56 research outputs found

    Intracellular Ca2+ Signalling in the Pathogenesis of Acute Pancreatitis: Recent Advances and Translational Perspectives

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    Intracellular Ca2+ signalling is a major signal transductional pathway in non-excitable cells, responsible for the regulation of a variety of physiological functions. In the secretory epithelial cells of the exocrine pancreas, such as acinar and ductal cells, intracellular Ca2+ elevation regulates digestive enzyme secretion in acini or fluid and ion secretion in ductal cells. Although Ca2+ is a uniquely versatile orchestrator of epithelial physiology, unregulated global elevation of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration is an early trigger for the development of acute pancreatitis (AP). Regardless of the aetiology, different forms of AP all exhibit sustained intracellular Ca2+ elevation as a common hallmark. The release of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ stores by toxins (such as bile acids or fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs)) or increased intrapancreatic pressure activates the influx of extracellular Ca2+ via the Orai1 Ca2+ channel, a process known as store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE). Intracellular Ca2+ overload can lead to premature activation of trypsinogen in pancreatic acinar cells and impaired fluid and HCO3- secretion in ductal cells. Increased and unbalanced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production caused by sustained Ca2+ elevation further contributes to cell dysfunction, leading to mitochondrial damage and cell death. Translational studies of AP identified several potential target molecules that can be modified to prevent intracellular Ca2+ overload. One of the most promising drugs, a selective inhibitor of the Orai1 channel that has been shown to inhibit extracellular Ca2+ influx and protect cells from injury, is currently being tested in clinical trials. In this review, we will summarise the recent advances in the field, with a special focus on the translational aspects of the basic findings

    Az apikális anion transzporterek/csatornák szerepe a pancreas duktális sejtek szekréciójában = The role of apical anion transporters/channels in secretion by pancreatic duct cells

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    Kutatásaink során összességében fontos élettani és kórélettani információkat szereztünk a cisztás fibrózis transzmembrán konduktancia regulátor (CFTR), az SCL26A6 (PAT-1 – putatív anion transzporter 1) és a Na+/H+ cserélő regulátor faktor 1 (NHERF-1) hasnyálmirigy duktális epitél sejtek bikarbonát és folyadék szekréciójában betöltött szerepéről egér pankreászban. A CFTR, PAT-1 és NHERF-1 csökkent expressziója a pankreász vezetéksejtek bikarbonát- és folyadék szekréciójának a csökkenéséhez vezet. A NHERF-1 központi szerepet játszik a CFTR apikális membránba való kijutásában, és biztosítja a CFTR apikális membránban való lokalizációját. Kimutattuk azt is, hogy a NHERF-1 génkiütött egerekben az akut hasnyálmirigygyulladás (főleg az acinus sejtek károsodása) két modellben (ceruleines és taurokólsavas) is súlyosabb volt a vad-típusú állatokhoz képest. Az in vivo adatok alátámasztják, hogy a pankreász duktális sejteknek fontos szerepük van az akut pankreatitisz patogenezisében. Végső soron eredményeink utat nyithatnak egy új terápiás lehetőség felé (duktális szekréció fokozása) a pankeász gyulladásos megbetegedéseinek kezelésében, amik eddig főleg az acinus sejtekre fókuszáltak. | Overall, the project provided important information on the roles of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), putative anion transporter 1 (PAT-1) and Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor-1 (NHERF-1) in the pancreatic ductal bicarbonate and fluid secretion in mice. NHERF-1 plays a critical role in regulating the apical trafficking/retention of CFTR in mouse pancreatic duct cells. The decrease in CFTR, PAT-1 and NHERF-1 expression resulted in greatly reduced pancreatic ductal secretion. Moreover, NHERF-1 expression also influenced the development of acute necrotizing pancreatitis. In fact, acute pancreatitis severity (especially acinar necrosis) was higher in NHERF-1 knock-out vs. wild-type mice. Importantly, we provide in vivo data that suggest the involvement of pancreatic ducts in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis. The results obtained from this study may eventually open up new therapeutic possibilities (targeting ductal secretion) in the treatment of pancreatic inflammation which have mainly focused on acinar cells

    Cystic Fibrosis of the Pancreas: The Role of CFTR Channel in the Regulation of Intracellular Ca2+ Signaling and Mitochondrial Function in the Exocrine Pancreas

