11 research outputs found

    Penatalaksanaan penyakit pre-diabetes mellitus pada dokter keluarga di Kota Manado

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    Introduction: Pre-diabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be called diabetes. Control of DMT2 disease requires a holistic approach to meet the needs of the community through the pre-diabetes group, namely family physicians. Studies have found that general practitioner that have limited knowledge of risk factors for pre-diabetes screening, laboratory diagnostic criteria for pre-diabetes, and management recommendations for patients with pre-diabetes contributing to an inadequate diagnosis of pre-diabetes. Purpose: To find the behavior of family physicians in the management of chronic disease pre-diabetes mellitus in Manado City. Methods: This research is a descriptive study using a cross-sectional design. Result: The results showed that the knowledges level of family physicians in Manado City was in the good category totaling 31 doctors (100%), the attitudes level of family physicians in the good category with 31 doctors (100%), and the practice level of family physicians was in the good category with 31 doctors (100). Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, family physicians in Manado have good knowledge, attitude, and practice about pre-diabetes. Keywords: pre-diabetes, behavior, family physicians &nbsp

    Gambaran pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan dokter keluarga di Sulawesi Utara dalam menghadapi bencana

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    Background: Family physicians as primary care doctors and first medical contacts in providing services through a reciprocal referral mechanism including in disaster management and emergency services to prevent and reduce the impact caused by disasters. North Sulawesi as a disaster-prone area shows the high need for doctors who are responsive and ready to handle disasters which are influenced by factors of knowledge, attitudes, and actions in dealing with disasters. Purpose: To find out the knowledge, attitudes, and actions of family physicians in North Sulawesi in dealing with disasters. Methods: This research is descriptive in nature with a cross-sectional research design for all primary care family medicine specialists in North Sulawesi. This research used a purposive sampling method which was carried out in October-November 2022 and found 29 respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Result: Family physicians in North Sulawesi have good knowledge, positive attitudes, and adequate actions in dealing with disasters. Keywords: family physicians, knowledge, attitude, action, disaster &nbsp

    Holistic approach on pulmonary tuberculosis: a case study

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Pulmonary TB remains a major public health problem in Indonesia. According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, by 2022, there were approximately 694,808 cases of TB in Indonesia. Symptoms of TB can vary depending on the infected part of the body and the severity of the disease. Acid-resistant bacteria microscopic sputum examination, tuberculin test, TB blood test are methods to diagnose tuberculosis. This case is a person who has been diagnosed with TB for 4 months. The patient still complains of coughing. The patient is still regularly taking the TB drug package provided by the health center. The patient's family is very supportive of the patient's treatment. The environment around the patient is also positive towards the patient. This discussion is a holistic diagnostic approach to the patient's illness. Family doctor management and related factors in the course of the patient's illness are part of this case based discussion.Tuberkulosis (TB) adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberkulosis (TB) paru masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang besar di Indonesia. Menurut data dari Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia, pada tahun 2022, terdapat sekitar 694.808 kasus TB di Indonesia. Gejala TB dapat bervariasi tergantung pada bagian tubuh yang terinfeksi dan tingkat keparahan penyakit. Pemeriksaan dahak mikroskopis bakteri tahan asam (BTA), Uji tuberculin, Tes darah TB merupakan metode untuk mendiagnosis tuberculosis. Pada kasus ini merupakan seorang yang telah didiagnosis TB selama 4 bulan yang lalu. Pasien masih mengeluhkan batuk. Pasien masih rutin mengonsumsi paket obat TB yang diberikan oleh puskesmas. Keluarga pasien sangat mendukung pengobatan pasien dengan baik. Lingkungan disekitar pasien juga bersikap positif terhadap pasien. Pembahasan ini merupakan pendekatan diagnostik holistik terhadap penyakit yang sedang diderita oleh pasien. Penatalaksanaan dokter keluarga dan faktor-faktor terkait dalam perjalanan penyakit pasien menjadi bagian dari case based discussion ini. &nbsp

