265 research outputs found

    On Provably Safe and Live Multirobot Coordination With Online Goal Posting

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    A standing challenge in multirobot systems is to realize safe and efficient motion planning and coordination methods that are capable of accounting for uncertainties and contingencies. The challenge is rendered harder by the fact that robots may be heterogeneous and that their plans may be posted asynchronously. Most existing approaches require constraints on the infrastructure or unrealistic assumptions on robot models. In this article, we propose a centralized, loosely-coupled supervisory controller that overcomes these limitations. The approach responds to newly posed constraints and uncertainties during trajectory execution, ensuring at all times that planned robot trajectories remain kinodynamically feasible, that the fleet is in a safe state, and that there are no deadlocks or livelocks. This is achieved without the need for hand-coded rules, fixed robot priorities, or environment modification. We formally state all relevant properties of robot behavior in the most general terms possible, without assuming particular robot models or environments, and provide both formal and empirical proof that the proposed fleet control algorithms guarantee safety and liveness

    Distributed Task-priority Based Control in Area Coverage & Adaptive Sampling

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    Abstract\u2014The paper presents the first simulative results and algorithmic developments of the task-priority based control applied to a distributed sampling network in an area coverage or adaptive sampling mission scenario. The proposed approach allowing the fulfilment of a chain of tasks with decreasing priority each of which directly related to both operability and safety aspects of the entire mission. The task-priority control is presented both in the centralized and decentralized implementations showing a comparison of performance. Finally simulations of the area coverage mission scenario are provided showing the effectiveness of the proposed approac

    Priority-Based Distributed Coordination for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems with Realistic Assumptions

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    A standing challenge in current intralogistics is to reliably, effectively, yet safely coordinate large-scale, heterogeneous multi-robot fleets without posing constraints on the infrastructure or unrealistic assumptions on robots. A centralized approach, proposed by some of the authors in prior work, allows to overcome these limitations with medium-scale fleets (i.e., tens of robots). With the aim of scaling to hundreds of robots, in this article we explore a decentralized variant of the same approach. The proposed framework maintains the key features of the original approach, namely, ensuring safety despite uncertainties on robot motions, and generality with respect to robot platforms, motion planners and controllers. We include considerations on liveness and report solutions to prevent or recover from deadlocks in specific situations. We validate the approach empirically in simulation with large, heterogeneous multi-robot fleets (with up to 100 robots) operating in both benchmark and realistic environments

    MiniGRAIL progress report 2004

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    The MiniGRAIL detector was improved. The sphere was replaced by a slightly larger one, having a diameter of 68 cm (instead of 65 cm), reducing the resonant frequency by about 200 Hz to around 2.9 kHz. The last four masses of the attenuation system were machined to increase their resonant frequency and improve the attenuation around the resonant frequency of the sphere. In the new sphere, six holes were machined on the TIGA positions for easy mounting of the transducers. During the last cryogenic run, two capacitive transducers and a calibrator were mounted on the sphere. The first transducer was coupled to a double-stage SQUID amplifier having a commercial quantum design SQUID as a first stage and a DROS as a second stage. The second transducer was read by a single-stage quantum design SQUID. During the cryogenic run, the sphere was cooled down to 4 K. The two-stage SQUID had a flux noise of about 1.6 μ0 Hz−1/2. The detector was calibrated and the sensitivity curve of MiniGRAIL was determined

    Increasing the bandwidth of resonant gravitational antennas: The case of Explorer

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    Resonant gravitational wave detectors with an observation bandwidth of tens of hertz are a reality: the antenna Explorer, operated at CERN by the ROG collaboration, has been upgraded with a new read-out. In this new configuration, it exhibits an unprecedented useful bandwidth: in over 55 Hz about its frequency of operation of 919 Hz the spectral sensitivity is better than 10^{-20} /sqrt(Hz) . We describe the detector and its sensitivity and discuss the foreseable upgrades to even larger bandwidths.Comment: 4 pages- 4 figures Acceted for publication on Physical Review Letter

