to those in females, we compared the clinical, imaging and molecular features in 30 personally evaluated males and 60 previously reported females with SBH. Based on the MRI findings, we defined the following band subtypes: partial, involving one or two cerebral lobes; intermediate, involving two lobes and a portion of a third; diffuse, with substantial involvement of three or more lobes; and pachygyria-SBH, in which posterior SBH merges with anterior pachygyria. Karyo typing and mutation analysis of DCX and/or LIS1 were performed in 23 and 24 patients, respectively. The range of clinical phenotypes in males with SBH greatly overlapped that in females. MRI studies revealed that some anatomical subtypes of SBH, such as partial and intermediate posterior, pachygyria-SBH and diffuse bands with posterior predominance, were more frequently or exclusively present in males. Conversely, classical diffuse SBH and diffuse bands with anterior predominance were more frequent in females. Males had either mild or the most severe band subtypes, and these correlated with the over-representation of normal/borderline intelligence and severe mental retardation, respectively. Conversely, females who had predominantly diffuse bands exhibited mostly mild or moderate mental retardation. Seven patients (29%) had missense mutations in DCX; in four, these were germline mutations, whereas in three there was evidence for somatic mosaicism. A germline missense mutation of LIS1 and a partial trisomy of chromosome 9p were identified in one patient (4%) each. One male each had a possible pathogenic intronic base change in both DCX and LIS1 genes. Our study shows that SBH in males is a clinically heterogeneous syndrome, mostly occurring sporadically. The clinical spectrum is similar to that of females with SBH. However, the greater cognitive and neuroradiological heterogeneity and the small number of mutations identified to date in the coding sequences of the DCX and LIS1 genes in males differ from the findings in females. This suggests other genetic mechanisms such as mutations in the non-coding regions of the DCX or LIS1 genes, gonadal or somatic mosaicism, and finally mutations of other genes.125112507252

    Disconnecting Surgical Treatment of Hypothalamic Hamartoma in Children and Adults With Refractory Epilepsy and Proposal of a New Classification.

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