43 research outputs found

    Theoretical description of hydrogen bonding in oxalic acid dimer and trimer based on the combined extended-transition-state energy decomposition analysis and natural orbitals for chemical valence (ETS-NOCV)

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    In the present study we have analyzed hydrogen bonding in dimer and trimer of oxalic acid, based on a recently proposed charge and energy decomposition scheme (ETS-NOCV). In the case of a dimer, two conformations, α and β, were considered. The deformation density contributions originating from NOCV’s revealed that the formation of hydrogen bonding is associated with the electronic charge deformation in both the σ—(Δρσ) and π-networks (Δρπ). It was demonstrated that σ-donation is realized by electron transfer from the lone pair of oxygen on one monomer into the empty \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}ρHO \rho_{H - O}^* \end{document} orbital of the second oxalic acid fragment. In addition, a covalent contribution is observed by the density transfer from hydrogen of H-O group in one oxalic acid monomer to the oxygen atom of the second fragment. The resonance assisted component (Δρπ), is based on the transfer of electron density from the π—orbital localized on the oxygen of OH on one oxalic acid monomer to the oxygen atom of the other fragment. ETS-NOCV allowed to conclude that the σ(O---HO) component is roughly eight times as important as π (RAHB) contribution in terms of energetic estimation. The electrostatic factor (ΔEelstat) is equally as important as orbital interaction term (ΔEorb). Finally, comparing β-dimer of oxalic acid with trimer we found practically no difference concerning each of the O---HO bonds, neither qualitative nor quantitative

    Environment influences on the aromatic character of nucleobases and amino acids

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    Geometric (HOMA) and magnetic (NICS) indices of aromaticity were estimated for aromatic rings of amino acids and nucleobases. Cartesian coordinates were taken directly either from PDB files deposited in public databases at the finest resolution available (≤1.5 Å), or from structures resulting from full gradient geometry optimization in a hybrid QM/MM approach. Significant environmental effects imposing alterations of HOMA values were noted for all aromatic rings analysed. Furthermore, even extra fine resolution (≤1.0 Å) is not sufficient for direct estimation of HOMA values based on Cartesian coordinates provided by PDB files. The values of mean bond errors seem to be much higher than the 0.05 Å often reported for PDB files. The use of quantum chemistry geometry optimization is strongly advised; even a simple QM/MM model comprising only the aromatic substructure within the QM region and the rest of biomolecule treated classically within the MM framework proved to be a promising means of describing aromaticity inside native environments. According to the results presented, three consequences of the interaction with the environment can be observed that induce changes in structural and magnetic indices of aromaticity. First, broad ranges of HOMA or NICS values are usually obtained for different conformations of nearest neighborhood. Next, these values and their means can differ significantly from those characterising isolated monomers. The most significant increase in aromaticities is expected for the six-membered rings of guanine, thymine and cytosine. The same trend was also noticed for all amino acids inside proteins but this effect was much smaller, reaching the highest value for the five-membered ring of tryptophan. Explicit water solutions impose similar changes on HOMA and NICS distributions. Thus, environment effects of protein, DNA and even explicit water molecules are non-negligible sources of aromaticity changes appearing in the rings of nucleobases and aromatic amino acids residues