    Diabetes melitus tipe 2 dan perilaku dokter keluarga di Kota Manado

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    Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of the non-communicable diseases included in the top 10 causes of death worldwide, with 6.7 million reported cases. The prevalence of DM in North Sulawesi Province ranks 4th, with a prevalence of 2.3%, exceeding the national average. Comprehensive treatment, which does not solely focus on the patient's disease aspect, is needed to address the increasing cases of DM. The Indonesian government, through the Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS), operates a primary care system that utilizes family physicians as the frontline in serving the community. However, several conducted studies reveal a lack of frequency in the knowledge, attitude, and practice of family physicians towards DM management.Aim: To determine the behaviour (knowledge, attitude, and action) of family physicians management of type 2 DM in Manado City.Methods: This study is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional research design.Results: The level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of family physicians in type 2 DM management was categorized as good at 98.2% and sufficient at 1.8%.Conclusion: The behaviour of family physicians in Type 2 DM management in Manado City is considered good.Keywords: behaviour, type 2 diabetes mellitus, family physiciansLatar Belakang: Diabetes Melitus (DM) merupakan salah satu penyakit tidak menular yang termasuk dalam 10 besar penyebab kematian di dunia dengan 6,7 juta kasus kematian. Prevalensi kasus DM di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berada pada urutan ke-4 dengan prevalensi 2,3%, melebihi prevalensi nasional. Penanganan secara komprehensif yang tidak hanya fokus pada aspek penyakit pasien sangat dibutuhkan dalam menghadapi kasus DM yang terus meningkat. Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) menjalankan suatu sistem pelayanan primer dengan mendayagunakan peran dokter keluarga sebagai garda terdepan dalam melayani masyarakat. Namun, beberapa penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan hasil frekuensi yang kurang dari pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan dokter keluarga terhadap penanganan DM. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perilaku (pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan) dokter keluarga dalam penanganan DM tipe 2 di Kota Manado. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan rancangan penelitian potong lintang. Hasil: Tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan dokter keluarga dalam penanganan DM tipe 2 berada pada kategori baik sebesar 98% dan cukup sebesar 2%. Kesimpulan: Perilaku dokter keluarga dalam penanganan DM tipe 2 di Kota Manado secara keseluruhan mendapatkan hasil yang baik.Kata Kunci: diabetes melitus tipe 2, dokter keluarga, perilaku

    Artritis gout dan perilaku dokter keluarga di Kota Manado

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    Background: Untreated hyperuricemia can develop into uric acid-related diseases, such as gout arthritis. Research indicates that 35% of the population in the North Sulawesi Province has elevated uric acid levels. Data from the Social Security Administrative Body for Health (BPJS Kesehatan) in 2022 showed that the number of gout arthritis cases in this province reached 8,781 cases, with Manado City ranked second. This figure increased compared to previous years. According to healthcare procedures, the management of gout arthritis begins at the Primary Health Care (FKTP) such as community health centers and private practice doctors. However, in practice, there are still differences in the approach to gout arthritis management among family physicians, influenced by factors such as their behavior toward disease management. Aim: To assess the overview of behavior (knowledge, attitudes, and practice) of family physicians in the management of gout arthritis in Manado City. Methods: This study is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional research design. Results: The level of knowledge of family physicians in Manado City is considered good by 86% of the respondents, and 14% of the respondents categorized as sufficient The attitude of family physicians was rated as good by 98% of the respondents, and their practice rated as good by 98% of the respondents. Conclusion: The level of behavior of family physicians in the management of gout arthritis in Manado City is considered good.Keywords: behavior; family physicians; gout arthritisLatar Belakang: Hiperurisemia yang tidak diterapi dapat berkembang menjadi artritis gout. Penelitian menunjukkan 35% masyarakat Sulawesi Utara memiliki kadar asam urat yang tinggi. Data dari Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Kesehatan pada tahun 2022, jumlah kasus artritis gout di Sulawesi Utara mencapai 8.781, dengan Kota Manado menempati peringkat kedua. Angka ini semakin meningkat dibandingkan dengan beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Berdasarkan prosedur pelayanan kesehatan, penanganan artritis gout dimulai di Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama (FKTP) seperti puskesmas dan dokter praktik mandiri. Namun, dalam praktiknya, masih banyak perbedaan dalam pendekatan penanganan artritis gout di kalangan dokter keluarga, yang disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor seperti perilaku dokter terhadap tatalaksana penyakit.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perilaku (pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan) dokter keluarga dalam penatalaksanaan artritis gout di Kota Manado. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain penelitian potong lintang. Hasil: Didapatkan tingkat pengetahuan dokter keluarga di Kota Manado dalam kategori baik 86% responden, kategori cukup 14% responden. Tingkat sikap dokter keluarga dalam kategori baik sebanyak 98% responden, dan tingkat tindakan dokter keluarga dalam kategori baik sebanyak 98% responden. Kesimpulan: Tingkat perilaku dokter keluarga dalam penatalaksanaan artritis gout di Kota Manado dikatakan baik.Kata Kunci: artritis gout, dokter keluarga, perilak

    Identifikasi cefixime pada bakteri di perairan pesisir Kota Manado

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    Background: The presence of antibiotics in the bodies of water could potentially have negative impacts on health. The release of antibiotics into the environment might cause the emergence of bacteria strains that are more resistant to antibiotics. This study aimed to identify the potential presence of cefixime in the coastal water of Manado City.Methods: This study was a susceptibility testing towards seawater sample isolated bacteria. This study used Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion methods.Results: All isolates showed resistance to cefixime. We identified four isolates: Acinetobacter spp, Staphylococcus spp, Bacillus spp, and Pseudomonas spp.Conclusion: The resistant isolates indicate the presence of cefixime in the coastal waters of Manado.Keywords: Cefixime, resistance, antibiotic susceptibility testing, seawater, Manado City

