174 research outputs found
Dall'esperienza corsa utili suggerimenti per la diffusione dell'avocado (<i>P. americana</i> mill.) in Sardegna
Avocado's diffusion in Southern Sardinia can profit of scientific data from near Corsica island obtained by
the «San Giuliano, Station de Recherques Agronomiques I.N.R.A.» during a period of twenty years. The
research suggests Mexican cultivars («Zutano»), Mexican x Guatemaltec hybrids («Bacon», «Fuca», «Fuerte
», «Nowles» and «Regina») and Guatemaltec («Hass» and «Nabal») cultivars. The last two in warmest microclimates.
Moreover there are fiorai biology and technical informations.
This study confirms real possibilities to spread avocado's cultivation in Southern Sardinia with water resources
A Factorial experiment on <i>Citrus</i> stock/scion combinations in Sardinia
Five Citrus varieties ("Washington navel", "Tarocco", "Biondo comune", "Valencia" sweet
oranges, and "Avana" mandarin) on different rootstocks (sour orange, "Troyer" citrange, citremon 1449, Poncirus trifoliata "Rubidoux", "Orlando" tangelo), and at two planting distances (4x4 m, 5x5 m) were evaluated for 3 years in a factorial experiment, with a completely randomized design. Observations were made on growth, productivity and fruit quality.
Tree growth, productivity and fruit quality were affected both by variety and by rootstock and
planting distance. "Valencia" and "Biondo comune" showed the best growth and yield, and "Avana" mandarin the poorest. Several differences in fruit quality were observed in the different varieties, mostly concerning fruit weight, rind thickness, juice, TSS and T A. The
rootstock also affected growth, yield and fruit characteristics. The growth was decreased by
"Rubidoux" trifoliate orange, while the yield was slightly increased by "Troyer", "Rubidoux" and "Orlando". "Rubidoux" and citremon improved several fruit characteristics, such as rind thickness, juice, and TSS content. As the trees were still young, planting distance did not affect growth, but some small differences were found in fruit quality. The yield/tree and the
efficiency were increased by 5x5 m treatment, while the yield/ha was, on the contrary, higher in 4x4 m treatment. Finally, some interactions were found between variety and rootstock
Targeted nanoparticles for the delivery of novel bioactive molecules to pancreatic cancer cells
Pancreatic cancer (PaCa) is a multifaceted disorder with an extremely poor prognosis. There is an urgent need to identify new and safe drugs as well as to develop novel
tumor-targeted controlled release systems for effective treatment of late stage and resistant PaCa. Active targeting via the inclusion of specific ligands on the nanoparticles (NPs) is envisioned to provide a powerful therapeutic strategy.
Herein, we present a study on the design and the development of novel DFCencapsulated biocompatible polymeric NPs, functionalized with peptides to selectively
bind to Plec-1 (PTP), or densely decorated by low molecular weight organic molecules as alternative targeting ligands (2-ABA), and evaluated a) the impact on ligand binding
and b) the in vitro antiproliferative efficacy against a panel of PaCa cells
The "Click-tail approach" for the design and synthesis of novel carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
The Carbonic Anhydrases (CAs) are a family of zinc enzymes deputed to the interconversion of carbonic dioxide to hydrogen carbonate. Herein, we report on a sustainable modular strategy, also called "clicktail approach", used to obtain two series of 4-(4-substituted-lH-l,2,3-triazol-lyl) benzenesulfonamides. Design and synthesis strategies, x-ray derived CA-ligand binding mode and enzyme-based inhibition results will be presented
Caratteristiche merceologiche e conservabilità di alcune cultivar di melo del germoplasma locale
Although in Sardina apple is not cultivated at an industrial scale, a rilevant number of local cultivar with
excellent characteristics are present. At the experimental station of Oristano are held in collection some 30
accessions from the local germplasm. In this trial the authors studied the main commercial aspects of some
cultivars and their attitude to cold storage. Amoung the early ripening cultivars, which in general showed to be
not very suitable for storage, must be cited for the flavour and the aspect of the fruits "Appio di Sassari", "Mela Rosa", "Miali", "De Ferru" and "Mela di Bonarcado" apples, whilst very suitable for long term storage were "Bianca di Aritzo", "Appio Rosseggiante" and "Laconi B" apples.
