5 research outputs found


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    Na skutek występowania zjawisk suburbanizacji i dezurbanizacji, śródmieścia wielu miast europejskich utraciły swoją atrakcyjność i możliwości rozwoju. Wyludniające się centralne dzielnice ulegają degradacji, pojawiają się konflikty społeczne. Aby odwrócić negatywne procesy zachodzące w przestrzeni, konieczne jest doprowadzenie do reurbanizacji, czyli ponownego napływu mieszkańców do obszarów centralnych. Można to osiągnąć przez odnowę miast, w której skład wchodzą takie działania jak: rewitalizacja, rehabilitacja czy modernizacja. Wiąże się to zarówno z odnową struktury przestrzennej, jak i demograficznej. W artykule zostały przedstawione instrumenty odnowy miasta, które zostały wykorzystane w mieszkaniowo-przemysłowej dzielnicy Wilhelmsburg w Hamburgu (Niemcy): IBA (Międzynarodowa Wystawa Budowlana) oraz IGS (Międzynarodowa Wystawa Ogrodnicza). W ramach systemu generowania innowacji miejskich w niemieckim mieście zaproponowano wielowymiarowe podejście do odnowy zaniedbanej dzielnicy Hamburga. Zadaniem projektów podejmowanych w ramach IBA było przystosowanie dzielnicy do zmian klimatycznych, wydobycie potencjału w postaci centralnego położenia w mieście oraz budowanie współpracy i porozumienia między mieszkańcami. W artykule przedstawiono kilka najciekawszych rozwiązań z każdej kategorii projektów. Element dopełniający szereg przemian stanowiła Międzynarodowa Wystawa Ogrodnicza, która przyczyniła się do realizacji inwestycji infrastrukturalnych, związanych z poprawą komunikacji oraz udostępnieniem nowo urządzonych terenów zielonych dla mieszkańców całego miasta. Zrealizowane w Wilhelmsburgu pionierskie projekty z zakresu technologii, ochrony środowiska czy edukacji i integracji społecznej mogą służyć jako modelowe przykłady rozwiązania uniwersalnych problemów współczesnych metropolii.Many of the European cities have lost their attractiveness, stopping their growth due to suburbanization and disurbanization. As a result, depopulating central districts are being degraded and social conflicts are emerging. In order to reverse those unfavorable processes, it is necessary to induce reurbanization, i. e. the movement of people back to the inner city. This can be achieved through the program of urban renewal, which includes all activities – such as revitalization, rehabilitation and modernization – but also by taking interest in both spatial and demographic aspects of the problem. The article presents two city renewal instruments that have been used in the residential and industrial district of Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg, Germany: IBA (International Building Exhibition) alongside with IGS (International Horticultural Exhibition). A multidimensional approach to the renewal of the neglected district of Hamburg was proposed. The goal of IBA projects was to adapt the city to climate change, to achieve the potential laying within the central location in the city and to create cooperation and compliance between residents. IGS turned out to be complementary towards those transformations and contributed to building several infrastructural projects, many of them related to the improvement of transport and creating new green areas available to the citizens. The pioneering projects carried out in Wilhelmsburg can serve as a model examples of technological, environmental, educational and social solutions to universal problems of contemporary metropolis

    Mechanical complications of external ventricular and lumbar drains

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    BACKGROUND: External ventricular drain (EVD) and lumbar drain insertion are two of the most commonly performed neurosurgical procedures worldwide for acute hydrocephalus. Mechanical complications, such as obstruction or CSF leakage are often seen and may contribute toward significant patient morbidity. Different CSF drainage methods are advocated to reduce the incidence of complications, but evidence regarding comparative effectiveness is limited. METHODS: In this single-centre prospective cohort study, the incidence of mechanical complications and associated interventional factors, including choice of drain, collecting system and location were studied in patients requiring CSF diversion for acute hydrocephalus. Univariate analyses were performed to explore trends within the data, followed by a repeated-measures, mixed-effects regression to determine the independent influence of drain device on mechanical failure. RESULTS: 61 patients required CSF diversion between January 2020 to March 2021, via 3 different drain types (lumbar drain, tunnelled and bolted EVD) and 2 collection systems (LiquoGuard ® 7 and Becker®), performed in either theatre or intensive care. 21(39%) patients experienced a mechanical complication with blockage being the most common. Multivariate analyses demonstrated that bolted EVDs (Odds Ratio, 0.08; Confidence Interval, 0.01-0.58) and LiquoGuards (OR,0.23; CI,0.08-0.69) were significantly associated with a less mechanical complications as compared to tunnelled EVDs and Becker systems respectively (p≤0.01). DISCUSSION: Drain device has an influence on the occurrence of EVD-related complications. These preliminary findings suggest that choosing bolted EVDs and motor-assisted drainage can reduce drain-associated mechanical failure. A randomised controlled trial comparing drain devices is now required to confirm these findings

    Erythropoietin Restores Long-Term Neurocognitive Function Involving Mechanisms of Neuronal Plasticity in a Model of Hyperoxia-Induced Preterm Brain Injury

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    Cerebral white and grey matter injury is the leading cause of an adverse neurodevelopmental outcome in prematurely born infants. High oxygen concentrations have been shown to contribute to the pathogenesis of neonatal brain damage. Here, we focused on motor-cognitive outcome up to the adolescent and adult age in an experimental model of preterm brain injury. In search of the putative mechanisms of action we evaluated oligodendrocyte degeneration, myelination, and modulation of synaptic plasticity-related molecules. A single dose of erythropoietin (20,000 IU/kg) at the onset of hyperoxia (24 hours, 80% oxygen) in 6-day-old Wistar rats improved long-lasting neurocognitive development up to the adolescent and adult stage. Analysis of white matter structures revealed a reduction of acute oligodendrocyte degeneration. However, erythropoietin did not influence hypomyelination occurring a few days after injury or long-term microstructural white matter abnormalities detected in adult animals. Erythropoietin administration reverted hyperoxia-induced reduction of neuronal plasticity-related mRNA expression up to four months after injury. Thus, our findings highlight the importance of erythropoietin as a neuroregenerative treatment option in neonatal brain injury, leading to improved memory function in adolescent and adult rats which may be linked to increased neuronal network connectivity

    The Latest in Resuscitation Research: Highlights From the 2022 American Heart Association’s Resuscitation Science Symposium

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    Background Every year the American Heart Association's Resuscitation Science Symposium (ReSS) brings together a community of international resuscitation science researchers focused on advancing cardiac arrest care. Methods and Results The American Heart Association's ReSS was held in Chicago, Illinois from November 4th to 6th, 2022. This annual narrative review summarizes ReSS programming, including awards, special sessions and scientific content organized by theme and plenary session. Conclusions By exploring both the science of resuscitation and important related topics including survivorship, disparities, and community‐focused programs, this meeting provided important resuscitation updates