    Hubungan Status Sosial Ekonomi Keluarga dengan Status Gizi Remaja Usia 11 – 15 Tahun di Pusat Pengembangan Anak (PPA) ID-127 Kota Manado

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    The successful development of a nation is determined by the availability of qualified human resources and it depends on good nutritional status. The good nutritional status of adolescent was specify by family socioeconomic status, if the condition of the socioeconomic status are good, the better nutritional status. A family’s socioeconomic status is based on parental education, parental occupation and family income. This research has been doing to know the association between family socioeconomic status with nutritional status of adolescents age’s 11 – 15 years old at Child Development Centre (CDC) ID-127 Manado City. The design research is an analytic research with cross sectional approach. There are 90 samples taken from 92 people of total population who are willing to be sampled. Data obtained from direct measurement and interview questionnaire. The anthropometric measurements calculated using z-score and spearman rho for statistical test to prove the hypothesis of this research.The result showed there was no association between family socioeconomic status and nutritional status of adolescents age’s 11 – 15 years old with the value of ρ = 0,083; ρ = 1,00; ρ = 0,455 (ρ > 0,005) are indicated there was no association between parental education, parental occupation and family income with nutritional status of adolescents age’s 11 – 15 years old at Child Development Centre (CDC) ID-127 Manado city. Keywords: socioeconomic status, nutritional statu

    Hubungan PHBS Rumah Tangga dengan Penggunaan Jamban di PPA ID-127 Kelurahan Ranomuut Kota Manado

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    Clean and Healthy Behavior is a picture of the family life’s pattern that’s always caring and keeping the healthiness of the whole family members. Clean and Healthy Behavior should be applied as early as possible to make a positive behavior of the health’s upkeep. The application of CHB in North Sulawesi in 2004 was only around 17,95% and for Minahasa was 16,67%. Those numbers are still far behind the 65% that was targeted in 2010. One of CHB’s Indicators is the availability of latrine. Latrine is made for people feces’ disposal. The latrine usage is purposed to keep the clean and health environment. This research is aimed to discover the relation between the CHB of household and the latrine usage in Children Development Center ID-127 Ranomuut District, Manado City. This research is an analytic research and using cross sectional method. The location is taken in CDC ID-127 Ranomuut District, Manado City with 68 respondents consist of parents of children in age’s 3-5 in CDC. The research that is examined by using chi square test in SPSS program, shows no significant correlation between CHB and latrine usage (p=0,000) and a strong prove to receive the null hypothesis which is no correlation between CHB and latrine usage in CDC ID-127 Ranomuut District, Manado City. Keywords: Clean and Healthy Behaviour of Household, Children Develompment Center ID-12

    Gambaran Penggunaan Air pada Remaja di Pusat Pengembangan Anak Id-127 Kelurahan Ranomuut Kota Manado

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    Background: Indonesia’s target of clean water usage in 2015 is 68.9% and 63.5% for sanitation, based on the world government’s commitment in Johannesburg on Summit 2002. According to the research by Jimmy Woodcock in 2011, only 20% of Indonesia citizens are having access to the clean water. Method: This research is aimed to know the description of water usage on teenagers in Children Development Center ID-127, Ranomuut District, Manado City. This research is a quantitative research. The population is 90 respondents consist of 41 males and 49 females, where the samples are teenagers in age’s 11-15. The data are presented by using distribution tables. Result: The research shows that 46.7% of teenagers are using water company facilitation as their source for daily needs. About 65.6% are using water filter as their drinking water source and although the 34.4% are using other sources, the water were boiled.. Most of them use the physically qualified water such as no color, no taste, no smell, and only 18.9% having several health complaints after using the water. Conclusion: Raising the awareness of teenagers about the importance of clean water by health promotion and attention from the environment may help in providing the safe and clean water for teenagers.Keywords: community, dengue fever, Knowledge, Maen village

    Gambaran Pelaksanaan Kewaspadaan Universal di Puskesmas Kolongan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    Background: Universal Precautions are prevention acts that must be done by all of the health workers to prevent the infection spreading from the patients or vice versa. The purpose of this research is to measure the overview of the implementation of universal precaution in Kolongan Community Health Center. Method: The research method is surveillance descriptive research with total sampling method as the sample collecting method. Result: Accumulatively, there were (9.44%) of all the respondents do not always wash their hand appropriately according to the washing hands procedures and indications. For about (10.57%) do not always wear protective items either in cleaning up medical instruments or doing examination to patients. We found out that (13.33%) do not always decontaminate equipments and devices properly before and after using them. Nevertheless, all of the respondents agreed that there are proper needles and sharps disposals, and all of the respondents always dispose all needles and other sharps promptly to each of their disposals. Also, all of the respondents agreed that there are separated disposals for medical and non medical wastes, and all of the respondents always dispose the wastes properly to the separately disposals. Conclusion: in Kolongan Community Health Center, the overview of the implementation of universal precautions is good. Keywords: Universal Precautions, Infection, Kolongan Community Health Center