5 research outputs found

    Pre-Ordovician units and Cadomian megastructures of La Serena and La Siberia Extremeña (Southern Iberian Massif)

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    New mapping of the pre-Ordovician basement (Schist and Greywacke Complex or Lower Alcudian) from the La Serena and La Siberia Extremeña regions of the southern Central Iberian zone has allowed the distinction of up to four independent stratigraphic units. The studied sequence is exposed in two megastructures: the Almorchón-Valdecaballeros Antiform and the Cerro de los Moros Synform, separated by the Patin Fault, which seems to correspond to an ancient paleogeographic boundary. The continuity of these structures under the Paleozoic synclines and the sub-orthogonal directions with respect to those of the Variscan cover is regarded as an evidence for deformational events related to the Cadomian (pan- African) cycle, likely in connection to those recorded in the adjacent Ossa-Morena Zon

    Synchysite in the carbonatites of Pta. del Peñón Blanco, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands

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    Synchisite, a REE-fluorcarbonate appears in a carbonatitic vein located in Pta del Peñon Blanco, Fuerteventura. This minera/ is interpreted as the result of the action of carbonated water over REE-fluorapatit

    Aspectos paleoecolĂłgicos de la cuenca de los Santos de Maimona: acritarcos y esporas

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    The proposed pa/aeoco/ogica/ model of the Santos de Maimona basin, based in the palynomorphs content, modifies precedent interpretations. The presence of acritarchs and other sedimentary aspects in the stratigraphic Iower levels with coa], indicate a sedimentation on a continental slope realm. On the basin context, these information is concordant with a regressive developmen

    Trilobites y goniatites de la cuenca carbonífera de los Santos de Maimona: deducciones bioestratigráficas

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    In the Santos de Maimona Carboniferous Basin (Badajoz, SW of Spain), trilobites and the goniatites have been distinguished for first time, given a new significant biostratigraphy precision. The recognised trilobites species are Pseudowaribole (Geigibole) af. sajambrensis, Cyrtoproetus (Crassibole) af. crassus (Dechenelloides planus?), Linguaphillipsia mattewsi y L. af. divergens; and the goniatites genus are Imitoceras, Gattendorfia, Ammonellipsites, Muensteroceras y Winchelloceras. These association are late Tournasian (Tn3c)—early Visean, for upper levels for Carboniferous Basi

    Structure of Zafra Sector: implications on ZOM Cambrian units subdivision

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    Detailed geological mapping of the Zafra Sector (central Ossa Morena Zone, ZOM) has shown thé occurrence of a minor synclinal-anticlinal coupled structure compatible with the major structure of the Monesterio Antiform. It has been observed that the Alconera and Zafra units are indeed the same unit, whereas the Los Santos limestone corresponds to the Sierra Gorda and Alconera limestones. These observations may be done extensive to the whole northern limb of the Monesterio Antiform. A revision of classical tectonic units and stratigraphie sequences, appears, therefore, needed in order to a correct analyse of Lower Paleozoic paleogeography within the Ossa Morena Zon