    Towards the design of robotic drivers for full-scale self-driving racing cars

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    Autonomous vehicles are undergoing a rapid development thanks to advances in perception, planning and control methods and technologies achieved in the last two decades. Moreover, the lowering costs of sensors and computing platforms are attracting industrial entities, empowering the integration and development of innovative solutions for civilian use. Still, the development of autonomous racing cars has been confined mainly to laboratory studies and small to middle scale vehicles. This paper tackles the development of a planning and control framework for an electric full scale autonomous racing car, which is an absolute novelty in the literature, upon which we report our preliminary experiments and perspectives on future work. Our system leverages real time Nonlinear Model Predictive Control to track a pre-planned racing line. We describe the whole control system architecture including the mapping and localization methods employed

    Search for Periodic Gravitational Wave Sources with the Explorer Detector

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    We have developped a procedure for the search of periodic signals in the data of gravitational wave detectors. We report here the analysis of one year of data from the resonant detector Explorer, searching for pulsars located in the Galactic Center (GC). No signals with amplitude greater than hˉ=2.9 10−24\bar{h}= 2.9~10^{-24}, in the range 921.32-921.38 Hz, were observed using data collected over a time period of 95.7 days, for a source located at α=17.70±0.01\alpha=17.70 \pm 0.01 hours and δ=−29.00±0.05\delta=-29.00 \pm 0.05 degrees. Our procedure can be extended for any assumed position in the sky and for a more general all-sky search, even with a frequency correction at the source due to the spin-down and Doppler effects.Comment: One zipped file (Latex+eps figures). 33 pages, 14 figures. This and related material also at http://grwav3.roma1.infn.it

    Diagnostic work-up in obstructive and inflammatory salivary gland disorders

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    La patologia infiammatoria ed ostruttiva delle ghiandole salivari riconosce molteplici eziologie con coinvolgimento del parenchima ghiandolare e/o del sistema escretore. Il quadro clinico è essenziale per indirizzare lintegrazione diagnostica con adeguate metodiche di imaging. Sulla base dellanamnesi e dellesame obiettivo, possono riconoscersi quattro scenari clinici: (1) tumefazione acuta generalizzata delle ghiandole salivari maggiori; (2) tumefazione acuta di ununica ghiandola salivare maggiore; (3) tumefazione cronica generalizzata delle ghiandole salivari maggiori associata o meno a xerostomia; (4) tumefazione cronica o persistente di una singola ghiandola salivare maggiore. Lalgoritmo diagnostico per la scelta della metodica di imaging più appropriata dipende quindi dallo scenario clinico. Limaging è essenziale per confermare la diagnosi clinica, per definire lestensione della patologia ed identificare eventuali complicanze. Le metodiche di imaging disponibili includono lecografia, la tomografia computerizzata e la risonanza magnetica, anche con scialografia RM

    Complete model of a spherical gravitational wave detector with capacitive transducers. Calibration and sensitivity optimization

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    We report the results of a detailed numerical analysis of a real resonant spherical gravitational wave antenna operating with six resonant two-mode capacitive transducers read out by superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUID) amplifiers. We derive a set of equations to describe the electro-mechanical dynamics of the detector. The model takes into account the effect of all the noise sources present in each transducer chain: the thermal noise associated with the mechanical resonators, the thermal noise from the superconducting impedance matching transformer, the back-action noise and the additive current noise of the SQUID amplifier. Asymmetries in the detector signal-to-noise ratio and bandwidth, coming from considering the transducers not as point-like objects but as sensor with physically defined geometry and dimension, are also investigated. We calculate the sensitivity for an ultracryogenic, 30 ton, 2 meter in diameter, spherical detector with optimal and non-optimal impedance matching of the electrical read-out scheme to the mechanical modes. The results of the analysis is useful not only to optimize existing smaller mass spherical detector like MiniGrail, in Leiden, but also as a technological guideline for future massive detectors. Furthermore we calculate the antenna patterns when the sphere operates with one, three and six resonators. The sky coverage for two detectors based in The Netherlands and Brasil and operating in coincidence is also estimated. Finally, we describe and numerically verify a calibration and filtering procedure useful for diagnostic and detection purposes in analogy with existing resonant bar detectors.Comment: 23 pages, 20 figures, codes of the simulations are available on request by contacting the autho
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