5 research outputs found
Sistem Informasi Geografis Pariwisata Kabupaten Karo Menggunakan Google Maps Berbasis Web
Karo Regency is one of the areas in North Sumatra Province that has the potential to become a tourism area, with the Vision "Realizing Karo Tourism that is advanced, Modern environmentally friendly and highly competitive by maintaining karo cultural values through the broadest participation of the community and business world to increase Regional Original Revenue "The Karo District Government has promoted through mass media such as newspapers, pamphlets, distributing brochures and promoting through blogs. However, this method is not enough to inform tourism extensively towards domestic tourists and foreign tourists. The design and manufacture of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Tourism is expected to be able to display tourist maps of Karo Regency in the form of a degital map, which can be accessed by tourists. In the Design of Web-Based Karo Tourism Geographic Information System carried out by collecting data, observing and interviewing the Secretary of the Office at the Karo District Tourism and Culture Office and designing tourism maps displayed in this system using Google Maps, the software used in building this application is PHP (Personal Home Page) as a programming language, MySQL as a database server, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 as the Design Editor. Karo Regency's geographic tourism information system is a system that provides information to tourists about the location of tourist attractions and tourism support facilities in Karo District
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian pada Badan Kepegawaian dan Pendidikan Daerah Kabupaten Dairi
Sistem informasi kepegawaian ini adalah untuk dapat menghasilkan suatu sumber informasi yang akurat, tepat guna, efektif dan efisien sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini. Sistem informasi kepegawaian dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metode yang terdiri dari perancangan database,perancangan input dan output. Tools perancangan yang digunakan adalah unified Modelling Language (UML). Teknologi yang digunakan dalam penembangan perangkat lunak sisem menggunakan Visual Studio 2010 sebagai bahasa pemrograman dan Microsoft SQL Server 2008 sebagai database. Dengan adanya sistem informasi kepegawaian bagian kepegawaian akan lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan data pegawai yang diinginkan, dan juga memudahkan bagian perencanaan dalam menganalisa data pegawai untuk melakukan strategi yang akan datang
Sistem Informasi Potensi Kependudukan Desa Sukajulu Berbasis Web
Village Potential is the whole of the resources owned or used by the village both human resources (HR), natural resources (SDA) and institutions or infrastructure and facilities to support the acceleration of community welfare. However, in notifying the potential possessed by Sukajulu village, it has not been able to be understood quickly because it does not yet have a village potential website. Where village officials still have difficulties in providing potential information to village communities and the wider community. So with the above problems, the writer wants to build a potential information system of Sukajulu Village that will facilitate village officials in inputting village potential data inputs and make it easier to publish Village data, especially in Sukajulu Village, by utilizing computer applications that have been created and can convey information quickly and accurately for both the village community and the wider community who need information about the potential of Sukajulu Villag
Sistem Informasi Pemesanan dan Penjualan Barang pada Pintera Kreativ Berbasis Web
The purpose of this study was to design a web-based and android-based information system at Pintera Kreativ to help increase sales in order to conduct online ordering and to provide product information at Pintera Kreativ through samrtphone or through website pages. The method of research was carried out with two methods namely, method data analysis and information system design. The method of data analysis is carried out in finding the information needed with research and literature studies. Meotde information system design is used in the assessment of problems in data analysis, this method is a database design, making menu structure, making database specifications and making screen displays. The results of the study show that designing an Android-based sales and ordering information system can facilitate Pintera Kreativ in marketing products. and consumers in ordering products by utilizing internet media so that they can work more effectively and efficiently, so that product marketing can develop. The conclusion that can be taken is that the internet is a media in product marketing widely
Sales and Marketing Information Systems in Web-Based PT.Pingko-Pingko Bangun Propertindo
The system built is to discuss the marketing and sales information system of PT. Pingko-Pingko housing, where the sale or marketing of housing sales is still manual. Marketing is carried out by distributing brochures in urban and rural areas to find out information about housing. The system to be built can make it easier for housing parties to market houses, facilities, locations and types of houses more quickly, effectively and efficiently. This author will build a Web-based housing sales and marketing information system at PT.Pingko-Pingko, to make it easier for buyers to make housing purchases through the website