30 research outputs found

    SADDLE GALL MIDGE Haplodiplosis marginata (von Roser)

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    Tijekom proljeća 2018. godine na području Koprivničko‐križevačke županije zabilježena su na pojedinim parcelama oštećenja usjeva ozime pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) od sedlaste mušice šiškarice Haplodiplosis marginata (von Roser) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). U radu je ukratko opisan štetnik, njegova rasprostranjenost, životni ciklus i mjere zaštite. Trenutno u Republici Hrvatskoj ne postoji pripravak registriran za suzbijanje ovog štetnika pa su preventivne mjere i monitoring od velike važnosti.During the spring of 2018 in the area of Koprivnica ‐ Križevci County, larger damages of winter wheat crops (Triticum aestivum L.) were observed on saddle gall midge Haplodiplosis marginata (von Roser) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). The paper describes briefly the pest, its distribution, life cycle and Protection measures. At present there is no preparat in the Republic of Croatia registered for the suppression of this pest, so preventive measures and monitoring are of great importance


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    U sjemenu lucerne se uvijek u većoj ili manjoj mjeri osim normalno razvijenih sjemenki javljaju i one koje zbog tvrde sjemene ovojnice otežavaju prodor vode i zraka u unutrašnjost sjemenke i time sprječavaju njegovo klijanje. Udjel takvih tvrdih sjemenki moguće je smanjiti različitim metodama skarifikacije. U svrhu utvrđivanja utjecaja skarifikacije kiselinom na smanjenje udjela tvrdih sjemenki i održivost kakvoće sjemena obavljena su u laboratorijska istraživanja na sjemenu sorte lucerne "OS-11". Skarifikacija je napravljena 96, 86 i 76-postotnom H2SO4 u trajanju od 4, 5, 6 i 10 minuta. Najbolja kakvoća sjemena lucerne neposredno nakon tretmana dobivena je skarifikacijom 96-postotnom H2SO4 u trajanju od 5 minuta. Skarifikacijom je povećana klijavost bez tvrdih sjemenki s 62,75% na 82,00%, smanjen je postotak tvrdih sjemenki s 19,25% na 3,80%, neklijavog sjemena s 13,75% na 9,0% i neznatno je povećan udio abnormalno razvijenih klica. Nakon 6 mjeseci čuvanja takvo sjeme lucerne pokazuje trend daljnjeg smanjenja postotka tvrdog sjemena, međutim došlo je do povećanja udjela neklijavog sjemena do 88,00 %.In alfalfa seed there are always in higher or lower percentage some hard seeds. Seed coat of hard seed unable enough water and air uptake causing difficulties in germination. Reduce the percentage of hard seed is a possible by various scarification methods. In the aim to determinate influence of seed scarification by acid on hard seeds percentage reducing and seed quality sustainability laboratory research was done. Researches were done on alfalfa “OS-11” variety seed which was treated by 96%, 86% and 76% H2SO4 in 4, 5, 6 and 10 minute exposition time. The best quality of alfalfa seed immediately after the treatment was received by 96% H2SO4 scarification in duration 5 minutes. Scarification improved germination energy from 61,25% to 82,00% and germination without hard seeds from 62,75% to 82,00%. Percentage of hard seed was reduced from 19,25% to 3,8%, as well as ungerminated seeds from 13,75% to 9,0%. Share of abnormally developed germs was slightly increased. Six month after scarification stored alfalfa seed shows out further lower hard seed percentage, but ungerminated seed was increased to 88,00% becoming unmarketable