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common genetic disorder that causes a significant damage in secretory epithelial cells due to the defective ion flux across the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl- channel. Pancreas is one of the organs most frequently damaged by the disease leading to pancreatic insufficiency, abdominal pain and an increased risk of acute pancreatitis in CF patients causing a significant decrease in the quality of life. CFTR plays a central role in the pancreatic ductal secretory functions by carrying Cl- and HCO3- ions across the apical membrane. Therefore pathophysiological studies in CF mostly focused on the effects of impaired ion secretion by pancreatic ductal epithelial cells leading to exocrine pancreatic damage. However, several studies indicated that CFTR has a central role in the regulation of intracellular signaling processes and is now more widely considered as a signaling hub in epithelial cells. In contrast, elevated intracellular Ca2+ level was observed in the lack of functional CFTR in different cell types including airway epithelial cells. In addition, impaired CFTR expression has been correlated with damaged mitochondrial function in epithelial cells. These alterations of intracellular signaling in CF are not well characterized in the exocrine pancreas yet. Therefore in this review we would like to summarize the complex role of CFTR in the exocrine pancreas with a special focus on the intracellular signaling and mitochondrial function

    Cystic Fibrosis of the Pancreas: The Role of CFTR Channel in the Regulation of Intracellular Ca2+ Signaling and Mitochondrial Function in the Exocrine Pancreas

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common genetic disorder that causes a significant damage in secretory epithelial cells due to the defective ion flux across the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl- channel. Pancreas is one of the organs most frequently damaged by the disease leading to pancreatic insufficiency, abdominal pain and an increased risk of acute pancreatitis in CF patients causing a significant decrease in the quality of life. CFTR plays a central role in the pancreatic ductal secretory functions by carrying Cl- and HCO3- ions across the apical membrane. Therefore pathophysiological studies in CF mostly focused on the effects of impaired ion secretion by pancreatic ductal epithelial cells leading to exocrine pancreatic damage. However, several studies indicated that CFTR has a central role in the regulation of intracellular signaling processes and is now more widely considered as a signaling hub in epithelial cells. In contrast, elevated intracellular Ca2+ level was observed in the lack of functional CFTR in different cell types including airway epithelial cells. In addition, impaired CFTR expression has been correlated with damaged mitochondrial function in epithelial cells. These alterations of intracellular signaling in CF are not well characterized in the exocrine pancreas yet. Therefore in this review we would like to summarize the complex role of CFTR in the exocrine pancreas with a special focus on the intracellular signaling and mitochondrial function

    Thiopurines impair the apical plasma membrane expression of CFTR in pancreatic ductal cells via RAC1 inhibition

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    Thiopurine-induced acute pancreatitis (TIP) is one of the most common adverse events among inflammatory bowel disease patients treated with azathioprine (AZA), representing a significant clinical burden. Previous studies focused on immune-mediated processes, however, the exact pathomechanism of TIP is essentially unclear.To model TIP in vivo, we triggered cerulein-induced experimental pancreatitis in mice receiving a daily oral dose of 1.5 mg/kg AZA. Also, freshly isolated mouse pancreatic cells were exposed to AZA ex vivo, and acinar cell viability, ductal and acinar Ca2+ signaling, ductal Cl- and HCO3- secretion, as well as cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) expression were assessed using microscopy techniques. Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate (RAC1) activity was measured with a G-LISA assay. Super-resolution microscopy was used to determine protein colocalization.We demonstrated that AZA treatment increases tissue damage in the early phase of cerulein-induced pancreatitis in vivo. Also, both per os and ex vivo AZA exposure impaired pancreatic fluid and ductal HCO3- and Cl- secretion, but did not affect acinar cells. Furthermore, ex vivo AZA exposure also inhibited RAC1 activity in ductal cells leading to decreased co-localization of CFTR and the anchor protein ezrin, resulting in impaired plasma membrane localization of CFTR.AZA impaired the ductal HCO3- and Cl- secretion through the inhibition of RAC1 activity leading to diminished ezrin-CFTR interaction and disturbed apical plasma membrane expression of CFTR. We report a novel direct toxic effect of AZA on pancreatic ductal cells and suggest that the restoration of ductal function might help to prevent TIP in the future

    Hydrokinetic pancreatic function and insulin secretion are moduled by Cl− uniporter Slc26a9 in mice

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    Aim: Slc26a9 is a member of the Slc26 multifunctional anion transporter family. Polymorphisms in Slc26a9 are associated with an increased incidence of meconium ileus and diabetes in cystic fibrosis patients. We investigated the expression of Slc26a9 in the murine pancreatic ducts, islets and parenchyma, and elucidated its role in pancreatic ductal electrolyte and fluid secretion and endocrine function. Methods: Pancreatic Slc26a9 and CFTR mRNA expression, fluid and bicarbonate secretion were assessed in slc26a9−/− mice and their age- and sex-matched wild-type (wt) littermates. Glucose and insulin tolerance tests were performed. Results: Compared with stomach, the mRNA expression of Slc26a9 was low in pancreatic parenchyma, 20-fold higher in microdissected pancreatic ducts than parenchyma, and very low in islets. CFTR mRNA was ~10 fold higher than Slc26a9 mRNA expression in each pancreatic cell type. Significantly reduced pancreatic fluid secretory rates and impaired glucose tolerance were observed in female slc26a9−/− mice, whereas alterations in male mice did not reach statistical significance. No significant difference was observed in peripheral insulin resistance in slc26a9−/− compared to sex- and aged-matched wt controls. In contrast, isolated slc26a9−/− islets in short term culture displayed no difference in insulin content, but a significantly reduced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion compared to age- and sex-matched wt islets, suggesting that the impaired glucose tolerance in the absence of Slc26a9 expression these is a pancreatic defect. Conclusions: Deletion of Slc26a9 is associated with a reduction in pancreatic fluid secretion and impaired glucose tolerance in female mice. The results underline the importance of Slc26a9 in pancreatic physiology. © 2021 The Authors. Acta Physiologica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Scandinavian Physiological Society

