14 research outputs found

    Serdülők alvásminősége az internethasználattal összefüggésben

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    Háttér és cél – Jelen vizsgálatunk korábbi kutatásunk folytatása, célja a serdülők alvásminőségének felmérése az internethasználat tükrében. Módszerek – Keresztmetszeti, kvantitatív, leíró jellegű kérdőíves felmérést végeztünk általános és középiskolai tanulmányokat végző, 12–18 éves diákok körében (n = 308). Saját szerkesztésű kérdőívet, az alváshigiénés szabályok skáláját és az Athén Insomnia Skálát alkalmaztuk. Eredmények – Az Athén Insomnia Skálán átlagosan 5,39 (± 3,93) pontot értek el, a serdülők 17%-a insomniásnak tekinthető. A diákok átlagosan 1,27 (1,04) órát néznek filmet naponta, és 47%-uk több mint két órán keresztül használja az internetet naponta. Negatívan befolyásolja az alvásminőséget a napi túlzott internet használat (p < 0,001) és az elalvás előtti okoseszköz-használat (p = 0,002). A stressz az internethasználattal párhuzamosan nő (p = 0,001). Akik jobban alszanak, jobban teljesítenek az iskolában (p = 0,034). Következtetés – A túlzott okoseszköz-használat összefügg a magasabb stressz-szinttel, a rosszabb alvásminőséggel. Célunk a szülők és a serdülők figyelmének felhívása az internethasználat csökkentésére, a romló alvásminőség lehetséges következményeire

    Systemic antibiotic prophylaxis does not affect infectious complications in 1 pediatric burn injury: a meta-analysis

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    In pediatric burns the use of systemic antibiotic prophylaxis is a standard procedure in some burn centers, though its beneficial effect on the infectious complications is debated. The present meta-analysis aimed at determining whether systemic antibiotic prophylaxis prevents infectious complications in pediatric patients with burn injuries. We searched the PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library databases from inception to August 2019. We included 6 studies, in which event rates of infectious complications were reported in children with burn injuries receiving or not receiving systemic antibiotic prophylaxis. We found that the overall odds ratio (OR) of developing an infection (including local and systemic) was not different between the groups (OR = 1.35; 95% CI, 0.44, 4.18). The chances for systemic infectious complications alone were also not different between antibiotic-treated and non-treated patients (OR = 0.74; 95% CI, 0.38, 1.45). Based on the age, affected total body surface area, and country income level, we did not find any subgroup that benefited from the prophylaxis. Our findings provide quantitative evidence for the inefficacy of systemic antibiotic prophylaxis in preventing infections in pediatric burns. To validate our conclusion, multinational, randomized trials in a diverse population of children with burn injuries are warranted

    Hyperbilirubinemia exaggerates endotoxin-induced hypothermia

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    Systemic inflammation is accompanied by an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and by either fever or hypothermia (or both). To study aseptic systemic inflammation, it is often induced in rats by the intravenous administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Knowing that bilirubin is a potent ROS scavenger, we compared responses to LPS between normobilirubinemic Gunn rats (heterozygous, asymptomatic; J/+) and hyperbilirubinemic Gunn rats (homozygous, jaundiced; J/J) to establish whether ROS mediate fever and hypothermia in aseptic systemic inflammation. These two genotypes correspond to undisturbed versus drastically suppressed (by bilirubin) tissue accumulation of ROS, respectively. A low dose of LPS (10 μg/kg) caused a typical triphasic fever in both genotypes, without any intergenotype differences. A high dose of LPS (1,000 μg/kg) caused a complex response consisting of early hypothermia followed by late fever. The hypothermic response was markedly exaggerated, whereas the subsequent fever response was strongly attenuated in J/J rats, as compared to J/+ rats. J/J rats also tended to respond to 1,000 μg/kg with blunted surges in plasma levels of all hepatic enzymes studied (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transferase), thus suggesting an attenuation of hepatic damage. We propose that the reported exaggeration of LPS-induced hypothermia in J/J rats occurs via direct inhibition of nonshivering thermogenesis by bilirubin and possibly via a direct vasodilatatory action of bilirubin in the skin. This hypothermia-exaggerating effect might be responsible, at least in part, for the observed tendency of J/J rats to be protected from LPS-induced hepatic damage. The attenuation of the fever response to 1,000 μg/kg could be due to either direct actions of bilirubin on thermoeffectors or the ROS-scavenging action of bilirubin. However, the experiments with 10 μg/kg strongly suggest that ROS signaling is not involved in the fever response to low doses of LPS

    Stereolithography 3D Printing of a Heat Exchanger for Advanced Temperature Control in Wire Myography

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    We report the additive manufacturing of a heat-exchange device that can be used as a cooling accessory in a wire myograph. Wire myography is used for measuring vasomotor responses in small resistance arteries; however, the commercially available devices are not capable of active cooling. Here, we critically evaluated a transparent resin material, in terms of mechanical, structural, and thermal behavior. Tensile strength tests (67.66 &plusmn; 1.31 MPa), Charpy impact strength test (20.70 &plusmn; 2.30 kJ/m2), and Shore D hardness measurements (83.0 &plusmn; 0.47) underlined the mechanical stability of the material, supported by digital microscopy, which revealed a glass-like structure. Differential scanning calorimetry with thermogravimetry analysis and thermal conductivity measurements showed heat stability until ~250 &deg;C and effective heat insulation. The 3D-printed heat exchanger was tested in thermophysiology experiments measuring the vasomotor responses of rat tail arteries at different temperatures (13, 16, and 36 &deg;C). The heat-exchange device was successfully used as an accessory of the wire myograph system to cool down the experimental chambers and steadily maintain the targeted temperatures. We observed temperature-dependent differences in the vasoconstriction induced by phenylephrine and KCl. In conclusion, the transparent resin material can be used in additive manufacturing of heat-exchange devices for biomedical research, such as wire myography. Our animal experiments underline the importance of temperature-dependent physiological mechanisms, which should be further studied to understand the background of the thermal changes and their consequences

    Distinct patterns of serum and urine macrophage migration inhibitory factor kinetics predict death in sepsis: a prospective, observational clinical study

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    Abstract Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has been considered as a biomarker in sepsis, however the predictive value of the pattern of its kinetics in the serum and in the urine has remained unclarified. It is also unclear whether the kinetics of MIF are different between males and females. We conducted a single-center prospective, observational study with repeated measurements of MIF in serum and urine on days 0, 2, and 4 from admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) in 50 adult septic patients. We found that in patients who died within 90 days, there was an increase in serum MIF level from day 0 to 4, whereas in the survivors there was rather a decrease (p = 0.018). The kinetics were sex-dependent as the same difference in the pattern was present in males (p = 0.014), but not in females (p = 0.418). We also found that urine MIF was markedly lower in patients who died than in survivors of sepsis (p < 0.050). Urine MIF levels did not show temporal changes: there was no meaningful difference between day 0 and 4. These results suggest that kinetics of serum MIF during the initial days from ICU admission can predict death, especially in male patients. Additionally, lower urine MIF levels can also indicate death without showing meaningful temporal kinetics