    Probiotici i prebiotici kod arterijske hipertenzije

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    There is growing evidence that a disturbed microbiota, a complex ecosystem, is associated with the development of numerous diseases, including arterial hypertension. This complex cardiovascular disease is the result of not sufficiently clear role that genetic and environmental factors play in it. Not only does the treatment of hypertension include a drug therapy, but also it includes a variety of non-pharmacological measures based on dietary intervention. Probiotics and prebiotics are besides the nutrition the most commonly used substances that are aimed at maintaining a healthy microbiome or restoring the balance in case of disturbed bacterial homeostasis in disease. Although many studies have confirmed the effects of an imbalance in the gut microbiota (dysbiosis) in the last decade, the benefits of dietary intervention with probiotics in people with hypertension need to be supported by stronger evidence and further clinical trials in order to be ultimately confirmed.Sve je više dokaza da je narušen sustav ljudske mikrobiote, kompleksnog eko sistema, povezan s patogenezom brojnih bolesti, među ostalim i arterijske hipertenzije (AH). Ova kompleksna kardiovaskularna bolest rezultat je još uvijek nepotpuno jasne uloge genetskih i okolišnih čimbenika. Liječenje AH pored medikamentnog liječenja obuhvaća i višestruke nefarmakološke mjere čiji temelj predstavljaju dijetalne intervencije. Najčešće korištene tvari kojima se nastoji održati zdrav mikrobiom ili uspostaviti ravnoteža pri poremećenoj bakterijskoj homeostazi u bolesti su, osim prehrane, probiotici i prebiotici. Iako mnoga istraživanja u zadnjem desetljeću potvrđuju učinak disbalansa crijevne mikrobiote (tzv. disbioze), za definitivnu potvrdu dobrobiti dijetalne intervencije probioticima kod osoba s AH, potrebni su snažniji dokazi te daljnja klinička istraživanja

    Vegetable by-products in the European food legislative framework

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    Vegetable by-products are a source of many useful bioactive compounds, dietary fiber, fatty acids and proteins that have a great potential in the development of new food products and the promotion of the circular economy and sustainability. Considering processed pepper by-products as an example, the aim of this paper is to provide an overview of EU food legislation that should be taken into account before placing such products on the market, as well as of the voluntary labeling of functional, nutritional and sustainability benefits important for consumers


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    Istraživanje utjecaja temperature (konstantna 20°C i izmjenljiva 20-30°C) i tretmana sjemena (NaOCl, M-metalaksil, karboksin+tiram i netretirano sjeme kao kontrola) na energiju klijanja, klijavost i zdravstveno stanje sjemena provedeno je u laboratorijskim uvjetima na sjemenu paprike sorte Slavonka. Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajan učinak temperature, tretmana i njihove interakcije na energiju klijanja sjemena paprike, dok kod klijavosti sjemena tretmani nisu pokazali signifikantne razlike. Najveća energija klijanja bila je u karboksin+tiram tretmanu kod izmjenljive temperature (76%). Statistički značajan učinak temperature, tretmana i njihove interakcije utvrđen je za razvoj fitopatogenih gljiva Alternaria spp, Cladosporium sp. i Penicillium sp. Za razvoj Fusarium spp. temperature nisu pokazale statistički značajnu razliku, kao niti interakcija temperature i tretmana za razvoj Aspergillus spp. Na temelju naših rezultata možemo zaključiti da se učinkovitim tretmanima može poboljšati kvaliteta sjemena i smanjiti količina fungicida potrebnih za suzbijanje bolesti sjemena.A study of the influence of temperature (constant 20°C and changeable 20-30°C) and seed treatment (NaOCl, M-metalaxyl and carboxine + thiram and untreated seed as control) on germination energy, germination and health status of seeds was carried out in laboratory conditions on seed pepper variety Slavonka. The results showed a statistically significant effect of temperature, treatment and their interaction on the germination energy of pepper seeds, while seed germination treatments did not show significant differences at all. The highest germination energy was in the carboxine + thiram treatment at changeable temperature (76%). A statistically significant effect of temperature, treatment and interaction was determined on the development of phytopathogenic fungi Alternaria spp, Cladosporium sp. and Penicillium sp. Temperatures did not show any statistically significant difference in the development of Fusarium spp., nor the interaction of temperature and treatment in the development of Aspergillus spp. Based on our results we can conclude that effective treatments can improve seed quality and reduce the amount of pesticides needed to control the disease


