120 research outputs found

    Experimental localisation of quantum entanglement through monitored classical mediator

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    Quantum entanglement is a form of correlation between quantum particles that cannot be increased via local operations and classical communication. It has therefore been proposed that an increment of quantum entanglement between probes that are interacting solely via a mediator implies non-classicality of the mediator. Indeed, under certain assumptions regarding the initial state, entanglement gain between the probes indicates quantum coherence in the mediator. Going beyond such assumptions, there exist other initial states which produce entanglement between the probes via only local interactions with a classical mediator. In this process the initial entanglement between any probe and the rest of the system ``flows through'' the classical mediator and gets localised between the probes. Here we theoretically characterise maximal entanglement gain via classical mediator and experimentally demonstrate, using liquid-state NMR spectroscopy, the optimal growth of quantum correlations between two nuclear spin qubits interacting through a mediator qubit in a classical state. We additionally monitor, i.e., dephase, the mediator in order to emphasise its classical character. Our results indicate the necessity of verifying features of the initial state if entanglement gain between the probes is used as a figure of merit for witnessing non-classical mediator. Such methods were proposed to have exemplary applications in quantum optomechanics, quantum biology and quantum gravity.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Solving hadron structures using the basis light-front quantization approach on quantum computers

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    Quantum computing has demonstrated the potential to revolutionize our understanding of nuclear, atomic, and molecular structure by obtaining forefront solutions in non-relativistic quantum many-body theory. In this work, we show that quantum computing can be used to solve for the structure of hadrons, governed by strongly-interacting relativistic quantum field theory. Following our previous work on light unflavored mesons as a relativistic bound-state problem within the nonperturbative Hamiltonian formalism, we present the numerical calculations on simulated quantum devices using the basis light-front quantization (BLFQ) approach. We implement and compare the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) and the subspace-search variational quantum eigensolver (SSVQE) to find the low-lying mass spectrum of the light meson system and its corresponding light-front wave functions as quantum states from ideal simulators, noisy simulators, and IBM quantum computers. Based on obtained quantum states, we evaluate the meson decay constants and parton distribution functions directly on the quantum circuits. Our calculations on the quantum computers and simulators are in reasonable agreement with accurate numerical solutions solved on classical computers when noises are moderately small, and our overall results are comparable with the available experimental data.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Ab Initio No Core Shell Model with Leadership-Class Supercomputers

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    Nuclear structure and reaction theory is undergoing a major renaissance with advances in many-body methods, strong interactions with greatly improved links to Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the advent of high performance computing, and improved computational algorithms. Predictive power, with well-quantified uncertainty, is emerging from non-perturbative approaches along with the potential for guiding experiments to new discoveries. We present an overview of some of our recent developments and discuss challenges that lie ahead. Our foci include: (1) strong interactions derived from chiral effective field theory; (2) advances in solving the large sparse matrix eigenvalue problem on leadership-class supercomputers; (3) selected observables in light nuclei with the JISP16 interaction; (4) effective electroweak operators consistent with the Hamiltonian; and, (5) discussion of A=48 system as an opportunity for the no-core approach with the reintroduction of the core.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, Conference Proceedings online at http://ntse.khb.ru/files/uploads/2016/proceedings/Vary.pd

    Magnetic moments of A=3A = 3 nuclei with chiral effective field theory operators

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    Chiral effective field theory (χ\chiEFT) provides a framework for obtaining internucleon interactions in a systematically improvable fashion from first principles, while also providing for the derivation of consistent electroweak current operators. In this work, we apply consistently derived interactions and currents towards calculating the magnetic dipole moments of the A=3A=3 systems Triton and Helium-3. We focus here on LENPIC interactions obtained using semilocal coordinate-space (SCS) regularization. Starting from the momentum-space representation of the LENPIC χ\chiEFT vector current, we derive the SCS-regularized magnetic dipole operator up through N2LO. We then carry out no-core shell model calculations for Triton and Helium-3 systems, using the SCS LENPIC interaction at N2LO in χ\chiEFT, and evaluate the magnetic dipole moments obtained using the consistently derived one-nucleon and two-nucleon electromagnetic currents. As anticipated by prior results with χ\chiEFT currents, the current corrections through N2LO provide improved, but not yet complete, agreement with experiment for the Triton and Helium-3 magnetic dipole moments.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figure

    Calculations of p(n,γ)dp(n,\gamma )d reaction in chiral effective field theory

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    We present a calculation of the radiative capture cross section p(n,γ)dp(n,\gamma )d in the low-energy range, where the M1M1 reaction channel dominates. Employing the LENPIC nucleon-nucleon interaction up to the fifth order (N4LO) that is regularized by the semi-local coordinate space regulators, we obtain the initial and final state wave functions, and evaluate the phase shifts of the scattering state and deuteron properties. We derive the transition operator from the chiral effective field theory up to the next-to-next-to leading order (N2LO), where we also regularize the transition operator using regulators consistent with those of the interactions. We compute the capture cross sections and the results show a converging pattern with the chiral-order expansion of the nucleon-nucleon interaction, where the regulator dependence of the results is weak when higher-order nucleon-nucleon interactions are employed. We quantify the uncertainties of the cross-section results due to the chiral-order truncation. The chirally complete and consistent cross-section results are performed up to N2LO and they compare well with the experiments and other theoretical predictions.Comment: 13 pages, 3 tables, 1 figur