20 research outputs found

    On C*-algebras generated by pairs of q-commuting isometries

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    We consider the C*-algebras O_2^q and A_2^q generated, respectively, by isometries s_1, s_2 satisfying the relation s_1^* s_2 = q s_2 s_1^* with |q| < 1 (the deformed Cuntz relation), and by isometries s_1, s_2 satisfying the relation s_2 s_1 = q s_1 s_2 with |q| = 1. We show that O_2^q is isomorphic to the Cuntz-Toeplitz C*-algebra O_2^0 for any |q| < 1. We further prove that A_2^{q_1} is isomorphic to A_2^{q_2} if and only if either q_1 = q_2 or q_1 = complex conjugate of q_2. In the second part of our paper, we discuss the complexity of the representation theory of A_2^q. We show that A_2^q is *-wild for any q in the circle |q| = 1, and hence that A_2^q is not nuclear for any q in the circle.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX2e "article" document class; submitted. V2 clarifies the relationships between the various deformation systems treate

    Fuzzification of Fractal Calculus

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    In this manuscript, fractal and fuzzy calculus are summarized. Fuzzy calculus in terms of fractal limit, continuity, its derivative, and integral are formulated. The fractal fuzzy calculus is a new framework that includes fractal fuzzy derivatives and fractal fuzzy integral. In this framework, fuzzy number-valued functions with fractal support are the solutions of fractal fuzzy differential equations. Different kinds of fractal fuzzy differential equations are given and solved

    A sampling theory for infinite weighted graphs

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    Tyt. z nagł.References p. 234-236.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.ABSTRACT: We prove two sampling theorems for infinite (countable discrete) weighted graphs G; one example being &quot;large grids of resistors&quot; i.e., networks and systems of resistors. We show that there is natural ambient continuum X containing G, and there are Hilbert spaces of functions on X that allow interpolation by sampling values of the functions restricted only on the vertices in G. We sample functions on X from their discrete values picked in the vertex-subset G. We prove two theorems that allow for such realistic ambient spaces X for a fixed graph G, and for interpolation kernels in function Hilbert spaces on X, sampling only from points in the subset of vertices in G. A continuum is often not apparent at the outset from the given graph G. We will solve this problem with the use of ideas from stochastic integration. KEYWORDS: weighted graph, Hilbert space, Laplace operator, sampling, Shannon, white noise, Wiener transform, interpolation

    Frames and factorization of graph Laplacians

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliogr. s. 329-331.Using functions from electrical networks (graphs with resistors assigned to edges), we prove existence (with explicit formulas) of a canonical Parseval frame in the energy Hilbert space HE of a prescribed infinite (or finite) network. Outside degenerate cases, our Parseval frame is not an orthonormal basis. We apply our frame to prove a number of explicit results: With our Parseval frame and related closable operators in HE we characterize the Friedrichs extension of the HE-graph Laplacian. We consider infinite connected network-graphs G = (V, E), V for vertices, and E for edges. To every conductance function c on the edges E of G, there is an associated pair (HE, ∆) where HE in an energy Hilbert space, and ∆ (=∆c) is the c-graph Laplacian; both depending on the choice of conductance function c. When a conductance function is given, there is a current-induced orientation on the set of edges and an associated natural Parseval frame in HE consisting of dipoles. Now ∆ is a well-defined semibounded Hermitian operator in both of the Hilbert l2 (V) and HE. It is known to automatically be essentially selfadjoint as an l2 (V)-operator, but generally not as an HE operator. Hence as an HE operator it has a Friedrichs extension. In this paper we offer two results for the Friedrichs extension: a characterization and a factorization. The latter is via l2(V).Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.KEYWORDS: unbounded operators, deficiency-indices, Hilbert space, boundary values, weighted graph, reproducing kernel, Dirichlet form, graph Laplacian, resistance network, harmonic analysis, frame, Parseval frame, Friedrichs extension, reversible random walk, resistance distance, energy Hilbert space