    Bile acid- and ethanol-mediated activation of Orai1 damages pancreatic ductal secretion in acute pancreatitis

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    Sustained intracellular Ca2+ overload in pancreatic acinar and ductal cells is a hallmark of biliary and alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis, which leads to impaired ductal ion and fluid secretion. Orai1 is a plasma membrane Ca2+ channel that mediates extracellular Ca2+ influx upon endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ depletion. Our results showed that Orai1 is expressed on the luminal plasma membrane of the ductal cells and selective Orai1 inhibition impaired Stim1-dependent extracellular Ca2+ influx evoked by bile acids or ethanol combined with non-oxidative ethanol metabolites. The prevention of sustained extracellular Ca2+ influx protected ductal cell secretory functions in in vitro models and maintained exocrine pancreatic secretion in in vivo AP models. Orai1 inhibition prevents the bile acid-, and alcohol-induced damage of the pancreatic ductal secretion and holds the potential of improving the outcome of acute pancreatitis.Regardless of its etiology, sustained intracellular Ca2+ overload is a well-known hallmark of acute pancreatitis (AP). Toxic Ca2+ elevation induces pancreatic ductal cell damage characterized by impaired ion- and fluid secretion -essential to wash out the protein-rich fluid secreted by acinar cells while maintaining the alkaline intra-ductal pH under physiological conditions- and mitochondrial dysfunction. While prevention of ductal cell injury decreases the severity of AP, no specific drug target has yet been identified in the ductal cells. Although Orai1 -a store operated Ca2+ influx channel- is known to contribute to sustained Ca2+ overload in acinar cells, details concerning its expression and function in ductal cells are currently lacking. In this study, we demonstrate that functionally active Orai1 channels reside dominantly in the apical plasma membrane of pancreatic ductal cells. Selective CM5480-mediated Orai1 inhibition impairs Stim1-dependent extracellular Ca2+ influx evoked by bile acids or ethanol combined with non-oxidative ethanol metabolites. Furthermore, prevention of sustained extracellular Ca2+ influx protects ductal cell secretory function in vitro and decrease pancreatic ductal cell death. Finally, Orai1-inhibition partially restores and maintains proper exocrine pancreatic secretion in in vivo AP models. In conclusion, our results indicate that Orai1 inhibition prevents AP-related ductal cell function impairment and holds the potential of improving disease outcome. Abstract figure legend This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Impaired regulation of PMCA activity by defective CFTR expression promotes epithelial cell damage in alcoholic pancreatitis and hepatitis

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    Alcoholic pancreatitis and hepatitis are frequent, potentially lethal diseases with limited treatment options. Our previous study reported that the expression of CFTR Cl- channel is impaired by ethanol in pancreatic ductal cells leading to more severe alcohol-induced pancreatitis. In addition to determining epithelial ion secretion, CFTR has multiple interactions with other proteins, which may influence intracellular Ca2+ signaling. Thus, we aimed to investigate the impact of ethanol-mediated CFTR damage on intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis in pancreatic ductal epithelial cells and cholangiocytes. Human and mouse pancreas and liver samples and organoids were used to study ion secretion, intracellular signaling, protein expression and interaction. The effect of PMCA4 inhibition was analyzed in a mouse model of alcohol-induced pancreatitis. The decreased CFTR expression impaired PMCA function and resulted in sustained intracellular Ca2+ elevation in ethanol-treated and mouse and human pancreatic organoids. Liver samples derived from alcoholic hepatitis patients and ethanol-treated mouse liver organoids showed decreased CFTR expression and function, and impaired PMCA4 activity. PMCA4 co-localizes and physically interacts with CFTR on the apical membrane of polarized epithelial cells, where CFTR-dependent calmodulin recruitment determines PMCA4 activity. The sustained intracellular Ca2+ elevation in the absence of CFTR inhibited mitochondrial function and was accompanied with increased apoptosis in pancreatic epithelial cells and PMCA4 inhibition increased the severity of alcohol-induced AP in mice. Our results suggest that improving Ca2+ extrusion in epithelial cells may be a potential novel therapeutic approach to protect the exocrine pancreatic function in alcoholic pancreatitis and prevent the development of cholestasis in alcoholic hepatitis