8 research outputs found

    Studie zur Qualität ökologisch erzeugter Lebensmittel unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutzes

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    400 Hühnereier aus ökologischer und konventioneller Produktion wurden mikrobiologisch untersucht. Weder Salmonella spp. noch Yersinia enterocolitica wurden isoliert. Bei 1 % der konventionell erzeugten Eier und 0,25 % der Ökoeier wurden koagulase-positive Staphylokokken auf der Schale festgestellt. Campylobacter spp. wurde aus einer gepoolten Probe von 3 ökologisch erzeugten Eiern isoliert. Hinsichtlich allgemeiner Qualitätsmerkmale zeigte sich, daß Ökoeier deutlich häufiger Verschmutzungen aufwiesen als Eier aus konventioneller Haltung, dagegen lag die Nachweisrate an Knickeiern in der Käfighaltung deutlich höher. Insgesamt kamen bei 13 % der konventionell erzeugten Eier und bei 12 % der Ökoeier Überschreitungen von gesetzlich nicht festgelegten Richtwerten an Kokzidiostatika vor. In 400 Schweinefleischproben wurden weder Salmonella spp., Yersinia enterocolitica noch Campylobacter spp. isoliert. Listeria monocytogenes und koagulase- positive Staphylokokken waren regelmäßig nachzuweisen, lagen jedoch nicht in erhöhten Konzentrationen vor. 53 % der Ökofleischproben wiesen eine erhöhte aerobe, mesophile Gesamtkeimzahl auf, bei den konventionellen Erzeugnissen lag die Rate bei 35,5 %. Auch Enterobacteriaceae waren bei den Ökoprodukten geringgradig häufiger in erhöhten Keimzahlen nachzuweisen als beim konventionellen Fleisch. Die Isolierung shiga-toxinbildender E. coli (STEC) erfolgte in einer Ökoschweinefleischprobe. Zusätzlich wurde die Hälfte der Fleischproben auf das Vorkommen bestimmter Antibiotika hin untersucht. In keiner der 100 ökologischen und in 4 der 100 konventionellen Fleischproben wurden einer oder mehrere dieser Stoffe nachgewiesen. Der gesetzliche Höchstwert von 100 µg/kg wurde nicht überschritten. Die Prüfung auf Toxoplasma gondii erfolgte bei allen Fleischproben sowie bei 129 ökologisch und 133 konventionell erzeugten Rohwürsten. Ökologisch erzeugte Schweinefleischproben (9 %) bzw. Rohwürste (1,6 %) wiesen im Vergleich zu den konventionell erzeugten Produkten (Schweinefleisch 2,5 %, Rohwurst 0 %) öfter positive Toxoplasma-Antikörpertiter auf. Die Prüfung von jeweils 124 Rohwürsten aus der ökologischen sowie der konventionellen Produktion auf das Vorkommen von Yersinia enterocolitica und Campylobacter spp. ergab ein negatives Ergebnis

    the European trial on Reduction of Cardiac Events with Perindopril in Stable Coronary Artery Disease Investigators. Efficacy of perindopril in reduction of cardiovascular events among patients with stable coronary artery disease: randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial (the EUROPA trial).

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    Background Treatment with angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors reduces the rate of cardiovascular events among patients with left-ventricular dysfunction and those at high risk of such events. We assessed whether the ACE inhibitor perindopril reduced cardiovascular risk in a low-risk population with stable coronary heart disease and no apparent heart failure. Methods We recruited patients from October, 1997, to June, 2000. 13 655 patients were registered with previous myocardial infarction (64%), angiographic evidence of coronary artery disease (61%), coronary revascularisation (55%), or a positive stress test only (5%). After a run-in period of 4 weeks, in which all patients received perindopril, 12 218 patients were randomly assigned perindopril 8 mg once daily (n=6110), or matching placebo (n=6108). The mean follow-up was 4·2 years, and the primary endpoint was cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or cardiac arrest. Analysis was by intention to treat. Findings Mean age of patients was 60 years (SD 9), 85% were male, 92% were taking platelet inhibitors, 62% blockers, and 58% lipid-lowering therapy. 603 (10%) placebo and 488 (8%) perindopril patients experienced the primary endpoint, which yields a 20% relative risk reduction (95% CI 9–29, p=0·0003) with perindopril. These benefits were consistent in all predefined subgroups and secondary endpoints. Perindopril was well tolerated. Interpretation Among patients with stable coronary heart disease without apparent heart failure, perindopril can significantly improve outcome. About 50 patients need to be treated for a period of 4 years to prevent one major cardiovascular event. Treatment with perindopril, on top of other preventive medications, should be considered in all patients with coronary heart disease