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    Provedenim istraživanjem pokušalo se ustanoviti djelovanje stimulatora klijanja EkoBooster 1 na početni rast i razvoj paprike. Ispitivanja su provedena na sjemenu paprike sorte Podravka u laboratorijskim uvjetima na filter papiru pri temperaturama 20C i 20-30C. Sjeme paprike tretirano je 1%-tnom otopinom preparata EkoBooster 1 u trajanju od 20 minuta. Kod energije klijanja sjemena nije uočena statistički značajna razlika između sjemena tretiranog stimulatorom klijanja i netretiranog sjemena niti na jednoj razini temperature, ali je zato klijavost sjemena povećana kod sjemena tretiranog stimulatorom klijanja na obje razine temperatura. Klijavost je kod netretiranog sjemena u odnosu na sjeme tretirano stimulatorom klijanja pri tempera-turi ispitivanja od 20C bila manja za 9%, a pri temperaturi od 20-30C za 4%. Postotak nenormalnih klijanaca i neklijavog sjemena je smanjen u odnosu na netretirano sjeme. Masa svježih i zdravih klijanaca poveća-na je na obje razine temperatura ispitivanja u odnosu na netretirano sjeme. Temeljem rezultata provedenih istraživanja može se zaključiti da tretman sjemena stimulatorom klijanja daje pozitivne učinke na ispitivana svojstva što je naročito značajno u uvjetima nepovoljnih temperatura u početnim fazama razvoja paprike.The research was attempted to determine the effect of germination stimulator EkoBooster 1 on the early growth of peppers. Research were conducted on the seed of pepper variety Podravka in laboratory conditions on filter paper at temperatures of 20oC and 20-30°C. Seeds of pepper were treated with 1% solution of the preparation EkoBooster 1 for 20 minutes. For germination energy of seeds statistically no significant difference between the treated seed with germination stimulator and untreated seeds at any temperature was founded, but the seed germination was increased with seed germination stimulator treated at lower and higher temperatures. Germination of untreated seeds and the seeds treated with the germination stimulator at a test temperature of 20°C was reduced by 9% and at temperature of 20-30°C to 4%. The percentage of abnormal seedlings and angerminated seeds is increased at all temperatures regime compared to untreated seed. The mass of fresh and healthy seedlings developed from treated seeds are increased at all temperatures tests compared to untreated seed. Based on the results of research it can be concluded that the treatment of seed germination stimulator gives positive effects on the tested properties which is particularly significant in the context of unfavorable temperature in the initial stages of pepper development

    Healthy vegetables for healthy heart: asparagus.

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    Šparoga (Asparagus officinalis L.) je povrće koje se uzgaja zbog ukusnih bijelih ili zelenih izboja. Iznimne je hranjive i zdravstvene vrijednosti. Jedno serviranje kuhane šparoge odličan je izvor vitamina K, folne kiseline, vitamina C i vitamina A. Od minerala bogat je izvor selena, bakra i mangana. Šparoge su poznate po sastavu fitonutrijenata, karotenoida (capsanthin, caprorubin, zeaxanthin), steroidnih saponina i flavonoida (rutin). Pokazuje jaču antioksidativnu aktivnost od brokule zbog većeg udjela flavonoida. Zahvaljujući snažnom antioksidativnom kapacitetu pomažu u prevenciji srčanožilnih bolesti smanjenjem nakupljanja homocisteina, prevenciji arterijske hipertenzije, dislipidemije i dr. Potencijalno djeluju na pospješivanje izlučivanja žučnih kiselina i uklanjanje suviška kolesterola.Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) is a vegetable that is grown for tasty white or green shoots. It has exceptional nutritional and health value. One serving of cooked asparagus is an excellent source of vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin A. Concerning minerals, it is a rich source of selenium, copper and manganese. It is known for the composition of phytonutrients, carotenoids (capsanthin, caprorubin, zeaxanthin), steroidal saponins and flavonoids (rutin). It shows a more potent antioxidant activity than broccoli due to a larger portion of flavonoids. Owing to its more potent antioxidant capacity, it helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease by reducing the formation of homocysteine, prevention of hypertension, dyslipidemias, etc. It potentially has an effect on stimulating the secretion of bile acids and the removal of excess cholesterol