"Appio di Sassari" and "Miali" are well known and appreciated all over Sardinia, especially in Sassari
province, while the others are known only at local scale.
Furthers studies related to bio-agronomic traits, in order to promote a large scale diffusion of the best
cultivars of the local germplasm, or at least, a first introduction in specialised orchard for the less known ones.
Sebbene in Sardegna la coltivazione del melo non sia molto diffusa, sono presenti nell'Isola un numero
considerevole di vecchie varietà locali con caratteristiche qualitative di pregio. Parte di esse e mantenuta in
collezione presso l'azienda sperimentale dell'Istituto, sita ad Oristano. Nella presente nota vengono riportati gli
attributi qualitativi di maggior interesse commerciale e la risposta alla frigoconservazione di alcune di esse. In
particolare, tra le cultivar precoci meritano una citazione per la bontà dei frutti e per le peculiari caratteristiche
organolettiche la mela "Appio di Sassari", la "Mela "Rosa", la "Miali", la "De Ferru" e la "Mela di Bonarcado",
mentre, tra le tardive sono interessanti per la buona serbevolezza la "Bianca di Aritzo", la "Appio Rosseggiante",
e la "Laconi B". Alcunee varietà, come la "Miali" e la "Appio di Sassari", sono da tempo apprezzate a livello
locale e godono di una certa fama tra i consumatori, altre, invece, sono conosciute solo in areali molto ristretti.
Ulteriori osservazioni sul comportamento bio-agronomiche saranno utili per i vivaisti e gli agricoltori nell'ottica
di una lora diffusione oltre i confini locali (Miali ed Appio di Sassari) o di una loro prima introduzione in coltura specializzata
Confronto tra cultivar di mandorlo in diverse condizioni colturali: risultati al settimo anno di attività
The behaviour of six almond varieties («Arrubia», «Cossu», «Filippo Ceo», «Tuono», «Nonpareil», «Texas»)
grown for seven years on bitter almond and peach rootstocks in three different areas of Sardinia was studies,
together with the effect of dry-farming and irrigation.
Observations on plant growth and yield were made during the experiments.
All the varieties grew and yielded better under irrigation and on peach, with difference highly significative
between the thesis for the cultivar «Filippo Ceo» and not significative for the cultivar «Arrubia» and «Nonpareil».
The cultivar «Texas», «Arrubia», and «Tuono» proved to have the best vigour on both the rootstoocks tested
and on both irrigated and dry-farming plots. while the cultivar «Texas» and «Filippo Ceo» and «Tuono» yielded
Some difference on growth and yield due to environmental conditions were also found
Searching for novel carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: from virtual screening to the lab bench
Carbonic Anhydrases (CAs) are zinc metalloenzymes that catalyze the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate both in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In this context, Computer Aided Drug Design strategies have emerged as powerful tools in the modern drug discovery paradigm. In particular, using ligand- and pharmacophore-based virtual screening approaches, we identified novel chemical entities with original chemotypes, that showed an interesting and selective inhibitory activity in nanomolar/low micromolar range toward CA I and CAII, isoforms.
Herein, we present the hit-to-lead optimization process for these prototypes
Investigation of furo[2,3-h]- and pyridazino[3,4-f]cinnolin-3-ol scaffolds as substrates for the development of novel HIV-1 integrase inhibitors
With the aim to develop novel HIV-1 integrase inhibitors, we obtained a set of condensed ring systems based on the furo[2,3-h]cinnolin-3(2H)-one and pyridazino[3,4-f]cinnolin-3-ol scaffolds bearing a potential chelating pharmacophore, which can be involved in the inhibition mechanism of the enzyme. Herein, we report the design, synthesis, structural investigation and preliminary biological results of these heteroaromatic systems
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