    Efficacy of perindopril in reduction of cardiovascular events among patients with stable coronary artery disease: randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial (the EUROPA study)

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    BACKGROUND: Treatment with angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors reduces the rate of cardiovascular events among patients with left-ventricular dysfunction and those at high risk of such events. We assessed whether the ACE inhibitor perindopril reduced cardiovascular risk in a low-risk population with stable coronary heart disease and no apparent heart failure. METHODS: We recruited patients from October, 1997, to June, 2000. 13655 patients were registered with previous myocardial infarction (64%), angiographic evidence of coronary artery disease (61%), coronary revascularisation (55%), or a positive stress test only (5%). After a run-in period of 4 weeks, in which all patients received perindopril, 12218 patients were randomly assigned perindopril 8 mg once daily (n=6110), or matching placebo (n=6108). The mean follow-up was 4.2 years, and the primary endpoint was cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or cardiac arrest. Analysis was by intention to treat. FINDINGS: Mean age of patients was 60 years (SD 9), 85% were male, 92% were taking platelet inhibitors, 62% beta blockers, and 58% lipid-lowering therapy. 603 (10%) placebo and 488 (8%) perindopril patients experienced the primary endpoint, which yields a 20% relative risk reduction (95% CI 9-29, p=0.0003) with perindopril. These benefits were consistent in all predefined subgroups and secondary endpoints. Perindopril was well tolerated. INTERPRETATION: Among patients with stable coronary heart disease without apparent heart failure, perindopril can significantly improve outcome. About 50 patients need to be treated for a period of 4 years to prevent one major cardiovascular event. Treatment with perindopril, on top of other preventive medications, should be considered in all patients with coronary heart disease

    The European Trial On Reduction of Cardiac Events with Perindopril in Stable Coronary Artery Disease

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    Background Treatment with angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors reduces the rate of cardiovascular events among patients with left-ventricular dysfunction and those at high risk of such events. We assessed whether the ACE inhibitor perindopril reduced cardiovascular risk in a low-risk population with stable coronary heart disease and no apparent heart failure. Methods We recruited patients from October, 1997, to June, 2000. 13 655 patients were registered with previous myocardial infarction (64%), angiographic evidence of coronary artery disease (61%), coronary revascularisation (55%), or a positive stress test only (5%). After a run-in period of 4 weeks, in which all patients received perindopril, 12 218 patients were randomly assigned perindopril 8 mg once daily (n=6110), or matching placebo (n=6108). The mean follow-up was 4·2 years, and the primary endpoint was cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or cardiac arrest. Analysis was by intention to treat. Findings Mean age of patients was 60 years (SD 9), 85% were male, 92% were taking platelet inhibitors, 62% β blockers, and 58% lipid-lowering therapy. 603 (10%) placebo and 488 (8%) perindopril patients experienced the primary endpoint, which yields a 20% relative risk reduction (95% Cl 9–29, p=0·0003) with perindopril. These benefits were consistent in all predefined subgroups and secondary endpoints. Perindopril was well tolerated. Interpretation Among patients with stable coronary heart disease without apparent heart failure, perindopril can significantly improve outcome. About 50 patients need to be treated for a period of 4 years to prevent one major cardiovascular event. Treatment with perindopril, on top of other preventive medications, should be considered in all patients with coronary heart disease