348 research outputs found

    Multiparton Cwebs at five loops

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    Scattering amplitudes involving multiple partons are plagued with infrared singularities. The soft singularities of the amplitude are captured by the soft function which is defined as the vacuum expectation value of Wilson line correlators. Renormalization properties of soft function allows us to write it as an exponential of the finite soft anomalous dimension. An efficient way to study the soft function is through a set of Feynman diagrams known as Cwebs (webs). We obtain the mixing matrices and exponentiated colour factors for all the Cwebs at five loops that connect six massless Wilson lines. Our results are the first key ingredient for the calculation of the soft anomalous dimension at five loops.Comment: 46 pages, 29 figures, 27 tables and 1 ancillary fil

    ATPPNet: Attention based Temporal Point cloud Prediction Network

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    Point cloud prediction is an important yet challenging task in the field of autonomous driving. The goal is to predict future point cloud sequences that maintain object structures while accurately representing their temporal motion. These predicted point clouds help in other subsequent tasks like object trajectory estimation for collision avoidance or estimating locations with the least odometry drift. In this work, we present ATPPNet, a novel architecture that predicts future point cloud sequences given a sequence of previous time step point clouds obtained with LiDAR sensor. ATPPNet leverages Conv-LSTM along with channel-wise and spatial attention dually complemented by a 3D-CNN branch for extracting an enhanced spatio-temporal context to recover high quality fidel predictions of future point clouds. We conduct extensive experiments on publicly available datasets and report impressive performance outperforming the existing methods. We also conduct a thorough ablative study of the proposed architecture and provide an application study that highlights the potential of our model for tasks like odometry estimation.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Molekularna analiza i istraživanje polimorfizma egzona 10 gena za receptore folikulostimulirajućeg hormona (FSHR) u indijskih pasmina goveda

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    FSH receptors are important binding sites of the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in ovaries and are coded by the FSHR gene which has 10 exons and 9 introns. Exon 10 is the largest (>1200 bp) of all the exons. In the present study, exon 10 of the FSHR gene partial coding sequence (CDS) was cloned and characterized in Sahiwal and Hariana cattle breeds, and DNA polymorphism was investigated using AluI/PCR-RFLP assay. The partial CDS of the Sahiwal and Hariana FSHR exon 10 was 99.3% to 100% similar to exotic cattle breeds at the nucleotide and amino acid level. A missense mutation was found in Sahiwal and Hariana at position 1118 (C→G) that caused an amino acid change at 373 (Thr→Ser) and two nonsense mutations were found at position 729 (G→A), 1180 (C→T). Phylogenetic analysis clearly showed that Sahiwal and Hariana cattle are more closely related to yak and Bos taurus. The 306 bp region of exon 10 on digestion with AluI restriction enzyme revealed three types of genotypes, namely: CC (243 bp and 63 bp), GG (193 bp, 63 bp and 50 bp) and CG (243 bp, 193 bp, 63 bp and 50 bp), where the CG genotype was more frequent (45.0%) than CC (13.5%) and GG (41.5%) genotypes, and the frequency of the G allele was higher (0.64) than the C allele (0.36) in all the screened animals. Chi square (χ2) analysis revealed that the screened animal population was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. An association study revealed a significant (P1200 bp) od svih egzona. U ovom istraživanju, egzon 10 kloniran je iz djelomično kodiranog slijeda (CDS) FSHR gena. Kao materijal za istraživanje poslužila su goveda pasmina sahival i hariana u kojih je DNK polimorfizam analiziran pomoću AluI/PCR-RFLP testa. Na razini nukleotida i aminokiselina, djelomično kodirani slijed (CDS) egzona 10 FSHR gena u goveda sahival odnosno hariana pasmina bio je 99,3% do 100% sličan onom u egzotičnih pasminama goveda. U navedene dvije pasmine na položaju 1118 (C → G) pronađena je pogrešna mutacija koja je uzrokovala promjenu aminokiseline na 373 (THR → SER), te dvije besmislene mutacije koje su nađene na položajima 729 (G → A) i 1180 (C → T). Filogenetska analiza jasno je pokazala da su goveda pasmina sahival i hariana u većoj mjeri povezana s jakom i domaćim govedom (Bos taurus). Područje egzona 10, koje sadrži 306 parova baza pokazalo je nakon cijepanja s AluI restrikcijskim enzimom 3 genotipa: CC (243 bp i 63 bp), GG (193 bp, 63 bp i 50 bp) i CG (243 bp, 193 bp, 63 bp i 50 bp). Genotip CG bio je učestaliji (45,0%) od genotipova CC (13,5%) i GG (41,5%). Uzevši u obzir sve pretražene životinje, učestalost G alela bila je veća (0,64) od C alela (0,36). Hi-kvadrat (χ 2) analizom je utvrđeno da je pretražena populacija goveda bila u Hardy-Weinberg ravnoteži. Statistička analiza povezanosti pokazala je znakovite (P<0,05) razliku između genotipova za obilježja ukupnog prinosa mlijeka i trajanja laktacije, pri čemu se istaknuo genotip CC s većim prinosom mlijeka u odnosu na druge genotipove

    Bhat (Black Soybean): A traditional legume with high nutritional and nutraceutical properties from NW Himalayan region of India

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    307-319Bhat (black soybean) under the genus Glycine, is cultivated for food, fodder and medicinal uses by rural communities in Asia particularly, in China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia and India. In the Himalayan region of India, this legume is not only an integral part of a climate resilient farming system but also finds place in ethnodietary recipes and fondly consumed as a pulse. Black soybean ensures both food and nutritional security in hills where nutritional deficiencies are in abundance among rural, tribal and backward population engaged in subsistence farming in marginal rainfed terrains. Cultivation of black soybean is less capital intensive. Its ability to survive under harsh conditions particularly, in the event of failure of rain, makes it a better choice than other competitive crops grown during rainy season. Despite its enormous potentials, the legume has not gained the popularity in India and presently, area under this valuable legume is confined to North Himalayan hill region and scattered pockets of central India. Its high nutritive value, remedial and health promoting effects due to presence of various bioactive compounds make this legume an excellent functional food. Present review summarises the potential role of black soybean for human nutrition and health benefits

    Concept-based Anomaly Detection in Retail Stores for Automatic Correction using Mobile Robots

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    Tracking of inventory and rearrangement of misplaced items are some of the most labor-intensive tasks in a retail environment. While there have been attempts at using vision-based techniques for these tasks, they mostly use planogram compliance for detection of any anomalies, a technique that has been found lacking in robustness and scalability. Moreover, existing systems rely on human intervention to perform corrective actions after detection. In this paper, we present Co-AD, a Concept-based Anomaly Detection approach using a Vision Transformer (ViT) that is able to flag misplaced objects without using a prior knowledge base such as a planogram. It uses an auto-encoder architecture followed by outlier detection in the latent space. Co-AD has a peak success rate of 89.90% on anomaly detection image sets of retail objects drawn from the RP2K dataset, compared to 80.81% on the best-performing baseline of a standard ViT auto-encoder. To demonstrate its utility, we describe a robotic mobile manipulation pipeline to autonomously correct the anomalies flagged by Co-AD. This work is ultimately aimed towards developing autonomous mobile robot solutions that reduce the need for human intervention in retail store management.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetic