49 research outputs found

    Kepentingan Mesir Menolak Meratifikasi Kesepakatan Cooperation Framework Agreement (Cfa) Mengenai Aturan Pengelolaan Sungai Nil

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    This research describe about Egypts Interest to refused to ratify Cooperation Framework Agreement (CFA) about the rule of Management in Nile River. Nile River is Longest river in africa. And Shared by eleven countries. Nile River is primary water source of Egypt. Before CFA Exist, there was a nile river agreement signed by British Colonial and Egypt in 1929. This agreement ensured that Egypt would maintain its historic right of the Niles water,and allocated all water from the Nile to Egypt with no diversion allowed by upstream riparians. In 1959, Egypt and Sudan renegotiated their Nile sharing agreement Sudan recognized historical rights over nile River for Egypt and maintain their monopoly over the waters of the Nile, the 1959 treaty does not include any of the remaining upstream riparian countries and it forbids them from using the water or constructing any obstructions in Nile River. In 1999 First Organisation Nile riparian Countries, Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) Was Formed By 9 Nile Riparian Coutries. The main objective of the NBI was formed a cooperative framework agreement the Nile riparians countries and replace 1929 and 1959 agreement.Unfortunenately Egypt and Sudan Refused to ratify CFA Agreement.The theory that applied in this research is Realism and Level analysis in this research is State Level Analysis, researcher also use theory from about National Interest.The study found that the reason Egypt refused to ratify CFA Agreement are first,Egypt is dowstream nile riparians and has hot desert climate so Egypt depend on Nile River. Egypt Worry that CFA Agreement will allow upstream Nile riparian to diversion and build construction Nile and will impact to Nile River in Egypt. Second CFA dont recognize Egypts historical right over Nile River and contradict Egypts constitution.Third EgyptEconomy depends on Nile river so Egypt Worry that CFA Agreement will allow upstream Nile riparian to diversion and build construction Nile and will impact to EgyptEconomy. Fourth, Nile River Issue is Security issue for Egypt. Almost all Egyptian citizen depend on Nile River, Egypt worry CFA agreement will impact to almost all Egyptian citizen.Keywords : Nile River,Nile Basin Initiative,CFA,National Interest,Egyp

    Upaya Pemerintah Uganda Dalam Mengatasi Pemberontak Lra (Lords Resistance Army) Pada Masa Pemerintahan Presiden Yoweri Museveni (2006-2011)

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    The effort by the Government of Uganda to solve the rebel LRA (Lords Resistance Army) during the reign of President Yoweri Museveni (2006-2011). The conflict between the Government of Uganda and the LRA rebels have caused deaths of more than 24,000 people of Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, and Southern Sudan. Finally, the government of Uganda as the origin of the LRA rebels, making policy with military attacks, negotiations, and even some support from the African Union and the United Nations. The concepts used in this research is the National Interest by Donald E. Nuchterlaein and supporting theory used is the Social Movement theory by Stouffer. To solve these problems, the government of Uganda made several efforts including negotiations and ask for the support of the International. In the negotiation process, the government of Uganda entered into an agreement known as the Juba Talks, Uganda is also working with countries that border Southern Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic as well as international organizations such as the African Union and the United Nations.Key Words: Conflict, Military Operations, Negotiation, Rebels, National Interest

    Diplomasi Korea Selatan Mendesak Jepang Menandatangani Agreement on Comfort Women Tahun 2011-2015

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    This research analyze about steps of diplomacy by South Korea to urge Japan sign the Irreversible agreement called Agreement on comfort Woman on December 28,2015. The agreement consisting of statement deepest apology of Japan‟s goverment about their contribution to abduct almost 200 thousand women from some country specially from South Korea.Since world war I Japan‟s goverment abduct more than 200 thousand women from South Korea, Indonesia, and phillippines to be their sex slavery in order to comply their army‟s sex necessary and lack of abduct their citizen be their sex slavery. South Korea after world war II start to appear this issue and take the steps of diplomacy to urge Japan to have responsible about the issue .Japan refuse to take the responsible about what their goverment did in the past with some reason that abduct of more than 200 thousand women has done of person who want to take the profit from the war by abduct women and force them to be a sex slavery.But, after diplomacy by South Korea, Japan finally sign the irreversible agreement and take their responsible about this issue and the steps of diplomacy by South korea‟s Goverment will be explain in this research

    Upaya Non Governmental Organization Smile Train Dalam Mengatasi Masalah Kesehatan ( Bibir Sumbing) Di Indonesia Tahun 2014 – 2015

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    The methodology of this research was used contemporary study which analysed about efforts which had done by International governmental organization of Smile Train to overcome the problems of harelip in Indonesia. The harelip as a physical defect which was a load born handicap that most happened in develop countries that millions children were suffered as harelip that they could not speak and eat properly. Jagged was happened while middle soft net could not firmly united while the fetus still in process of develop. Jagged can be involved mouth, palates of mouth and soft net at the back mouth of children that they were suffered physically and psychologically. Although many children who were suffered as harelip could not be tackled such as harelip treatment and surgical operation. This was happened because economy factor, poverty factor also uneducated or a little knowledge as well as wrong information about birth with the cleft lip. This research used conceptual background related to International organization of analysis level, this organization has many members from different countries in the world and supporting with theory of actor and analysis level of International organization, this concept directed to qualitative method and librarian research as information resources. Many efforts have done by NGO Smile Train in Indonesia, through medical procedure and therapy, such as free operation of harelip, oral therapy and medical care around mouth and teeth. Through endeavor program to local doctors such as training for profession of medical workers, by supporting medical stuffs and technology, by supporting local communities program, by giving education to the people, and looking for people who were suffered harelip in the remote places, Indonesia and giving financial to the people who were suffered harelip

    Kebijakan Indonesia Belum Mengakui Kemerdekaan Kosovo pada Tahun 2008

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    The purpose of this research is to understand Indonesia Foreign Policy Has Not Admitted Kosovo Independence In 2008. Kosovo is a province in Serbia, but due to the uprising finally Kosovo secede from Serbia and stands today as a nation that also require confessions from other countries. Most countries chose to recognized and ignore the Kosovo Independence. Differently, Indonesia chose to did not recognize Kosovo Independence in 2008. Thus researcher question is Why Indonesia Foreign Policy Has Not Admitted Kosovo Independence In 2008.This research theoretically has built with Realism perspectives on International Relations and supported by Foreign Politic theory James N. Rossenau. Formulation of all arguments, facts, and theoretical framework on this research is guided by qualitative explanation methods. Technique in this research is through by the study of library. Data which is gotten and collected through the journal books, the last thesis and then from internet has related to the problems.Researcher has formulated answered-hypothesis whic reveals the fact that Indonesia actually put themselve in the position of "wait and see" to the development of the newly established state. On the basis of the existing separatist movements in Indonesia could trigger a conflict that can lead to the release of such regions of Indonesia and East Timor. For that, in taking the decision to admit other countries, Indonesia is very cautious dala take a decision as this will have a direct impact for Indonesi

    Implementasi Program Fauna And Flora International (Ffi) dalam Konservasi Hutan Kawasan Ulu Masen di Kecamatan Mane Provinsi Aceh

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    This research will explain about program implementation from an International organization named Fauna and Flora International (FFI) in forest conservation at Ulu Masen, Mane area Aceh province. Illegal logging, woods areal conversion into plantations and farms, and the conflicts between humans and wild animals have been threatening the forests and could trigger disasters and declining the number of rare wild animal species at wood areal, especially Gajah Sumatera and Harimau Sumatera. As an International organization of conservation based in England who works in environmental issues, biological diversity, and climate change, FFI works together with the Aceh government, local institutions, and society to carry out conservation programs such as CRU (Conservation Response Unit), Pride Campaign, and agro-forestry training at Mane area\u27s forest which is part of Ulu Masen\u27s region.Sources were obtained through literature review from journals, books, mini thesis, reports, and internet to explain FFI\u27s planned programs. Writer also did an interview and observation by observing and taking notes of the indications systematically. The theories used in this research are pluralism, green politic theory, and forest reservation concept.This research indicates that implemented programs by FFI influencing the declining of illegal logging and increasing society\u27s awareness of the importance to keep the forests and preserve the biological diversity found in the forest

    Dampak Kebijakan International Tripartite Rubber Council Dalam Membatasi Kuota Ekspor Karet Alam Terhadap Indonesia

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    This research explain about Impact of International Tripartite Rubber Council policy in limiting rubber export quota to Indonesian economy limiting export quotas and rubber production during October 2012 until March 2013. The implementation of quota restrictions aims to increase the price of natural rubber that has dropped dramatically since December 2010.In this research the authors use the perspective of pluralism. International Relations is a study of the interaction between several actors participating in International politics that include countries, International organizations, non-governmental organizations, sub-national entities such as bureaucracy and the domestic government as well as individuals. Given the pluralist perspective that has been put forward, the level of analysis used by the author is the level of group behavior analysis. In this study the authors use the theory of International organizations. International organizations in the economic field that can be defined as a sustainable formal structure whose formation is based on agreements between its members (government and non-government) from two or more sovereign states with the aim of achieving the common goals of its members. It can be concluded from this research that the impact of International Tripartite Rubber Council's is not able to increase long-term rubber price, rubber price can only increase when the policy is running because of low demand of export destination country